Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:10, 06.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu, in phone call with Emirati counterpart addresses Gaza humanitarian situation

ForMin Odobescu, in phone call with Emirati counterpart addresses Gaza humanitarian situation

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her Emirati counterpart, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on Tuesday evening, during which the two officials had an exchange of…

10:50, 05.03.2024

Scheduled events for March 5, 2024

Scheduled events for March 5, 2024

PRESIDENCY: - President Klaus Iohannis welcomes at the Cotroceni presidential palace:* the Republic of Moldova's counterpart, Maia Sandu;* the president of the Spanish People's Party, Alberto Nunez Feijoo; * the…

17:15, 01.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu, at Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, will talk about strengthening Black Sea international profile

ForMin Odobescu, at Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, will talk about strengthening Black Sea international profile

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, will participate, on Saturday, at the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya - ADF 2024, where she will talk about the importance of strengthening the profile of the Black…

10:46, 29.02.2024

Romanian defence minister, Moroccan foreign minister discuss military collaboration, Black Sea situation

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Wednesday met Kingdom of Morocco Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Nasser Bourita, in a context in which the high officials discussed…

22:45, 28.02.2024

Government informs that 125,000 euros is Romania's voluntary financial contribution to OECD budget

The Government approved on Wednesday the payment of Romania's voluntary financial contribution to the OECD budget in the amount of 125,000 euros. According to a press release from the Government, at the proposal…

20:00, 28.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu, Deputy PM for Reintegration of Republic of Moldova Serebrian, about Transnistrian file

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a meeting, on Wednesday, with the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Serebrian, who is visiting Bucharest, in which…

09:00, 28.02.2024

Two Romanian citizens die in Valencia fire

Two Romanian citizens died in the fire in Valencia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informed on Tuesday. They had initially been declared missing.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the families of…

12:30, 20.02.2024

Radu Crăciun: Super anul democrației sau al ipocriziei?

Anul 2024 este prezentat pe toate canalele media ca fiind “super anul democratiei”. Este, fara doar si poate, un an exceptional, avand in vedere ca se vor desfasura peste 80 de alegeri nationale, cu consecinte…

14:05, 19.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu, on death of Navalny: No doubt about responsibility of Putin regime

There is no doubt regarding the responsibility of the regime of Russian president Vladimir Putin for the death of the main opponent of the Kremlin, Alexei Navalny, said Romanian Foreign minister Luminita Odobescu…

11:10, 19.02.2024

Scheduled events for February 19, 2024

SENATE: - Senate president Nicolae Ciuca visits Spain, has meetings with counterpart Pedro Rollan, chairs of the Defence and Foreign Affairs' committees of the Spanish Senate, visits the EU Satellite Centre, meets…

08:40, 19.02.2024

Romania supports adoption of new package of sanctions against Russia

Romania supports the adoption of a new package of sanctions against Russia, enforced by the European Union, declared, on Sunday, for AGERPRES, the minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu. The head of Romanian…

08:31, 19.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu to attend Foreign Affairs Council's reunion in Brussels, tackle Gaza humanitarian situation

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu will participate, on Monday, in the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the EU member states - the Foreign Affairs Council, which will take place in Brussels,…

20:06, 15.02.2024

Transport Minister Grindeanu: Infrastructure - an area of strategic importance for Romania

Infrastructure is an area of strategic importance for Romania, carrying a host of opportunities in the next decade, Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu told the Italy - Romania Economic…

13:35, 13.02.2024

China opposes ‘illegal sanctions’ after proposed EU trade curbs

China said it firmly opposes “illegal sanctions” in a response to the European Union’s proposal to impose trade restrictions on three Chinese firms as part of efforts to hobble Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine,…

23:35, 12.02.2024

Cum a unit războiul din Gaza Orientul Mijlociu. De ce un front panislamic ar putea fi cea mai mare provocare pentru SUA

Războiul din Fășia Gaza a unit Orientul Mijlociu, iar un nou front panislamic ar putea fi cea mai mare provocare pentru America, în timp ce Iranul își face jocul, scrie politologul Toby Matthiesen, într-o amplă…

11:20, 12.02.2024

Scheduled events for February 12, 2024

EXECUTIVE:- PM Marcel Ciolacu to hold consultations with the representatives of the Concordia trade unions confederation DIPLOMACY:- Secretary of state for European Affairs Daniela Gitman participates in the informal…

22:25, 09.02.2024

Dialogue between ForMin Odobescu and British counterpart on future support of Ukraine

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her British counterpart, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development, David Cameron, on Friday.The…

21:55, 06.02.2024

Cum și-a adaptat Rusia mașinăria de război pentru a prelua inițiativa strategică pe front. Rezultatul poate fi o înfrângere ucraineană, spune un strateg…

De la începutul invaziei, Moscova și-a îmbunătățit structura de comandă și control, capacitatea de apărare, strategia de asalt - chiar dacă una simplă, bazată frecvent pe soldați „de unică folosință” - și-a dezvoltat…

21:45, 06.02.2024

Ciuca: I trust that Romanian MEPs continue to be vocal in supporting Government in Chisinau at European level

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, highlighted, on Tuesday, in the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration from Chisinau, Mihai Popsoi, that Romania…

13:35, 06.02.2024

Republic of Moldova is in front line of hybrid war orchestrated by Kremlin (ForMin Odobescu)

The Republic of Moldova is "in the front line of the hybrid war orchestrated by the Kremlin," stated, on Tuesday, the minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, in a joint press statement with her counterpart…

20:50, 05.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land borders

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land bordersRomania and Bulgaria are coordinating to achieve, "as soon as possible," the common goal of having their…

09:45, 01.02.2024

Șeful CIA a scris un articol de o duritate fără precedent: analiza care dă fiori lumii întregi

Nu este tocmai obișnuit ca șeful CIA să scrie un articol lung pentru a-și explica poziția față de cea mai gravă criză internațională în care este implicată agenția externă americană. Dar asta face William Burns…

14:00, 31.01.2024

Șeful CIA: Războiul din Ucraina slăbește lent controlul lui Putin asupra puterii

Războiul Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei a erodat controlul președintelui rus Vladimir Putin asupra puterii, a slăbit armata rusă și a alimentat un ”curent subteran de nemulțumire” în interiorul țării, a afirmat William…

11:46, 31.01.2024

Războiul din Ucraina a erodat puterea lui Putin și a permis SUA să recruteze mai mulți spioni ruși, spune șeful CIA

„Curentul subteran” de dezamăgire a rușilor față de conducerea lor creează o oportunitate de recrutare care apare o dată la o generație pentru CIA”, a scris șeful serviciului secret american într-un eseu pentru…

10:16, 31.01.2024

Turkey's foreign minister paying visit to Bucharest

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Fidan will pay a visit Bucharest on Wednesday.According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Turkish official will have a meeting with the head of diplomacy…

05:35, 31.01.2024

Sfârșitul entuziasmului: directorul CIA nu vede cu optimism evoluția Ucrainei în conflictul cu Rusia în 2024

Anul 2024 va fi probabil unul dificil pentru Ucraina în lupta sa cu Rusia în 2024, a declarat marți directorul CIA, William Burns, afirmând totodată că întreruperea ajutorului american pentru administraţia de la…

14:30, 29.01.2024

MAE notes with concern allegations of involvement of UNRWA members in Hamas attacks on Israel

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) said on Monday that it has taken note with "utmost concern" of recent serious accusations regarding the alleged involvement of staff members of the United Nations Relief and…

18:05, 26.01.2024

Romania no longer under infringement procedure for three industrial combustion plants

The infringement procedure in which Romania was in, related to the industrial emissions produced by three combustion plants, has been stopped, informs a press release from the Ministry of Environment, Waters and…

10:10, 23.01.2024

Scheduled events for January 23

Scheduled events for January 23PRESIDENCY: - Annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, with a speech by president Klaus Iohannis DIPLOMACY: - Foreign Affairs minister Luminita…

20:35, 22.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu: Romania continues to support the two-state solution in the Israel-Hamas conflict

The minister of foreign affairs, Luminita Odobescu, on Monday told AGERPRES that Romania continues to support the two-state solution, in the context of the Israel-Hamas conflict.While attending the Foreign Affairs…