Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:43, 22.04.2020

ALDE criticising President Iohannis for filling in for gov't

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) on Wednesday criticised President Klaus Iohannis for his latest statements saying that Iohannis "goes out publicly to tell us what the Orban government will do", "so…

18:54, 19.09.2019

PM Dancila, about vote for Kovesi: Accusations must be cleared before filling position

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila declared that "Romania's image would suffer" if the accusations brought to Laura Codruta Kovesi were true and specified that the vote given by Romania's representative to the EU at…

15:42, 02.08.2019

Caracal case/ DIICOT complex investigation at suspect's home, concrete-filled pits at the scene searched too

Prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and forensic police will conduct on Friday a complex and thorough investigation at the home of Gheorghe Dinca, the main suspect…

16:26, 25.07.2019

Auchan Romania to take over Petrom filling station stores

The Competition Council has authorized the takeover by Auchan Romania SA of the food and non-food Petrom filling station stores, the competition authority informed in a release.A member of Auchan Holding SA, retailer…

17:33, 21.06.2019

AEP head: In the elections,there were only errors in filling in minutes; valid votes data unchanged

Head of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) Florin Mituletu-Buica stated that there were only errors in filling in the minutes in the elections to the European Parliament and the referendum on 26 May, and the…

09:23, 20.02.2019

Gov't amends justice legislation; JusMin Toader: Management vacancies at prosecution offices cannot be filled by reassignment

The government on Tuesday passed an emergency ordinance amending the justice legislation that refers, among other things, to reassignments to high-level positions in the Public Prosecution Service, according to…

17:29, 19.02.2019

CSM validates results of contest for appointing prosecutors at Section for investigating crimes in Justice

The Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Tuesday approved the results of the contest for filling the positions of prosecutors at the Section for investigating crimes in Justice."The plenary sitting of the Supreme…

11:56, 06.03.2018

FGS Familia și Fillea CGIL - acord de colaborare pentru protecția lucrătorilor români din sectorul Construcții din Italia

La Roma, s-a semnat, pe 26 februarie, un acord între federațiile sindicale din sectorul construcțiilor din România și Italia, respectiv FGS Familia și Fillea CGIL, cu scopul de a oferi un sprijn mai mare muncitorilor…

22:32, 12.02.2018

Alaturi de Alessandro Monticelli si Claudio Pagone: Constanteanca Lelia Rus Pirvan prezinta Novas Formas“ la Castel di Sangro, in Italia

Expozitia itineranta de grafica "Forme Nuoveldquo; "Novas Formasldquo;, care reuneste lucrari ale constantencei Lelia Rus Pirvan si ale Grupului Mamp;P, format din artistii italieni Alessandro Monticelli si Claudio…

13:11, 08.12.2017


Maestrul Ion Paulencu s-a născut la 5 decembrie 1940, în s. Voloca, regiunea Cernăuți, Ucraina. După absolvirea școlii medii, a lucrat ca muncitor la căile ferate, la parcul de tramvaie şi la rețeaua de drumuri…

16:43, 07.12.2017

Special Parliamentary Committee: DNA falls under law with prosecutors appointed by Chief Prosecutor

Special Parliamentary Committee debating on Justice laws on Thursday adopted an amendment saying that the prosecutors who want to work with the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) must participate in a vacancy-filling…

12:57, 20.04.2017

Rompetrol considering opening first eco-friendly filling station in Romania (official)

Rompetrol is considering building the first eco-friendly petrol station in Romania in 2020, KMG International Communications and Sustainability Manager Costinela Dragan told "Sustainability: Shaping the future…

19:32, 31.08.2016

Proiect al artiştilor români prezentat în Statele Unite ale Americii

Proiectul a fost selectat să facă parte din  programul de finanţare şi de parteneriate culturale „CentenArt” pentru anul 2016 al Institutului Cultural Român, fiind derulat în parteneriat cu The International…

13:37, 11.03.2016

Qualified Essay Make it possible for for all those Kids Which Are Aiming at Higher than average End results

Qualified Essay Make it possible for for all those Kids Which Are Aiming at Higher than average End results Filling out essays and research documents, is, truthfully, an excellent assignment. Nevertheless, some…

13:09, 10.09.2014

The beginning of a new magic season @ Skin Music Lounge

Following a wonderful summer spent together, Skin Music Lounge invite you this Friday, 17th of September, to kick-start a whole new season. Fun filled nights and moments besides dear friends await us. They promise…

12:00, 26.11.2013

Vezi lucrarile premiate la ”Anuala de Arhitectura Nord-Vest 2013”

Vineri, 22 noiembrie, Filiala Nord – Vest a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania a decernat premiile “Anualei de Arhitectura Nord-Vest 2013”. Premiile acordate de catre Filiala Nord – Vest a Ordinului Arhitectilor…

16:27, 19.09.2013

Rompetrol launches a new concept of filling stations

The Rompetrol Group, through the local retail division Rompetrol Downstream, launches today a new concept of gas filling stations, following the completion of works to modernize the gas station located in Otopeni,…

20:42, 22.03.2013

Elvira Deatcu îşi sărbărtoreşte astăzi ziua de naştere pe scena teatrului

Prima persoana care i-a urat “La multi ani!” Elvirei Deatcu a fost sotul ei, care a intampinat-o cu una dintre florile ei preferate: “Sotul meu mi-a zis primul “La multi ani!” si cand am iesit din dormitor am primit…

15:08, 06.03.2012

VIDEO/ Raport CGIL- Muncitori aduşi din România să lucreze ilegal la noua linie de metro de la Roma

Sindicatul muncitorilor în domeniul construcţiilor Fillea, din cadrul CGIL, a dat publicităţii, la sfârşitul lunii februarie, un raport cu privire la situaţia dramatică de pe şantierele noii linii de metrou C din…