Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:15, 20.10.2021

Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara organizează SIM 2021: Rolul managementului în criza Covid-19

În perioada 21-23 octombrie 2021, Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, Facultatea de Management în Producție și Transporturi, Departamentul de Management, împreună cu Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Facultatea…

18:05, 30.09.2021

Integrarea tinerilor NEET prin antreprenoriat. Conferința de final a proiectului „NEETs in Entrepreneurship“

Circa 100 de participanți s-au alăturat unei conferințe virtuale menite să pună în discuție învățămintele desprinse și perspectivele viitoare în ceea ce privește găsirea unor soluții de angajare a tinerilor europeni…

20:10, 21.09.2021

CONAF: Economic mission to Republic of Cyprus to strengthen economic and trade cooperation

The delegation of the National Confederation for Women's Entrepreneurship (CONAF) carried out the first economic mission abroad, in the Republic of Cyprus, between September 14-15, in order to promote women's entrepreneurship,…

12:15, 03.09.2021

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta: Au inceput inscrierile pentru a treia editie a Școlii de vara Ovidius Innovation Entrepreneurship Summer School

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta UOC organizeaza, in perioada 13 24 septembrie, pentru al treilea an consecutiv, scoala de vara "Ovidius Innovation amp; Entrepreneurship Summer School", informeaza conf. univ.…

15:15, 19.08.2021

Romanian exporters&importers association files criminal complaint against Minister of Economy

The National Association of Romanian Exporters and Importers (ANEIR) forwarded the General Prosecutor's Office a criminal complaint against the Minister of Economy, Claudiu Nasui, accusing him of abuse in office…

21:20, 17.06.2021

Five offers submitted by credit institutions, accepted for implementation of state aid scheme in tourism

The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) has accepted five partnership offers out of 11 submitted by credit institutions interested in implementing the state aid scheme in the field of tourism,…

12:25, 04.06.2021

EconMin Nasui: Exemption from taxes for minimum wage beneficial for agriculture, HoReCa

"Zero taxes on the minimum wage" is an idea to reduce territorial inequalities, and exemption from any form of taxation, tariff, and contribution would have a very high impact in sectors such as agriculture and…

13:35, 19.04.2021

Out of 57 measures lodged by Economy Ministry for business environment, 55 are not yet implemented

As many as 55 of the 57 measures to support the business environment proposed by the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) through the programme assumed by the governing alliance were not implemented…

15:30, 12.04.2021

Entrepreneurship Smart Team in Online Society, proiect educațional derulat de Universitatea Valahia

Facultatea de Științe Economice din cadrul Universității „Valahia” din Târgoviște a câștigat prin competiție un proiect ce se implementează în Post-ul Entrepreneurship Smart Team in Online Society, proiect educațional…

22:01, 09.04.2021

Economy Minister Nasui signs three agreements between Romania and Hungary, in Budapest

The Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Claudiu Nasui, and his Hungarian counterpart, Peter Szijjarto, signed three agreements between Budapest and Hungary in Budapest on Friday, agerpres.ro confirms.…

17:01, 17.03.2021

Airbus Helicopters, IAR beef up strategic partnership for H145M helicopter

Airbus Helicopters and IAR have inked an Industrial Cooperation Agreement for the customization of the H145M helicopter for the Romanian armed forces' attack missions, in the presence of Claudiu Nasui, minister…

10:55, 17.03.2021

Contracts of over 300 mln lei for educational infrastructure, quality of life and entrepreneurship

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila signed on Wednesday 36 new financing contracts through the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014 - 2020, in a total amount of over 300 million…

08:35, 08.03.2021

Official discussions on the opportunities that Romania offers to foreign investors

I had the privilege of meeting Nova Stevens, one of the most influential business people in the fashion, real estate and interior design industry. Entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with her role of women's rights…

23:20, 03.03.2021

92 pct of Economy Ministry's budget to be spent as aid to private sector affected by pandemic restrictions

A share of 92 percent of the budget assigned to the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism will be spent on aid granted to private companies affected by the restrictions imposed for reigning in the pandemic,…

12:50, 26.02.2021

Budget of the Ministry of Economy, favorable opinion in Parliament's Committee for Budget, Finance, and Banks

The 2021 budget of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) received a favorable opinion on Friday from the joint Parliament's Committees for Budget, Finance, and Banks, according to AGERPRES.…

18:30, 23.02.2021

Microinvest și EFSE Entrepreneurship Academy susțin afacerile locale în lupta împotriva pandemiei

Marea provocare a anului 2020, pandemia COVID-19, a avut un impact semnificativ asupra economiei țării și mediului de afaceri, în special a întreprinderilor micro, mici și mijlocii, care încă înfruntă consecințele…

16:50, 17.02.2021

Legea Drulă pentru Metoda Lena

Autor:  Octavian ȘTIREANU Actuala guvernare este pe cale să producă o lovitură cu mare impact atât asupra economiei, cât și asupra politicii externe a României: interzicerea Chinei pe piața românească de bunuri…

17:01, 15.02.2021

Mischie(HORA):We have EconMin approval for 2.5 billion RON for supporting hospitality industry

The Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Claudiu Nasui, gave his approval for the allocation of 2.5 billion RON for supporting the operators from the tourism industry, the president of the Romanian…

20:50, 04.02.2021

DefMin Ciuca: Defense Ministry's direct payments to Romanian companies at over 1.5 bln lei in 2020

Direct payments in 2020 by the National Defense Ministry to Romanian companies totaled over 1.5 billion lei, Defense Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, mentioning also that payments for infrastructure works…

09:25, 19.01.2021

PM adopts decisions regarding Deputy PMs Kelemen Hunor's and Dan Barna's responsibilities

Prime Minister Florin Citu decided on Monday the duties of Deputy Prime Ministers Kelemen Hunor and Dan Barna, according to AGERPRES. Thus, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the major priorities of the governing…

17:45, 11.01.2021

EconMin says determinate to facilitate French investors' access to Romanian market

Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Claudiu Nasui on Monday voiced his determination to facilitate the access of French investors to the Romanian market, by speeding up the debureaucratization process…

10:05, 08.01.2021

EconMin Nasui: Capping pay at so-called self-financed orgs at President's pay, common-sense criterion

Capping wages at the so-called self-financed organisations at the level accorded to the President of Romania is a common-sense criterion, especially for Romania, which is not a rich country, Minister of Economy,…

09:55, 08.01.2021

Minister Nasui: I believe state-owned companies need to be massively reformed

State-owned companies need to be massively reformed and only those people with whom the reform should be carried out, Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Claudiu Nasui told on Thursday evening private…

09:50, 08.01.2021

Minister of Economy, Claudiu Nasui: 'Zero tax on the minimum salary - absolutely achievable measure'

The zero tax on the minimum salary is the best measure we can take to combat poverty and I hope it will be applied in agriculture as of 2022, where there are low wages and very high tax evasion, the Minister of…

11:35, 07.01.2021

President Iohannis to meet PM Citu and other ministers

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday is set to meet, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, with Prime Minister Florin Citu and several other representatives of the Government, according to AGERPRES. Thus, participating…

12:05, 04.01.2021

Romanian Hotels and Restaurants' Employers Association calls on Gov't to urgently reopen indoor restaurants

The Romanian Hotels and Restaurants' Employers Association (HORA) calls for the immediate reopening of indoor restaurants, with the implementation of health safety measures, and removing them from the rule of 3…

19:50, 18.12.2020

Justice, Transport, Health, European Fund Ministries to go to USR PLUS

Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Alliance co-chairs Dan Barna and Dacian Ciolos announced on Friday evening, following negotiations with the National Liberal Party (PNL) and…

16:30, 30.10.2020

US Ambassador in Bucharest says strongly believes Romania can be world leader and role model in entrepreneurship

A healthy entrepreneurial environment is a key element in building and consolidating democracy, and Romania can be a world leader and a role model for countries in the region, the US ambassador in Bucharest, Adrian…

09:12, 27.03.2020

Se întâmplă și lucruri bune în criza coronavirusului. Zeci de voluntari care nu se cunosc lucrează împreună ca să ajute spitalele

Criza provocată de noul coronavirus a scos la iveală multe deficienţe în societatea noastră, însă este și o ocazie de a privi spre acei oameni care încearcă să le rezolve. Un grup de voluntari și ONG-uri caută…

22:06, 05.03.2020

KeysFin survey: Women accounting for 37 pct of Romania's total number of shareholders

Romania has currently over 500,000 women shareholders who account for 37 percent of the total number of the country's shareholders, reveals the latest KeysFin survey titled "Women's Entrepreneurship, a Decade of…