Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:40, 06.04.2022

Romania planning to promote customised tourism offers in Germany, with emphasis on spa and health segment

At a meeting with German ambassador Peer Gebauer, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism Constantin-Daniel Cadariu proposed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for bilateral tourism cooperation as a…

08:21, 02.04.2022

Politicienii europeni doresc susținerea viitorilor unicorni, dar nimeni nu știe ce startup va deveni unul. Profesor: Trebuie să lucrăm la norme care acceptă…

Există un mit potrivit căruia Guvernul ar trebui să se ocupe de startup-urile unicorni și să le susțină, conform prof. Nicolaus Franke, director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Academic director…

18:05, 28.03.2022

Sfaturi din SUA pentru antreprenorii români: Identificați domenii în care puteți face o diferență reală, în contextul războiului din Ucraina

Carrie Santos, CEO-ul Entrepreneurs` Organization, una dintre cele mai mari asociații antreprenoriale din SUA, care activează și în România, a stat de vorbă cu StartupCafe.ro și ne-a răspuns la câteva întrebări…

22:35, 25.03.2022

Entrepreneurial Advertising: The Future Of Marketing

Find people with high expectations and a low tolerance for excuses. They’ll have higher expectations for you than you have for yourself. Don’t flatter yourself that this has much to do with you – this is just who…

17:35, 24.03.2022

Minister for Entrepreneurship and Tourism: Last beneficiaries of Measure 2 to receive money in the next period

The Minister for Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Constantin-Daniel Cadariu, declared on Thursday in Alba Iulia that until the end of March all the amounts due through Measure 2 - "Grants for working capital'' will…

13:20, 22.03.2022

Romanian entrepreneurs anticipate new economic crisis in Romania, consequence of Ukraine conflict (survey)

Most of Romanian entrepreneurs (93.5%) say that there will be a new economic crisis in Romania, based on the military conflict at the border, according to a survey presented on Tuesday during a press conference,…

22:20, 03.03.2022

Growth potential of commercial-investment relations between Romania, Poland, discussed by Ministers Cadariu, Nowak

The substantial potential for growth of the commercial-investment relations between Romania and Poland was emphasized on Thursday by the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Constantin-Daniel Cadariu, during…

20:50, 28.02.2022

Holiday vouchers for private companies up to sixfold national minimum wage, fully tax deductible

The value of holiday vouchers for private companies can reach up to sixfold the national minimum wage, the amount can be fully tax deductible and no social contributions are charged for them, Minister of Entrepreneurship…

23:45, 24.02.2022

Should number of ICU beds drops to 900, we can consider lifting some restrictions (HealthMin Rafila)

The restrictions will be relaxed under certain conditions and we must have at least two steps, and if in the next period the number of intensive care beds drops to 900, some restrictions could be considered to…

13:11, 24.02.2022

Tourism Fair of Romania: Economy's heroes are entrepreneurs (PNL's Citu)

All entrepreneurs are heroes in the economy, said on Thursday the president of the Senate, liberal leader Florin Citu, at a press conference, held at the Romanian Tourism Fair, at Romexpo exhibition centre in northern…

12:35, 15.02.2022

One-third of entrepreneurs in Romania laying off people; 8pct close down amid soaring energy bills

More than 34% of entrepreneurs in Romania say they are downsizing their workforce due to soaring electricity and gas bills, and 8% are shutting up shop, according to a survey conducted by the National Council of…

18:40, 03.02.2022

French MEDEF member companies are interested in expanding their investments in Romania (ministry)

Representatives of some French companies interested in expanding their business or investments in Romania discussed, on Wednesday, with the Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship…

17:35, 01.02.2022

Andreea Paul (INACO): I recommend introduction of digital, entrepreneurial education in schools starting first grade

Digital and entrepreneurial education should be introduced in the educational system starting with the first grade, not as a distinct discipline, but as a red line going through all materials, said, on Tuesday,…

13:51, 01.02.2022

EBRD and Ascendis launch IncubatorX SME for entrepreneurs who want to innovate

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Ascendis, a training and consulting company, launched IncubatorX SME on Tuesday, a program through which companies in Romania and the region can get in…

00:05, 26.01.2022

FOTO | Trei granturi Erasmus+, la Liceul „Alexandru Marghiloman”, în perioada de pandemie

Liceul „Alexandru Marghiloman” beneficiază, în această perioadă, de trei granturi Erasmus+. Este vorba despre „Entrepreneurial skills in the world of business”, „All women Around the World, Unite!” și „Game Literacy…

17:25, 18.01.2022

Situation of Romanian seaside beaches, ski areas development, analyzed by Tourism and Environment ministers

The Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Constantin-Daniel Cadariu, had a work meeting on Tuesday with Tanczos Barna, the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests, in order to discuss about the Romanian…

18:26, 14.01.2022

PM Ciuca: Gov't wants to start a joint entrepreneurship education programme with banks

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Friday, during consultations with officials of the Romanian Association of Banks (ARB), that an inter-ministerial department for dialogue with the banks will be created at the…

19:10, 13.01.2022

PM Ciuca visits Nuclear Physics Institute to boost completion of ELI-NP project

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca paid a working visit to the Horia Hulubei National Nuclear Physics and Engineering Institute on Thursday to discuss with the institute's management solutions to meet the deadline of…

14:55, 10.01.2022

SME National Council launches Startup Ingenium project, to encourage entrepreneurship among students

The Startup Ingenium project, co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020, with a total value of 9.681 million lei (of which 9.661 million lei non-reimbursable…

15:00, 07.01.2022

Gov't could launch HoReCa 2 aid scheme, but only after budget revision

The Government has in view launching a HoReCa2 aid scheme, which may include also companies in the domain of connected services, such as leisure activities, but only in the second half of the year, after the budget…

15:15, 03.01.2022

Romania's GDP goes up by 17 billion Euro in 2021, from 2019 (minister)

Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has gone up in 2021 by 17 billion Euro, as opposed to 2019 and reached almost 1.190 billion RON, a historic record, according to the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism,…

18:31, 24.11.2021

Daniel Cadariu clears committees hearings for minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Daniel Cadariu cleared hearings at a joint meeting of Parliament's select committees on Wednesday for minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, with 32 votes "in favour" and 12 votes "against". The vote in the…

05:26, 20.11.2021

EXCELENT: „Povestea Vinului pe pasajele Bistriței” a fost apreciată și promovată de Comisia Europeană”

Un motiv de mândrie în plus! Evenimentul care a însuflețit astă vară pasajele din oraș a fost oferit drept exemplu pe site-ul Comisiei Europene, fiind catalogat drept „un exemplu esențial”… „Povestea Vinului pe…

10:35, 08.11.2021

MEAT: Romania-US strategic partnership, bridge for developing relations between business communities

The strategic partnership between Romania and the United States is a bridge for developing bilateral co-operation between the Romanian and American business communities, according to a statement from the Romanian…

17:01, 01.11.2021

Care este cel mai rău coșmar care s-ar putea întâmpla cu cripto? Experții răspund

Anul acesta, Bitcoin împlinește 13 ani, iar din moment ce 31 octombrie este și ziua în care se sărbătorește Halloween-ul, am decis să combinăm aceste două evenimente într-unul singur, conform cointelegraph.com…

16:15, 20.10.2021

Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara organizează SIM 2021: Rolul managementului în criza Covid-19

În perioada 21-23 octombrie 2021, Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, Facultatea de Management în Producție și Transporturi, Departamentul de Management, împreună cu Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Facultatea…

10:16, 05.10.2021

BRAND MINDS The Global Thinkers Business Summit introduce plățile crypto prin ELROND eGOLD token

Pentru ediția 2022, care va avea loc în perioada 17-18 iunie la Romexpo, BRAND MINDS anunță introducerea sistemului de plată crypto, în premieră pentru un eveniment de business de asemenea amploare, din România. „Suntem…

18:05, 30.09.2021

Integrarea tinerilor NEET prin antreprenoriat. Conferința de final a proiectului „NEETs in Entrepreneurship“

Circa 100 de participanți s-au alăturat unei conferințe virtuale menite să pună în discuție învățămintele desprinse și perspectivele viitoare în ceea ce privește găsirea unor soluții de angajare a tinerilor europeni…

20:10, 21.09.2021

CONAF: Economic mission to Republic of Cyprus to strengthen economic and trade cooperation

The delegation of the National Confederation for Women's Entrepreneurship (CONAF) carried out the first economic mission abroad, in the Republic of Cyprus, between September 14-15, in order to promote women's entrepreneurship,…

11:55, 25.08.2021

Romanian Business Leaders: Romanian entrepreneurs demand firm measures to keep Romania open

Romanian Business Leaders organization encourages the Romanian Government to take firm action as the Romanian business environment and society as a whole can no longer afford to bear the cost of closing schools…