Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:05, 09.04.2021

Start of general fishing ban in Romania

The general spring fishing ban began on Friday in Romania's natural habitats, with the fishing closure next imposed in border waters - the Danube River section shared with Bulgaria and the waters that define the…

11:21, 16.03.2021

Anonimul International Independent Film Festival to be held August 9-15 in Sfantu Gheorghe

The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival's 18th edition will take place between August 9 and 15, in Sfantu Gheorghe, in the Danube Delta. According to a press release of the Anonimul Foundation sent…

17:50, 05.03.2021

INVESTIGATION: Where did the European Union’s billion euros for the Danube Delta actually go?

(photo by Nathalie Bertrams) Our investigation reveals how the European Union’s €1.114 billion investment to save the Danube Delta passed into the hands of a network of Romanian politicians, NGOs and businessmen. …

18:30, 27.02.2021

INVESTIGATION. The EU has given a billion euros to the Danube Delta. Where has the money gone?

Fisherman in the Danube Delta (Ⓒ Nathalie Bertrams) A billion of euros was distributed by a few people connected through personal relations, businesses or political interests. The money were sent by the Brussels…

18:20, 27.02.2021

INVESTIGATION. Where has ended up the billion of euros from the EU for the Danube Delta. People controlling the money

Fisherman in the Danube Delta (Ⓒ Nathalie Bertrams) A billion of euros was distributed by a few people connected through personal relations, businesses or political interests. The money were sent by the Brussels…

18:55, 17.02.2021

BBC Journalist, Charlie Ottley, announces launch of new project, Wild Danube

The producer of famous documentaries like Wild Carpathia and Flavours of Romania, Charlie Ottley, has begun shooting a movie about the Danube river and the lives of the fishermen from the Danube Delta, a project…

13:05, 16.11.2020

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, 29 years since recognition as UNESCO World Heritage site

The Day of Romania's UNESCO World Heritage is celebrated every year on November 16, and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD) is Romania's first natural site listed as a world heritage place in 1991. "The Day…

21:50, 12.10.2020

Council of Europe renews European Diploma for Protected Areas of Danube Delta

The Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (ARBDD) in southeastern Tulcea announced, on Monday, that the members of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe have renewed, for the third…

12:35, 09.10.2020

Ce a spus Iulia Albu când a văzut o fotografie cu Loredana Groza în lenjerie intimă într-o poieniță. Scena s-a petrecut în direct, la Măruță

Cunoscutul critic vestimentar a desființat ideea divei muzicii românești de a posta o fotografie în care apare îmbrăcată provocator într-un decor natural.„Măi, soacra mea are ceva de genul... nu, staţi, staţi,…

19:46, 30.10.2019

China's Ambassador to Romania invites Tulcea to World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization

China's Ambassador to Romania, Jiang Yu, invited on Wednesday Tulcea County leadership to become member of the the World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization (WCCO) to develop tourism in…

20:34, 03.10.2019

Prosecutors seek 10-year prison sentence for ex Speaker Bogdan Olteanu, charged with influence peddling

An anti-graft prosecutor on Thursday asked the Bucharest Court to hand former Chamber of Deputies' Speaker Bogdan Olteanu the maximum penalty of 10 years in prison in a case where he is charged with having received…

19:41, 06.07.2019

PM Dancila: Many ethnicities in Danube Delta living together; an example for other areas

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has shown appreciation, during a visit in Sulina on Saturday, for the harmony in which the people of the Danube Delta live, even though they are part of different minorities, and…

17:21, 02.07.2019

MDRAP: 17.3 ml euro worth of EU funding for Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Program's large infrastructure projects

The Romanian and Ukrainian authorities signed four financing contracts with a total of 19.3 million euro, of which 17.3 million euro in European funding, allocated through the Romania - Ukraine 2014-2020 Joint…

15:53, 15.01.2019

Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt recites poem by Eminescu, in German and Romanian, on National Culture Day

German Ambassador in Bucharest Cord Meier-Klodt has recited Mihai Eminescu's poem "Revedere" (Reunion), on Romania's National Culture Day, and also inaugurated on the same occasion, in the courtyard of the embassy,…

13:56, 18.06.2018

Google Street View cars back to Romania for local image updates

Google Street View cars are back to Romania this summer to update Google Maps local photos, the company said in a release this Monday.  The focus this year will be on capturing photos of the highways and roads…

12:34, 18.05.2018

FAPT's Martin: We'll sell Russian tourists experiences, stories and not focus only on hotels

For the Russian tourist market we have to propose that the vacation in Romania be an experience, taking into account that Bulgaria has a higher promotion advantage, President of the Federation of Romania's Tourism…

14:06, 26.04.2018

RBDD's Musetescu: Fish poaching risks to ruin the Danube Delta

The fish poaching phenomenon risks to ruin the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD), on Thursday told AGERPRES this body's governor Malin Musetescu, who added that since the commencement of the fish prohibition…

15:32, 07.12.2017

RBDD Governor, Malin Musatescu: Danube Delta, on verge of fish bankruptcy

Governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD) Malin Musatescu stated in an interview granted to AGERPRES that as far as the fisheries' sector is concerned, the Danube Delta is on the verge of collapse and…

21:17, 01.07.2017

Auto: Vali Porcișteanu a câștigat Danube Delta Rally 2017

Echipajul format din Valentin Porcișteanu și Dan Dobre a câștigat, sâmbătă, Danube Delta Rally 2017, prima ediție din ultimii cinci ani ale cărei curse s-au desfășurat doar pe asfalt. Sursa foto: Vali Porcisteanu…

07:54, 01.07.2017

Alexandru Pitigoi, lider dupa prima zi din Danube Delta Rally 2017

Alexandru Pitigoi conduce in clasamentul Danube Delta Rally dupa primele trei probe ale intrecerii cu un avans consistent de 41 de secunde in fata lui Vali Porcisteanu in timp ce Sebastian Barbu este al treilea…

15:29, 30.06.2017

Danube Delta Rally încinge asfaltul la Tulcea

Un autoturism fabricat în anul 1924 a deschis, joi seara, Danube Delta Rally, prima ediție din ultimii cinci ani ale cărei curse se vor desfășura doar pe asfalt.Autoturismul fabricat în anul 1924, un Austin 20…

22:38, 29.06.2017

Auto: Danube Delta Rally a început la Tulcea

Un autoturism fabricat în anul 1924 a deschis, joi seara, Danube Delta Rally, prima ediție din ultimii cinci ani ale cărei curse se vor desfășura doar pe asfalt. Autoturismul fabricat în anul 1924, un Austin…

20:56, 28.06.2017

Aeroportul clujean a intrat in asociatia de promovare a litoralului

Aeroportul clujean a intrat în asociația de promovare a litoralului Asociația Litoral — Delta Dunării va promova stațiunea Mamaia cu fonduri ce provin din bugetul taxei de promovare a agenților economici. Mamaia…

08:47, 27.06.2017

43 de echipaje înscrise la Danube Delta Rally 2017

A fost publicat lista echipajelor înscrise la aceastî ediie a Danube Delta Rally un numr de 43 echipaje urmând s ia startul în acest weekend la Tulcea. Înscrierile continu pân Joi…

11:18, 23.05.2017

La Tulcea se pun la punct ultimele detalii înaintea startului Danube Delta Rally® 2017

Luni, 22.05.2017, cu 40 de zile înainte de startul Danube Delta Rally® 2017 aflat la ediția a XVIII-a, în cadrul unei întâlniri de lucru desfășurate pe teren, organizatorii evenimentului, alături de autoritățile…

09:17, 10.05.2017

Danube Delta Rally® 2017 cu sute de cai putere și zeci de ani de istorie

Mari 9 mai la sediul Consiliului Judeean Tulcea a avut loc conferina de pres a organizatorilor evenimentului Danube Delta Rally® 2017. Astfel organizatorii evenimentului au dezvluit câteva din surprizele…

19:04, 09.05.2017

Raliul Deltei Dunării, la a cincea ediție

Marți, de la ora 11.00, la sala Dobrogea a Consiliului Județean Tulcea, în cadrul unei conferințe de presă, a fost prezentat programul Danube Delta Rally 2017, ediția a V-a. La conferință au participat Mihai Tănase,…

15:14, 09.05.2017

Auto: Danube Delta Rally 2017 va aduce în Tulcea automobile de epocă

Peste 60 de echipaje sunt aşteptate la sfârşitul lunii iunie în judeţul Tulcea la cea de-a V-a ediţie a Danube Delta Rally, alături de maşinile moderne de viteză pe drumurile judeţene urmând...

15:04, 25.10.2016

Danube Delta fishing resources decline 30 pct, alternative resources needed for fishers

Illegal fishing is an important obstacle we have to put up with now in the Black Sea and particularly the Danube Delta, where fishing resources have declined more than 30 percent, Romania's Minister of Agriculture…

16:53, 05.07.2016

Campionatul Internațional „Danube Delta Cup”, o etapă premergătoare Mondialelor din Kazahstan

Vicepreședintele Consiliului Județean, George Luchici, a participat sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016, la deschiderea celei de-a șasea ediții a Campionatului Internațional „Danube Delta Cup”. La eveniment au mai participat…