Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:15, 31.05.2024

Conferința CESARE 2024, de la UPT, un punct de cotitură în domeniul sustenabilității și rezilienței construcțiilor

Conferința CESARE 2024, de la UPT, un punct de cotitură în domeniul sustenabilității și rezilienței construcțiilor

Centrul de Conferințe al Universității Politehnica Timișoara a găzduit, în perioada 29-31 mai 2024, lucrările celei de-a IV-a Conferințe Internaționale „Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience”-…

11:05, 31.05.2024

CESARE 2024, proiectul care poate face diferenţa în domeniul sustenabilității și rezilienței construcțiilor

CESARE 2024, proiectul care poate face diferenţa în domeniul sustenabilității și rezilienței construcțiilor

Încă un eveniment important organizat sub tutela UPT ajunge la final după câteva zile de discuţii constructive şi punerea pe tapet a unor indei importante în domeniul sustenabilității și rezilienței construcțiilor.…

15:46, 21.03.2024

În Franța, poliția a împrăștiat un grup de fermieri-protestatari: ce au făcut aceștia

Poliția a împrăștiat fermierii din sindicatul agricol ”Coordination rurale” (Coordonarea rurală (CR), care timp de o săptămînă a blocat centrul tehnic al companiei energetice TotalEnergies din orașul Pau din sud-vestul…

12:05, 07.03.2024

Netherlands proposes stronger EU export control coordination after ASML episode

Netherlands proposes stronger EU export control coordination after ASML episode

The Netherlands proposed reinforcing coordination among European Union member states to better implement export controls as the bloc applies a new economic security plan to limit sales of sensitive technologies…

12:55, 01.03.2024

Peste 60 de persoane au fost arestate la un protest la fermierilor din centrul Parisului

Fermierii, membri ai sindicatului Coordination rurale, s-au instalat vineri dimineață la ora 4 (5 ora României), în Place de l'Étoile, care înconjoară Arcul de Triumf din Paris, blocând un sens giratoriu cu baloți…

12:25, 01.03.2024

În Paris, fermierii au blocat cu fîn drumul spre Arcul de Triumf

Sindicatul fermierilor francezi "Coordonarea rurală" (Coordination rurale) organizează un miting lîngă Arcul de Triumf din Paris, în semn de protest față de politica guvernului. Sindicatul a anunțat acest lucru…

20:50, 05.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land borders

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land bordersRomania and Bulgaria are coordinating to achieve, "as soon as possible," the common goal of having their…

21:00, 07.07.2023

Zelenski anunță ce a discutat cu Erdogan la Istanbul. Principalul subiect: acordul privind cerealele, pe care Moscova nu vrea să-l prelungească

Președintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski a afirmat că a avut o "zi plină" în Turcia, în cadrul întâlnirii pe care a avut-o vineri, 7 iulie, la Istanbul cu președintele turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, informează CNN.Cei…

11:20, 27.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Bucharest 9 Format proved its relevance, including for transatlantic coordination

The Bucharest 9 (B9) Format proved its relevance, including for the transatlantic coordination and allied unity, especially in the current security context, Romanian National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar stated…

10:45, 31.03.2023

National Defence Minister Tilvar in US: Urgent need of a strategy for the Black Sea, under US coordination

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar had a meeting on Thursday with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, context in which he talked about the need of a strategy for the Black Sea security, under the coordination…

14:16, 17.01.2023

Stage of PNRR implementation after submission of first 2 requests for payment, analyzed in a meeting presided by PM

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday said that the extraordinary meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Coordination of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, during which the stage of the PNRR implementation…

22:20, 11.01.2023

ForMin Aurescu talks with Swedish counterpart on close coordination, with priority on Romania's accession to Schengen

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, had, on Wednesday, a telephone conversation with his Swedish counterpart, Tobias Billstrom, with the two officials agreeing to "maintain close coordination on the…

09:45, 11.01.2023

Vaccination coverage against COVID-19 nationwide, 41.85 pct of the general population

Until February 2, 2022, national vaccination coverage was 41.85% among the general population, informs the Report published by the National Committee for the Coordination of Activities on Vaccination against COVID-19…

15:06, 07.11.2022

Government maintains unequivocal commitment to PNRR obligations' fulfilment, PM Ciuca says

The government maintains its unequivocal commitment to fulfilling the obligations related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, declared Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca during the meeting of the Coordination…

14:00, 27.10.2022

PM Ciuca - discussion with Romanian MEPs: Coordination is needed to promote Romania's objectives

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has a meeting on Thursday, in Brussels, with the Romanian MEPs, whom he discussed with about Romania's objectives in European context. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:50, 08.06.2022

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă: Institutional coordination needed to combat the impacts of climate change

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca highlighted the need for institutional coordination among ministries, the government and the Presidential Administration, between Romanian state bodies and European and…

11:40, 13.05.2022

Police apprehend 28-year-old Romanian man for coordinating trafficking in over 36,000 migrants

A 28-year-old Romanian coordinated a criminal group that trafficked in over 36,000 illegal migrants and that has been dismantled in collaboration with Austrian authorities, the Sighetu Marmatiei Local Border Police…

12:30, 28.04.2022

Romania sets up main points of accession to OECD

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that a meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Coordination of Romania's Relations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development…

19:40, 15.04.2022

PM Ciuca: 'To protect jobs, we need coordination between Government and private sector'

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca visited the Yazaki Romania Braila company on Friday, which was made through a 50 million Euro investment and produces cables for the automobile industry, occasion on which he declared…

13:05, 22.03.2022

Prime Minister discusses coordinating actions regarding refugee flow management with Red Cross

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met, on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, with a delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, led by President Francesco Rocca, who is on official…

17:00, 15.03.2022

Huawei opens in Romania Huawei Ads coordination hub for Balkan countries

The Huawei Ads platform is to be coordinated in nine countries in the region through a new hub opened in Bucharest, according to a press release of the technology company, sent on Tuesday to AGERPRES. Fii la curent…

21:46, 28.02.2022

Security situation in Ukraine, coordination in refugee flows management addressed by President Iohannis and Ylva Johansson

President Klaus Iohannis welcomed on Monday at the Cotroceni Palace the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, the discussions of the two high officials focusing on the security situation in Ukraine,…

21:01, 28.02.2022

Premier Ciuca, NGOs plead for maintaining dialogue, coordination of humanitarian actions on Ukraine

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca on Monday attended a meeting with representatives of the civil society on the coordination of "Ukraine - together we help more" campaign. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

22:55, 25.02.2022

Gov't: Working group established for integrated coordination of humanitarian actions

The Department for Emergency Situations and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister on Friday established a working group for the integrated coordination of the actions carried out by the institutions operating in…

11:55, 23.02.2022

PM Ciuca, on situation in Ukraine: Institutionally, all measures have been taken, in accordance with CSAT

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca reported in regards to the situation at border with Ukraine, that institutionally all measures have been taken in accordance with the Supreme Council for Country's Defence (CSAT)'s…

21:25, 09.02.2022

10,843 persons vaccinated against COVID-19 in past 24hrs, including 116 children aged 5-11

A total of 10,843 doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson&Johnson vaccines were administered in the past 24 hours, of which 2,030 represent the first dose, 2,844 the second dose and 5,969 the third dose of vaccine…

17:51, 27.01.2022

PM Ciuca: I've asked ministers to show involvement, determination, responsibility in absorbing funds under PNRR

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Thursday asked the ministers, during the meeting of the Interministerial Committee for the Coordination of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan," to show involvement, determination…

19:25, 13.01.2022

Valeriu Gheorghita: Vaccination rate of 41.5%; booster dose - administered to 45% of those eligible

The chairman of the National Committee for the Coordination of Activities on COVID Vaccination (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghita, announced on Thursday that by January 12 more than 8,006,000 Romanians had been vaccinated…

18:40, 13.01.2022

Gheorghita: Term for administering the booster dose, reduced to four months, from January 17

The chairman of the National Committee for the Coordination of Activities on COVID Vaccination (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghita, announced on Thursday, reducing the administration term of the booster dose from six months…

11:15, 12.01.2022

8,600 new COVID-19 cases and 44 deaths reported in past 24 hrs

As many as 8,600 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been recorded in the last 24 hours and 44 deaths have been reported, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Wednesday, Agerpres reports.…