Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:40, 06.06.2024

PM Ciolacu voices conviction that PSD and PSD - PNL candidates will win elections on June 9

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said Thursday that he is "firmly" convinced that on June 9 the candidates of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the joint PSD and National Liberal Party (PNL) candidates will win…

19:25, 12.03.2024

Joint Romanian-Italian declaration for the implementation of European arrest warrants

Joint Romanian-Italian declaration for the implementation of European arrest warrants

The minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, signed, on Tuesday, in Rome, a joint statement with her Italian counterpart, Carlo Nordio, with a view to a closer judicial cooperation in criminal matters to bring to the…

13:31, 05.03.2024

ZIUA DUHOVNICEASCĂ Reuniunea Legiunii Mariane

ZIUA DUHOVNICEASCĂ Reuniunea Legiunii Mariane

Legiunea Mariană din Satu Mare s-a reunit, pe 25 februarie, la tradiționala sa zi spirituală din Postul Mare, care a fost găzduită de Convictul Sfântul Alois. La evenimant au participat peste 135 de membrii din…

13:00, 10.01.2024

Former Polish minister starts hunger strike in prison

Former Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski, who was detained and sent to prison on Tuesday following a conviction for abuse of power in a previous role, is starting a hunger strike, he said in a statement…

10:55, 28.11.2023

Head of Romanian Border Police replaced after convicted mayor flees country

Romania’s Interior Ministry announced the dismissal of Border Police chief Victor Ștefan Ivașcu and the appointment of a new head of the Maramureș County Police Inspectorate after Baia Mare Mayor Cătălin Cherecheș…

13:15, 27.11.2023

Border Police head, Maramures County Police commander dismissed after convicted mayor flees country

Inspector General with the General Border Police Inspectorate Victor Stefan Ivascu was released from office on his own accord and will be succeeded at the leadership of the law enforcement organization by Border…

13:25, 26.07.2023

Six convicted of murder for 2016 Brussels bombings

A Belgian court convicted six men of murder and two others of terrorism charges on Tuesday after the country’s largest ever trial involving the 2016 Islamist bombings in Brussels that killed 32 people, according…

20:15, 11.07.2023

Elena Udrea, Ioana Basescu dodge conviction for reasons of statute of limitations

The Supreme Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ) on Tuesday ordered the closing of the court case against Elena Udrea as a result of the statute of limitations in a case in which the former minister was sentenced…

21:06, 27.06.2023

VIDEO Reacția unui criminal când află că este condamnat la moarte

Un barbat condamnat pentru uciderea unei fetite de 11 ani si a bonei acesteia, în urma cu mai bine de trei decenii, a fost condamnat la moarte de un judecator din sud-vestul Floridei.   Când si-a aflat sentinta,…

16:21, 04.05.2023

USR asks JusMin Predoiu to discuss in JHA issue of convicts definitively imprisoned in Italy

The Saver Romania Union requested Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu to raise, in the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) meeting, the issue of convicts definitively imprisoned in Italy, after the recent case…

17:50, 24.10.2022

Vladimir Putin decide soarta războiului din Ucraina: ședință crucială convicată de liderul de la Kremlin

Președintele rus Vladimir Putin va convoca marți un consiliu de coordonare format sub Guvern, pentru a răspunde nevoilor forțelor armate implicate în războiul din Ucraina, transmite serviciul de presă al Kremlinului.…

18:50, 11.10.2022

Persons definitively convicted for crimes intentionally committed cannot run for public office

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Tuesday, two legislative initiatives that provide for the prohibition of persons who were definitively sentenced to custodial sentences for crimes intentionally committed, if…

19:50, 21.07.2022

JusMin Predoiu: Corruption convicts find loopholes in foreign law to evade serving time in Romania

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Thursday that at the latest JHA Council meeting in Prague he raised again the problem of convicts who should be serving time under final court rulings in Romania, but who…

16:21, 04.07.2022

Law on banning persons convicted by a court from running in presidential elections, promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law that establishes a ban to take part in presidential elections for people who received definitive criminal convictions, at the time of filing for candidacy. Fii la curent…

21:31, 24.06.2022

Klaus Iohannis in Brussels reasserts conviction on Western Balkans region's European future

President Klaus Iohannis attended, on Thursday and Friday, the meetings of the leaders of the European Union and the Western Balkans, the European Council and the Euro Summit in an extended format, the Presidential…

13:50, 08.06.2022

Speaker Ciolacu: After adoption of 'No convicts in public offices' initiative, gov't is obliged to hold referendum

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Wednesday that, after the "No convicts in public office" initiative will be adopted by the Senate, the Government is obliged to hold a referendum within…

19:25, 23.05.2022

JusMin Predoiu, Danish counterpart Tesfaye on convicted persons' transfer

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu had a meeting on Monday, in online format, with his Denmark counterpart Mattias Tesfaye, at his request, aimed at strengthening the bilateral dialogue in the field of Justice, with…

14:46, 18.05.2022

PM Ciuca voices conviction that Romania can become energy independent in five years

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday that, through the measures taken, the Government has the certainty that in no more than five years Romania can become energy independent. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

14:45, 24.03.2022

TOP 14 filme și seriale care au premiera în luna aprilie pe Amazon Prime

TOP 14 filme și seriale care au premiera în luna aprilie pe Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime vine cu o listă destul de convingătoare pentru luna aprilie 2022. TOP 14 filme și seriale care au premiera în luna aprilie…

15:50, 25.01.2022

Energy regulator: If we regulate energy price, Romania will be directly convicted at European Court of Justice

A new regulation of the energy and gas price would mean a violation of European legislation and would lead to a direct conviction of Romania at the European Court of Justice, said on Tuesday, Claudiu Dumbraveanu,…

12:35, 03.12.2021

Ciolos: Marian Neacsu, convicted criminal; conflict of interests, theft and violation of citizens' trust in state

Chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Dacian Ciolos says Marian Neacsu, backed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) as Secretary General of the Government, is a convicted criminal, and his appointment violates the…

15:01, 23.08.2021

53 defendants convicted under final court decisions in June and July in corruption cases

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) informed on Monday that in June and July, 53 defendants in corruption cases were given final sentences. "In June and July, in the corruption cases investigated by DNA,…

08:45, 20.08.2021

Florin Citu says Iohannis not blaming him for conviction in US: We talked about it and that's it

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Thursday that he had discussed with President Klaus Iohannis his conviction in the United States, adding that the chief of state did not reproach him of not telling him about…

08:30, 13.08.2021

Orban: We are affected by episode regarding Citu's conviction, I'm profoundly hurt, I worked for PNL

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, stated on Thursday that the revelation appearing in the public space about the episode regarding Prime Minister Florin Citu's conviction in the USA…

15:55, 27.05.2021

48 defendants definitively convicted in April in corruption cases

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) announced on Thursday that 48 defendants have been convicted in April in corruption cases. "In April, in the corruption cases investigated by DNA, 48 defendants were…

18:00, 13.04.2021

Protest towards conviction of attorney Robert Rosu in 'Baneasa Farm' case, organized by Dolj Bar

The Dolj Bar is organizing, on Wednesday, April 14, a protest action in front of the southern Dolj courthouse, as a sign of dissatisfaction towards the court's decision of convicting attorney Robert Rosu 5 years…

17:05, 30.12.2020

DNA: 66 people convicted in corruption cases in November

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) informs that, in November, 66 defendants were convicted in corruption cases by 35 final court decisions. Among the convicted persons are: the former president of the…

15:15, 21.12.2020

Protest at Palace of Justice following conviction of lawyer Robert Rosu in 'Ferma Baneasa" case

Dozens of lawyers organized, on Monday, at the Palace of Justice in Bucharest, a protest regarding the 5-year conviction of their colleague Robert Rosu, in the "Ferma Baneasa" case. "Interdiction of identifying…

15:25, 11.11.2020

USR's Barna: I call on all parties to vote the initiative "No convicts in public offices"

USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance co-chairman Dan Barna on Wednesday called on all parties to vote in the Senate plenary session for the "No convicts in public office" initiative,…

15:15, 11.11.2020

Cazanciuc: PSD to vote in Senate "Without convicted in public offices" initiative

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) senators will vote on Wednesday, in the plenary sitting, the citizens' initiative to revise the Constitution "Without convicted in public offices", as did the party's deputies,…