Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:45, 26.04.2018

Craiova: Conferinţa „The Thirty Years War (1618-1648): 400 years of causes and consequences”, la Biblioteca “Aman”

Biblioteca Județeană “Alexandru și Aristia Aman” organizează vineri, 27 aprilie 2018, începând cu ora 10:00, Conferința Internațională „The Thirty Years War (1618-1648): 400 years of causes and consequences”. Conferința…

18:12, 07.02.2018

BNR's Isarescu: Three-month ROBOR to follow today's augmentation, credits due to marginally go up, consequently

The three-month ROBOR Romanian Interbank Offer Rate, the one influencing the interest rate of loans granted in lei will follow, within a certain period of time the augmentation of Wednesday's key interest and loans…

12:34, 22.11.2017

Săptămâna Diplomaţiei Europene 2017: focus clima

Cu prilejul Săptămânii Diplomaţiei Europene 2017: focus clima, Ambasadele Franţei, Spaniei, Suediei şi Germaniei organizează, alături de Institutul Cultural Român şi de Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România,…

16:29, 11.08.2017

HealthMin Bodog: Measles epidemic, consequence of major malfunctions in vaccination public policy

The measles outbreaks in Romania in 2016 is not circumstantial, but a direct consequence of the "major" malfunctions in public policy regarding vaccination, Minister of Health Florian Bodog stated on Friday in…

12:05, 15.01.2016

Romania`s biggest stadium has no fire safety permit

The roof of the National Arena in Bucharest is not to the liking of fire safety inspectors as it could easily catch fire! Therefore, the biggest and most expensive football stadium in Romania remains closed. If…

16:38, 12.01.2016

Career comes first, offspring later

Romanians have few children and they are not in a hurry to have them either. We become parents at an age when people used to become grandparents. National Statistics Institute data reveals that the Romanian family…

09:27, 05.01.2016

Taxation authority tightens screw on dodgers?

While treating wealthy tax evaders lightly, the Internal Revenue Authority is going to hunt down more than three million Romanians who haven't declared their incomes. Secretary of state Gabriel Biriş claims that…

01:02, 05.01.2016

How to Write an Exploratory Article with Trial Papers

Need help with your fund application? Understand tips on formatting notification and things to include. There’s also a sample notification included in this report that you insert, can copy and adjust to your requirements.…

12:12, 18.12.2015

Detailed vs. Narrative Essay Writing

RELEASE Consequently, right now, you may have looked at establishing a home based business. With the gains – function your own personal hours, ease of your own residence, no commute in traffic, you preserve and…

15:13, 30.11.2015

Tips on Producing a Cover Letter When Returning to Staff

The memorandum of regulation includes citations meant for your motion. Clients assume every business to have a website, today. Thus, the majority of the organization houses are taking the content publishing services…

15:13, 29.11.2015

Demografie contra democraţie

Întrebarea acum este aceea dacă nu cumva demografia se va dovedi mai puternică şi decât democraţia?  Raportul dintre bărbaţi şi femei la nivel global a fost mereu o constantă – în ultimele secole, de când…

11:33, 25.11.2015

Consequences of Plagiarism

After building my grid, each block is 7″x5″, which is small enough to cover with one sheet of paper. It’s good to understand the fundamental distinctions between the terms undergraduate and graduate although there…

11:42, 16.10.2015

Dogs must pay for public tranport in Cluj

 Starting next week, dog owners in Cluj will have to buy pet tickets if they want their best friends to accompany them on the public transport network. Consequently, dog owners must spend an extra two lei…

10:14, 05.10.2015

Bird`s eye view from one`s own car

Hundreds of tourists chilled out at high altitude on the most beautiful October day possible. Consequenty, traffic was quite busy yesterday, on the highest road in Romania. Transalpina was full of car-owners from…

11:10, 01.09.2015

Romanian husbandry faces bankruptcy

 Animal breeders say they are facing bancruptcy because of the ongoing draught and threaten with protest rallies. Husbandry farmers complain about no longer having any water or food for their livestock. Consequently,…

12:18, 31.08.2015

Romanian healthcare turns doctors into patients

 Overwork and stress are very bad for one's health. Doctors' health in our case! An overextended work schedule and excessive bureaucracy make up the perfect recipe for doctors to turn into patients. One third…

12:18, 20.08.2015

Sex education, wonderful but missing altogether

 In Romania, sex education is quite necessary but it's missing altogether. The stork still bears the heavy burden of bringing children to our world. Sex is a tabu word in Romanian families and schools alike.…

13:25, 07.11.2011

Robert De Niro îl va juca pe Bernie Madoff, într-un film despre viaţa escrocului

Robert De Niro va fi cel care îl va întruchipa pe Bernie Madoff, surpanumit şi escrocul secolului, într-un film care va spune povestea vieţii lui Madoff şi cum a ajuns să comită cea mai mare înşelătorie financiară.…