Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:27, 23.03.2020

President Iohannis: Our country is confronted with the tragic situation of first deaths;condolences to the families

President Klaus Iohannis conveyed on Monday condolences to the families of the persons who died because of the infection with the novel coronavirus. "Dear Romanians, unfortunately, the inevitable occurred and our…

12:39, 20.02.2020

ForMin Aurescu sends condolences to Hanau attacks victims' families

Interim Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu sends his condolences to the families of the victims of the shootings in Germany and strongly condemns these "violent acts." "Very saddened by the shocking shootings…

15:17, 26.01.2020

President Iohannis sends condolence message to Erdogan, on earthquake in east of Turkey

President Klaus Iohannis sent Republic of Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a condolence message for the families of the victims of the earthquake that hit the east of Turkey on Friday evening. "I was deeply…

14:07, 11.01.2020

President Iohannis sends his condolences for the passing away of the Sultan of Oman

President Klaus Iohannis has sent a condolences message on Twitter for the passing away of the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said.  "My heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the people of the Sultanate…

13:16, 08.01.2020

MAE sends condolences to families of victims after Ukrainian jet crash in Tehran

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) sends its condolences to the families of the victims aboard the Ukrainian plane which crashed in Teheran, reads a message posted on the Twitter page of the Ministry. "Sincere…

19:02, 26.11.2019

President Klaus Iohannis offers his French counterpart condolences on death of French troops in Mali

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Tuesday his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron a condolence message on the death of thirteen French soldiers in the accidental collision of two helicopters during an anti-jihadist…

12:15, 04.11.2019

Momente grele pentru Helmuth Duckadam: "Din păcate, de azi nu am să-l mai pot ţine în braţe"

Helmuth Duckadam traversează una dintre cele mai cumplite perioade din viața sa. O persoană foarte importantă din familia lui s-a stins din viață, iar suferința și dorul l-au îngenuncheat pe fostul mare portar.…

18:06, 27.09.2019

French Embassy in Bucharest opens an online book of condolences for Jacques Chirac

The French Embassy in Bucharest opens an online book of condolences, on its own website, for those who want to pay homage to the former president of the Republic, Jacques Chirac. "France is mourning the death of…

13:34, 05.09.2019

PM Dancila extends condolences to family of the Romanian soldier killed in Kabul

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has sent condolences to the family of a Romanian soldier killed on Thursday in Kabul, Afghanistan, saying that Romania will continue to condemn and fight with all its might against…

11:26, 04.09.2019

USR's Barna: I firmly condemn this attack and terrorist phenomenon that continues to make victims

Leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna has sent a message of condolences for the Romanian citizens who died in the terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, adding that the efforts to fight terrorism must…

22:31, 03.09.2019

President Iohannis condemns deadly terrorist attack in Afghanistan, offers condolences to bereaved family

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Tuesday a message of condolence to the family of the representative of Romania's diplomatic mission who was killed in the terrorist attack committed in Kabul, Afghanistan, and which…

16:57, 15.03.2019

Iohannis strongly condemns New Zealand attacks; extreme violence and hate crime are inexcusable

President Klaus Iohannis strongly condemned the attacks that took place in New Zealand on Friday morning, resulting in causalities and numerous wounded."I strongly condemn this act of terror against innocent people.…

14:03, 15.03.2019

Mesajul lui Klaus Iohannis după atacurile de la moscheile din Noua Zeelandă. Alte reacții internaționale

După atentatele de vineri din orașul Christchurch din Noua Zeelandă, președintele Klaus Iohannis a postat un mesaj în care transmite condoleanțe familiilor celor uciși și condamnă cu fermitate astfel de acțiuni.…

15:36, 12.03.2019

President Klaus Iohannis sends condolences to Ethiopian counterpart, UN Secretary-General, following plane crash

President Klaus Iohannis sent a condolence message to his Ethiopian counterpart, Sahle-Work Zewde, following the tragic plane crash on Sunday.Read also: Melescanu: 'We hope to expand Francophone community in Western…

10:07, 07.03.2019


Dr. FOLDES ADALBERT un adevărat simbol al devotamentului faţă de semeni, un senior al lumii medicale orădene care s-a implicat cu dăruire în viaţa medicală, socială, politică şi administrativă a judeţului nostru,…

12:13, 22.02.2019

Mesaj de condolenate al echipei aeroportului Tuzla, pentru pilotul decedat in aeronava Diamond Aircraft 42

Potrivit unui comunicat din partea echipei aeroportului Tuzla, acesti isi exprima profundul regret pentru decesul pilotului in accidentul ce a avut loc la Tuzla."Intreaga echipa a aeroportului Tuzla regreta profund…

20:05, 14.01.2019

President Iohannis conveys message of condolences to Polish counterpart Duda following death of Gdansk mayor

President Klaus Iohannis conveyed on Monday to his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda a message of condolences after the death of the mayor of Gdansk, following an attack on Sunday, underscoring that the politics…

19:57, 14.01.2019

Prședintele PMP - Mesaj de condolențe după asasinarea primarului din Gdansk

Președintele PMP, Eugen Tomac, s-a declarar consternat de asasinarea primarului din Gdansk pe care l-a cunoscut în urmă cu 10 ani. Acesta a postat un mesaj de condoleanțe pe pagina sa de Facebook„Moartea primarului…

13:43, 12.12.2018

President Iohannis extends condolences to French counterpart following Strasbourg attack

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday extended condolences to his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron after a tragic armed attack that occurred in Strasbourg on Tuesday, underlining that Romania is with…

16:06, 26.08.2018

Foreign Ministry sends condolences to Senator John McCain's family: He was a constant friend of Romania

The Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) sends condolences to the family of Senator John McCain, who died on Saturday, aged 81.  "The most profound condolences to the family of Senator John McCain. He was a…

22:27, 15.08.2018

President Iohannis sends condolences to families of victims of the tragic incident that occured near Genoa

President Klaus Iohannis is deeply saddened by the tragic incident that occurred on Tuesday near Genoa, killing tens of persons, among whom two Romanian citizens, informs a release of the Presidential Administration…

21:24, 30.03.2018

Russian Embassy thanks Romanians who sent condolences to people affected by Kemerovo tragedy

The Russian Embassy in Bucharest - where a book of condolences was available for two days, opened in the memory of the victims of the fire in the Siberian city of Kemerovo - voiced its gratitude to all the Romanian…

19:42, 23.03.2018

ULTIMA ORĂ - Klaus Iohannis, mesaj DUR în urma atacului terorist din Franţa

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis transmite un mesaj de solidaritate faţă de poporul francez şi condamnă cu fermitate atacul care a avut loc la Trebes, în sudul Franţei.

09:23, 05.01.2018

PNL Turda – Regretăm trecerea în neființă a celei care a fost Minodora Luca

Regretăm trecerea în neființă a celei care a fost Minodora Luca, primarul liberal al comunei Băișoara. A administrat cu succes această comunitate de oameni harnici timp de 6 mandate. Condolențe

17:26, 12.12.2017

Carte de Condolenaţe în memoria Majestăţii sale Regele Mihai I, deschisă la Sighetu Marmaţiei

Carte de Condolenaţe în memoria Majestăţii sale Regele Mihai I, deschisă la Sighetu Marmaţiei Liberalii din Sighetu Marmaţiei au deschis o Carte de condoleanţe în memoria Majestăţii sale Regele Mihai I. Aceasta…

16:14, 07.12.2017

Carte de condolenţe la Sala Unirii din Alba Iulia în memoria Regelui Mihai. Primarul Mircea Hava: ”Regele a plecat doar «fizic» dintre noi”

O carte de condoleanţe a fost deschisă, joi, la Sala Unirii din Alba Iulia, în memoria Regelui Mihai. În aceasta pot scrie până în data de 16 decembrie toţi cei care vor să-şi ia rămas bun. Ulterior, cartea va…

10:31, 06.12.2017

PG Augustin Lazar: King Mihai I to endure as benchmark and symbol for Romanian people

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar sent on Tuesday a message of condolences to the Royal Family of Romania, in which he points out that His Majesty King Mihai I will forever endure as a benchmark and a symbol for…

17:06, 05.12.2017

Former PM Ponta: King Mihai was a figure who marked Romania's history

King Mihai I was a key-figure who marked Romania's history for almost a century, stated former Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who sent his condolences to the Royal Family.  "Sincere condolences to the Royal Family…

17:06, 05.12.2017

Iohannis: King Mihai wrote Romania's history in capital letters; we'll hold national days of mourning

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday sent condolences to the members of the Royal House upon the death of King Mihai, pointing out that the latter was one of the greatest figures of Romania and "wrote the country's…

14:36, 05.12.2017

Cartea de condolențe deschisă în memoria Regelui Mihai I la Ateneul din Iași

Ateneul din Iasi, ca institutie de cultura aflata sub Înaltul Patronaj al Casei Regale a României, va deschide o carte de condoleante începând de miercuri dimineata, la ora 10.00, iar timp de 40 de zile aceasta…