Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:12, 10.02.2019

Tariceanu, on possible criminal complaint against Iohannis:Let's not take political debate to very low level

Senate Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Saturday about the possibility of filing a criminal complaint against President Klaus Iohannis that he heard "all kinds of rumors" and does not want the political…

14:07, 07.02.2019

Lia Olguta Vasilescu: President Iohannis is perfect case of abuse of office; I'll file a criminal complaint

Deputy Lia Olguta Vasilescu on Thursday announced she is preparing a criminal complaint against President Klaus Iohannis for abuse of office, after the latter rejected her appointment as Minister of Development. …

19:57, 14.01.2019

President Iohannis: DefMin filing administrative complaint against extension of General Ciuca mandate inopportune, risky

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday appreciated the administrative complaint filed against the decree on the extension of General Nicolae Ciuca's mandate as Chief of the Defence Staff as "inopportune" and "risky.""I…

13:34, 09.01.2019

MApN files prior complaint with Presidency over revocation of decree on extention of SMAp chief mandate

The Ministry of National Defence (MApN) has filed a prior complaint with the Presidential Administration, requesting the revocation of the Decree no. 1.331 issued on December 2018 in extending the mandate of the…

19:55, 08.01.2019

Kovesi files complaint at ECHR regarding her revocation as DNA head

Laura Codruta Kovesi filed a complaint at the European Court of Human Rights in December 2018 indicating that several rights were violated when she was dismissed as chief prosecutor of the the National Anticorruption…

11:47, 07.01.2019

ForMin Melescanu: Romanians deserve fair justice; Romania second in complaints to ECHR, after Russian Federation

Romanian citizens have the right to benefit from a fair justice, an autonomous justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu told Digi 24 private television channel on Sunday evening, also underscoring…

14:06, 02.01.2019

JusMin wouldn't mind if PSD didn't turn to him for high treason complaint against Iohannis

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said in an interview broadcast on Tuesday by Antena 3 private television station that, for now, he wasn't called to offer counseling regarding the complaint for high treason against…

12:35, 18.12.2018

President Iohannis: High-treason complaint by PSD, petty political demarche, PSD fantasy

President Klaus Iohannis said that filing a criminal complaint against him for high treason, demanded by Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea, is "a petty political demarche," "a fantasy…

19:05, 07.10.2018

#FamilyReferendum/ Home Affairs' Dajbog: 'Yet other 17 complaints in connection with voting process'

The police have yet recorded other 17 complaints connected to the voting process at the referendum for the redefinition of the family, 6 of which haven't verified, on Sunday said the Internal Affairs Ministry (MAI)…

19:45, 03.09.2018

Prosecutor's Office: 770 complaints filed in connection with August 10 violent incidents

A number of 770 criminal complaints had been filed by Monday, Sept. 3, with the Military Prosecutor's Office by people who had to suffer from the intervention of law enforcement during the August 10 anti-government…

15:29, 27.08.2018

Opposition party complains about LabMin Vasilescu to discrimination watchdog

The opposition Save Romania Union (USR) has made a complaint to the National Council for Combatting Discrimination (CNCD) over statements by Labour Minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu regarding President Klaus Iohannis…

17:32, 23.08.2018

Prosecutor's Office: Number of complaints following the violence of August 10 reaches 651

Military prosecutors registered, until Thursday, 651 complaints from people who suffered from the Gendarmerie's intervention during the protest of August 10.  "Upon the activities undergone until today, August…

12:38, 13.08.2018

Gun snatched from woman gendarme during protest violence still missing, 30 complaints filed so far

First prosecutor with the Military Prosecution Office attached to the Bucharest Military Tribunal Ionel Corbu said on Monday that the gun snatched from the woman gendarme who was beaten during the violent incidents…

13:26, 03.07.2018

Liberal leader Orban summoned to DIICOT over complaint against PM on four alleged crimes

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban reported on Tuesday to the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) to be heard in connection with the complaint he filed against…

12:09, 28.06.2018

Organised crime prosecutors start investigation of PM Dancila on complaint filed by opposition leader Orban (sources)

The Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) has started an in rem criminal investigation of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on a complaint filed by national leader of the opposition…

21:12, 12.06.2018

Venice Commission delegation requests clarifications on Constitutional Court's complaint of being target of 'virulent attacks'

During a meeting with magistrates of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) the visiting delegation of the Venice Commission asked for clarifications regarding the circumstances that prompted CCR to write to…

08:36, 23.05.2018

Philip Roth, unul dintre cei mai mari scriitori americani, a încetat din viaţă

Philip Roth, nascut pe 19 martie 1933, în Newark (New Jersey), a debutat cu nuvela "Goodbye, Columbus", publicata în 1959 si premiata cu National Book Award pentru fictiune. Recunoasterea internationala a venit…

07:48, 23.05.2018

The New York Times a făcut anunțul - Un gigant al literaturii americane a încetat din viaţă

Philip Roth, unul dintre cei mai mari scriitori americani, a încetat din viaţă marţi, la vârsta de 85 de ani, anunţă The New York Times, conform news.ro.Decesul său a fost confirmat de Judith Thurman, o prietenă…

07:22, 23.05.2018

Cunoscut scriitor, decedat la varsta de 85 de ani. A fost laureat al premiului Pulitzer

Scriitorul american Philip Roth, laureat al premiului Pulitzer, a murit la varsta de 85 de ani, informeaza miercuri Reuters si AFP, citand media americane, conform Agerpres.ro. Philip Roth a fost, printre altele,…

06:52, 23.05.2018

Scriitorul Philip Roth, un gigant al literaturii americane, a murit la vârsta de 85 de ani

Scriitorul american Philip Roth, laureat al premiului Pulitzer, a murit la vârsta de 85 de ani, informează miercuri Reuters şi AFP, citând media americane. Philip Roth a fost, printre altele, autor al unor cărţi…

21:17, 21.05.2018

PM Dancila: I think filing a criminal complaint against PM for high treason is inappropriate

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has labelled inappropriate the criminal complaint against her filed by national leader of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban, saying that she is convinced justice…

19:16, 20.05.2018

ALDE's Tariceanu, about criminal complaint against Prime Minister: President should have edifying stance

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) stated, in relation to the criminal complaint submitted by Liberal leader Ludovic Orban against premier Viorica…

23:16, 17.05.2018

Dragnea on criminal complaint against PM: Unconstitutional demarche, an attempted coup d'état

Chamber of Deputies' Speaker Liviu Dragnea said on Thursday that the criminal complaint made by the Liberals' leader Ludovic Orban against Prime Minister Viorica Dancila is actually the "operationalization of the…

16:18, 10.05.2018

PM Dancila: Gov't found solutions to some of the complaints in healthcare; we want to keep specialists in the country

The Government found solutions to some of the complaints in the healthcare field and is concerned with keeping specialists in this field in the country, stated Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.  "I also want to say…

17:26, 12.03.2018

Liberal Chairman Orban says discrimination complaints against President Iohannis, anti-corruption head Kovesi ungrounded

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL, opposition) Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the complaints filed with the National Council for the Combat of Discrimination (CNCD) regarding the use by President Klaus…

18:44, 13.02.2018

PICCJ conducts investigations following criminal complaint about recordings from DNA Ploiesti

The Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) announced on Tuesday that prosecutors with the Criminal and Forensics Section are conducting investigations in a case that arose…

22:28, 18.08.2017

Un bărbat a fost împușcat de două ori, în două zile la rând, de același bărbat. El a supraviețuit ambelor atacuri

Un bărbat a fost împușcat în piept și a supraviețuit. Cel care a vrut să-i ia viața a aflat, așa că a revenit și l-a împușcat din nou, de această dată în cap. Și de această dată, victima a supraviețuit, relatează…

13:55, 04.07.2017

AG Lazar: Several DNA prosecutors complained against requirement to take lie detector test

Romania's Attorney General Augustin Lazar said on Tuesday that several prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) filed complaints at the General Prosecution Office against requirements to also…

12:52, 25.04.2017

Grindeanu: Former government`s solution to health issues - a website for complaints

The former government's solution to the Health sector's issues was to make a website where Romanians could complain about missing drugs or vaccines, forgetting however, to solve their grievances, Prime Minister…

16:12, 07.07.2016

EC investigation into Romanian gas market triggered by complaint from Hungary (sources)

The European Commission's Directorate General for Competition (DG Competition) started an investigation into the Romanian gas market following a complaint filed by a Hungarian company, sources from the energy sector…