Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:40, 27.11.2023

MP Raisa Enachi: Violence against women is a violation of human rights

MP Raisa Enachi: Violence against women is a violation of human rightsViolence against women is a problem with repercussions in the sphere of human rights, and legislation must be relevant in order to put an end…

15:05, 25.11.2023

Women's rights promotion - a priority commitment of Romania's, Foreign Ministry says

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the observation, on November 25, of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and reaffirms its commitment to promoting the rights of all women…

15:00, 21.11.2023

Germany freezes new spending commitments as budget woes deepen

The German government has imposed a freeze on most new spending commitments in what an economy ministry spokesperson on Tuesday said was a necessary step as Chancellor Olaf Scholz‘s coalition grapples with a deepening…

12:21, 21.11.2023

Ambulance staff rallying in support of trade union leaders on hunger strike

Ambulance staff rallying in support of trade union leaders on hunger strikeAmbulance staff in their free time are rallying today, 10:00hrs to 12:00hrs, at the central offices of all ambulance services all over…

14:55, 15.11.2023

Moldova este în topul preferințelor călătorilor din întreaga lumea

Republica Moldova este din nou în topurile internaționale. Țara noastră s-a clasat pe locul 9 în cadrul prestigiosului concurs internațional CIFFT (Committee of Tourism Film Festivals), la categoria „People’s Choice”.…

15:25, 25.09.2023

Environmental organisations call for parliamentary inquiry committee on former EvirMin activity

Agent Green and the Animal Rights Coalition are calling on Parliament to set up a parliamentary inquiry committee to analyse the work of former Environment Minister Barna Tanczos, who they claim "blocked the implementation…

17:55, 22.09.2023

Cod for Romania a primit premiul Kluz for PeaceTeach

Premiul a fost decernat în cadrul unei ceremonii organizată în cadrul evenimentelor din cadrul celei de-a 78-a Adunare Generală a Organizației Națiunilor Unite.   Code for Romania / Commit Global a primit Premiul…

20:01, 13.09.2023

Premier Ciolacu asks ministries to forward development projects of financially eligible digital public services

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu asks the ministries to present, by the end of October, the projects for the development of digital public services that will be financed, a government press release sent to AGERPRES…

10:46, 08.09.2023

Kosovo President reiterates commitment to EU, NATO after Stoltenberg meeting

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani called on Serbia to do more work to align itself with EU and NATO values, highlighting Kosovo’s ongoing dedication and compliance in a press conference with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg…

10:55, 05.09.2023

Romania will reach 88 pct in EU funds absorption end of September

The absorption of European funds is currently 84 pct and will reach 88 pct at the end of September, minister of Investments and European Projects Adrian Caciu said on Tuesday at hearings in the Committee on European…

13:11, 02.08.2023

PM on Samudaripen: I reaffirm Gov't's commitment to continue its efforts to combat xenophobia, discrimination and hate speech

PM on Samudaripen: I reaffirm Gov't's commitment to continue its efforts to combat xenophobia, discrimination and hate speechPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu reaffirmed the Government's commitment to continue its…

10:20, 11.07.2023

Turkey unblocks Swedish NATO bid as summit seeks commitment to Ukraine

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan dropped his resistance to Sweden joining the alliance late Monday evening, on the eve of a landmark NATO summit in Vilnius which is set to discuss Ukraine’s own push for…

16:15, 29.06.2023

PM Ciolacu affirms Govt's commitment to combating anti-Semitism, xenophobia, discrimination

In a message conveyed on Thursday on the commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of the anti-Jewish pogrom in Iasi, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu affirms the government's "firm" commitment to continuing efforts to…

20:00, 22.06.2023

Cluj mayor Boc: Cohesion policy is that glue that holds the EU together

Cohesion policy is "that glue that holds the EU together" and the Romanian authorities are ready to implement projects worth billions of euros, but they need money, Cluj-Napoca mayor Emil Boc, president of the…

15:41, 09.06.2023

Romanian microelectronics industry to receive 420 ml euros in EU funding under IPCEI initiative

Romanian microelectronics industry to receive 420 ml euros in EU funding under IPCEI initiative. Under a successful call for Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) launched in early 2022, Romania's…

15:41, 09.06.2023

Romania becomes member of Inter-governmental Committee of UNESCO Convention on Protection and Promotion of Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Romania becomes member of Inter-governmental Committee of UNESCO Convention on Protection and Promotion of Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Romania was elected a member of the Inter-governmental Committee of…

17:46, 23.05.2023

FinMin: Romania will observe commitments made to reduce budget deficit

Romania will observe the commitments made to reduce the budget deficit, but a balanced strategy is needed at the level of the European Union, which takes into account the continuation of the measures taken by the…

13:40, 23.05.2023

MEP Siegfried Muresan, appointed EP chief negotiator for 2024 EU budget

MEP Siegfried Muresan, appointed EP chief negotiator for 2024 EU budget. MEP Siegfried Muresan, Vice-President of the European People's Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament, was appointed on Tuesday as…

17:15, 11.05.2023

Republicanii acuză clanul Biden, într-un raport parlamentar, de afaceri opace în străinătate şi de primirea a zece milioane de dolari din România şi China.…

Aceste acuzaţii fac parte dintr-o veche campanie împotriva unor afaceri controversate ale lui Hunter Biden, fiul preşedintelui democrat cu o viaţă agitată. Flashback: Biden never talked to Hunter about his overseas…

16:31, 11.05.2023

Republicanii acuză clanul Biden de afaceri opace în România şi China

Alesi republicani acuza membri ai familiei lui Joe Biden si asociati ai acestora de faptul ca au primit în cea mai mare opacitate aproape zece milioane de dolari de la întreprinderi straine - si anume din China…

14:30, 04.05.2023

Closure of file on crimes committed by communist regime at Siret Paediatric Neuropsychological Hospital, criticised by IICCMER

The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) expressed on Thursday its "astonishment" and "outrage" at the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office to…

17:40, 02.05.2023

USR's Mosteanu: We wanted to help Ciolacu repeal special pensions, but PNL and PSD opposed us

Spokesperson for the Save Romania Union (USR) Ionut Mosteanu on Tuesday said that he suggested the Leaders' Committee of the Chamber of Deputies a debate on the government's bill on special state pensions and amending…

20:16, 19.04.2023

President of Senate's defence committee discusses with US ambassador about Romania's inclusion with Visa-Waiver

The head of the Senate's defence committee, Nicoleta Pauliuc, on Wednesday discussed with the Ambassador of the United States of America in Romania, Kathleen Ann Kavalec, about Romania's desideratum to be included…

14:15, 19.04.2023

Romania supports reintroduction of customs duties on imports of cereals from Ukraine

The discussions of the minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, with his Ukrainian counterpart, Mikola Solski, in online format, will begin on Wednesday, around 2:30 p.m., under the conditions in which Romania supports…

20:00, 13.04.2023

Romania-Ukraine-Moldova Joint Declaration: Commitment to Ukraine's territorial integrity, including territorial waters

The Foreign and Defence ministers of Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine underline their commitment to "the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine within…

19:55, 13.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Romania reiterates its commitment to supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity

Romania reiterates its commitment to supporting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also to standing in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in these dramatic moments, Romanian…

17:45, 05.04.2023

Victor Negrescu: Timisoara can become regional cultural hub, develop tourist destination brand

Timisoara must take advantage of the European Capital of Culture (ECC) 2023 status to become a regional cultural hub that will attract European funds, but also develop a coherent brand to be a destination attractive…

16:30, 04.04.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Setting up parliament committee on children's rights is an emergency

Interim Senate President Alina Gorghiu pleaded on Tuesday for the establishment of a joint parliamentary committee to protect children's rights, stressing that it is "an emergency.""The subject of children's rights…

11:41, 04.04.2023

Marcel Ciolacu: Romania is major hub of assistance offered to Ukraine by NATO, EU and partner countries

Romania is a major hub of assistance offered to Ukraine by NATO, the European Union and partner countries and supports Ukraine by all means, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, said on Tuesday."As…

13:10, 29.03.2023

RsrchMin Burduja: I think we are at the best point for Romania's digital transformation

Romania is at the best point for its digital transformation, having a commitment at the highest level of the state that digital transformation is an utmost priority for the country, Minister of Research, Innovation…