Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:15, 27.04.2022

Ukrainian-Romanian conversation guide to be distributed free of charge to Ukraine refugees

As many as 13,000 copies of a Ukrainian-Romanian conversation guide have been printed by Monitorul Oficial to be distributed free of charge in refugee centres and other places to facilitate communication and integration…

12:26, 17.03.2022

Tudorache de la PSD susţine că NATO, SUA şi UE nu trebuie să mai furnizeze arme Ucrainei

Penalul Dan Tudorache (PSD) preia, în Parlamentul României, mesajele Moscovei: el sustine ca NATO, SUA si UE nu trebuie sa mai furnizeze arme Ucrainei. Tudorache a ramas deputat PSD, desi, în 2020, Marcel Ciolacu…

15:35, 15.03.2022

Slovakia charges two people with espionage for Russia

Slovakia has charged a former military academy officer and another man with espionage for Russia, police and a special prosecutor said on Tuesday. The NATO member bordering Ukraine, detained four people suspected…

21:10, 24.02.2022

Ukrainian charge d'affaires: At this point, attacks are massive; there are hundreds of victims

Ukraine's charge d'affaires to Romania, Paun Rohovei, on Thursday stated that the Russian Federation's attacks were "very massive" and that the Ukrainian army was ready for such a scenario. Fii la curent cu cele…

20:45, 24.02.2022

Chamber Speaker - emergency meeting with Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of Ukraine in Romania

The situation generated by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine was the topic of an emergency meeting of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, with the Charge d'Affaires…

15:05, 24.02.2022

Ambasada Amercii la București, în contextul războiului din Ucraina: „Apărăm libertatea în zona Mării Negre”

Reprezentanții Ambasadei Amercii la București au făcut, joi, primele declarații în contextul războiului din Ucraina. Iată ce transmit diplomații SUA: Ambasada Amercii la București, declarații „Ne coordonăm direct…

23:30, 07.02.2022

Minister of Defence talks with Ukraine's Charge d'Affaires on regional security

The Minister of National Defence, Vasile Dincu, had a meeting on Monday, at the Ministry of National Defence headquarters, with the Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in Romania, Paun Rohovei. During the meeting, a series…

12:35, 02.02.2022

PM Ciuca: Energy Minister will be in charge of recalculation of electricity and gas bills

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday at the Government meeting that the Ministry of Energy will be in charge of all coordination and monitoring activities regarding the recalculation of electricity and…

19:45, 31.01.2022

'Diplomația înaintea Războiului; Adevărul înaintea Minciunilor' - Editorial de David Muniz, Chargé d’ Affaires al SUA

Lumea urmărește agresiunea neprovocată a Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei. Acțiunile Rusiei reprezintă o amenințare nu numai la adresa Ucrainei, ci a Europei și a ordinii bazate pe norme internaționale. Obiectivele noastre…

20:41, 20.01.2022

Supplier Electrica Furnizare says 99 pct of customers already charged below cap price

Roughly 99 percent of the household customers in the portfolio of energy supplier Electrica Furnizare were already charged a price below the cap at the beginning of the enforcement period of the offsetting and…

20:20, 20.12.2021

America a rămas blocată în spirala omuciderilor în 2021 / Principalele cauze ale unui record nedorit

Mai multe orașe americane, metropole mari, precum și orașe mijlocii, au înregistrat în 2021 un număr record de omucideri, o spirală de crime născută anul trecut în plină pandemie de Covid-19 și…

17:26, 07.12.2021

PM Ciuca says decision about taxing large companies to be made after discussions in coalition

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Tuesday that "no decision" has been made on the possibility of introducing a tax for large companies, noting that he would discuss the issue with each of the officials in charge…

21:30, 15.11.2021

​​LISTE 2021: Rezultate Electric-UP, 100.000 Euro pentru firme, să-și ia panouri solare și chargere de mașini electrice. Se pot face contestații, dar…

Ministerul Energiei a publicat, pe 10 noiembrie 2021, și listele cu firmele admise la finanțare, repectiv firmele respinse, în cadrul programului Electric-Up 2020, prin care statul a promis, încă din…

14:05, 29.09.2021

MS considering dispensing Favipiravir through hospital pharmacies free of charge, on prescription

Romania's Ministry of Health (MS) is considering outpatient dispense of the drug Favipiravir, used for COVID-19 patients, by pharmacies in hospitals on medical prescription, according to recommendations of specialists…

09:30, 14.09.2021

Statele Unite vorbesc despre sistemul radar. Baza de la Deveselu a fost modernizată

Statele Unite vorbesc despre sistemul radar instalat în baza militară de la Deveselu. Această referire apare într-un mesaj transmis, ieri, de ambasadorul SUA în România. David Muniz a transmis un mesaj despre Parteneriatul…

17:11, 30.07.2021

U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Huff tours Cernavoda n-power plant

On July 30, 2021, Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, Dr. Kathryn Huff, and Charge d'affaires David Muniz visited the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant. According to a press…

16:01, 30.07.2021

Americanii au vizitat centrala nucleară de la Cernavodă

În data de 30 iulie 2021, Dr. Kathryn Huff, Secretarul Adjunct Interimar pentru Energie Nucleară din Departamentul pentru Energie al SUA și David Muniz, Chargé d’Affaires al SUA au vizitat Centrala Nucleară de…

09:16, 15.07.2021

SUA trimit un nou ambasador în Moldova: Cine îl va înlocui pe Hogan

CHIȘINĂU, 15 iul - Sputnik. Kent Doyle Logsdon a fost numit în funcția de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar în Republica Moldova de către președintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Joe Biden. © Photo : Guvernul…

09:10, 15.07.2021

SUA trimite un nou ambasador în Moldova: Cine îl va înlocui pe Hogan

CHIȘINĂU, 15 iul - Sputnik. Kent Doyle Logsdon a fost numit în funcția de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar în Republica Moldova de către președintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Joe Biden. © Photo : Guvernul…

12:21, 08.07.2021

JusMin Ion meets US chargé d'affaires: Imminent reforms that Romania needs - discussed

The Minister of Justice, Stelian Ion, had a new meeting with David Muniz, the chargé d'affaires of the United States of America in Bucharest, the discussions aiming at the "imminent" reforms that Romania "needs".…

11:06, 06.07.2021

iPhone 13 ar putea suporta încărcarea reverse wireless

Una dintre funcțiile pe care le-am văzut introduse recent în lumea smartphone-urilor este reverse wireless charging. Practic, aceasta poate prelua energia din telefon și o va folosi pentru a încărca fără fir un…

14:45, 30.06.2021

Chamber of Deputies wants to open bicycle station, electric car charging one

The Chamber of Deputies intends to implement two pilot projects to install automated racks and a bicycle station, as well as an electric car charging station. The Chamber of Deputies, in partnership with the Green…

15:25, 18.06.2021

University's refurbished Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium re-opened by U.S. chargé d'affaires David Muniz

The Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium of the University of Bucharest Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, freshly refurbished and modernized under a more then $50,000 joint project of the University and…

16:21, 24.05.2021

Ludovic Orban: COVID-19 vaccination could be conducted for charge, based on influenza vaccination model

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban declared on Monday in Pitesti (northwest of Bucharest) that the COVID-19 vaccination could be conducted for a charge in the…

18:35, 06.05.2021

Speaker Orban: Strategic partnership between Romania and the USA, important foreign policy pillar

Speaker of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban on Thursday met David Muniz, the charge d'affaires of the United States of America in Romania, underlining the importance of continuing and deepening the…

18:00, 06.05.2021

Romania’s strategic partnership with USA is a key pillar for its foreign policy

The member of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Ludovic Orban said on Thursday that he met David Muniz, the Chargé d’Affaires of the United States of America in Romania, underlining the importance of continuing…

08:40, 28.04.2021

CNSU: International assistance for India; Romania sends oxygen concentrators and oxygen cylinders

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) on Tuesday evening approved, by a decision, the granting of international assistance, free of charge, for India. Thus, 80 pieces of 5- and 10-litre oxygen…

20:55, 22.04.2021

Senate's Dragu: It's necessary we have visas lifted for Romanians who want to travel to US

President of the Senate Anca Dragu has stated that the US charge d'affaires to Romania, David Muniz, on Thursday said he appreciated Romania's progress in ensuring the rule of law and combating corruption, and…

14:46, 31.03.2021

Official Journal e-edition to become available permanently free of charge for saving, distribution, printing

On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law under which the electronic edition of Romania's Official Journal, Part I and II becomes available free of charge and permanently, accessible to all users…

19:41, 25.03.2021

I haven't done anything ilegal, says former head of Electoral Authority Mituletu-Buica

The President of the Permanent Electoral Authority, Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica, on Thursday stated that he was charged with two offences of abuse of office, on the grounds that in 2019 he applied two disciplinary…