Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:20, 30.03.2023

USR starts campaign to collect signatures to put pressure on PSD, PNL to repeal special pensions

The Save Romania Union (USR) announced on Thursday that it's starting to collect signatures to put pressure on the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) to repeal special state pensions,…

14:10, 17.03.2023

OLX îți poate plăti facturile dacă alegi serviciul „livrare prin OLX”

OLX a lansat un parteneriat alături de o aplicație prin care românii pot gestiona de la distanță plata facturilor de utilități, încărcarea electronică a cartelelor preplătite și plata rovinietelor. Prin intermediul…

12:01, 13.03.2023

Romanian Navy to promote military career in three-day campaign

The Romanian Navy will carry out, March 14-16, in Neamt County, a campaign to promote military careers, according to the Chief of Navy Staff (SMFN).Navy officials will meet some 3,000 students from the Neamt County…

19:10, 06.03.2023

Minor trafficking, child pornography campaign to reach schools and high-schools

Representatives of the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and Other Related Matters (ANITP) will go to schools and high schools to inform the children about minor trafficking and child pornography,…

18:25, 15.12.2022

Romanian Aesthetic Dentistry Society launches image campaign in partnership with Tourism Authority

he Romanian Aesthetic Dentistry Society, in partnership with the National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT), is launching an image campaign for Romania, developed by McCann Worldgroup Romania. told Agerpres.…

12:25, 12.12.2022

Habitat for Humanity Romania continues its fundraising campaign to build homes for vulnerable families

Habitat for Humanity Romania continues its fundraising campaign to build homes for vulnerable families, according to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Monday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

11:25, 07.12.2022

APIA: Payments of almost 62 million EUR, cleared for final payment in 2022 Campaign

Almost 62 million EUR were cleared for the final payment within the 2022 Campaign, the Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) announced on Wednesday, in a press release sent to AGERPRES. Fii la…

15:51, 06.12.2022

Kuleba: Terror campaign against Ukrainian embassies, today the Romanian embassy was added

The Ukrainian minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, stated on Tuesday, in a press conference, that a campaign of terror and intimidation was launched against the embassies and consulates of this state, but…

22:15, 17.11.2022

National HPV vaccination promotion campaign released in Romania

A national campaign to promote HPV vaccination in Romania's small towns and rural areas was released on Thursday, November 17, the Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action 2022, as each year over 1,500 women in…

17:30, 17.11.2022

Cât costă să faci școala de șoferi după scumpirile din 2022

Inflația și prețul combustibililor au lovit și în prețurilor școlilor de șoferi, adică a cursurilor obligatorii pentru cei care vor permis de conducere. Datele adunate de platforma de anunțuri OLX arată că prețul…

15:00, 18.10.2022

Bucharest Prefecture launches tree planting campaign with Japanese cherry trees at Free Press Square

The Bucharest Prefecture launched, on Tuesday, a tree planting campaign through a symbolic action of planting some Japanese cherry trees on the esplanade in front of the Free Press Square. Fii la curent cu cele…

23:40, 14.10.2022

Volunteer reservist recruitment campaign, between October 24 & November 11, for over 400 positions available

The Ministry of National Defense (MApN) is organizing, between October 24 and November 11, a new recruitment and selection campaign for people who want to perform military service in the reserve as a volunteer…

14:45, 29.09.2022

Ukrainian company launches in Romania campaign to support children affected by war in Ukraine

A campaign to support Ukrainian children was launched, on Thursday, in Romania, by a Ukrainian corporation that produces and distributes household goods and hygiene products. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

16:11, 26.09.2022

Românii cumpără tot mai des îmbrăcăminte second-hand de lux, în contextul scumpirilor

Românii optează tot mai des pentru articole de îmbrăcăminte de tip vintage, second hand, în contextul actual al scumpirilor, inclusiv în ceea ce priveşte brandurile de lux, precum Versace, Moncler, Gucci, Balenciaga,…

11:15, 26.09.2022

STUDIU OLX: Românii cumpără tot mai des îmbrăcăminte second-hand de lux şi optează pentru branduri precum Versace, Moncler, Gucci, Balenciaga, Prada.…

”În contextul actual al scumpirilor, românii sunt din ce în ce mai conştienţi de impactul alegerilor lor şi optează tot mai des pentru articole de îmbrăcăminte de tip vintage, second hand, inclusiv în ceea ce priveşte…

17:15, 23.08.2022

Relevant national agency announces human trafficking prevention campaign

The National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP) announced on Tuesday that it is launching the national prevention campaign "Spread your wings! Information means freedom!". Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

18:45, 12.08.2022

USR calls on PSD and PNL to stop manipulation campaign and not to touch Pension Pillar 2

Save Romania Union (USR) claims that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) are conducting a manipulation campaign with regard to Pension Pillar 2 and calls on the two parties to…

18:21, 01.08.2022

Cum au fost schimbate viețile angajaților de săptămâna de muncă de patru zile. "Rezultatele au depășit așteptările tuturor"

Cei care muncesc s-au săturat. La mai bine de doi ani de pandemie, mulți au ajuns la epuizare, alții și-au părăsit slujbele sau alții încearcă din răsputeri să mai facă rost de una, deoarece inflația record le…

15:05, 06.06.2022

Marea Britanie începe să testeze săptămâna de lucru de patru zile

Peste 3.000 de angajaţi din 70 de companii din Marea Britanie vor testa timp de şase luni săptămâna de lucru de patru zile fără nicio pierdere la salariu, în ceea ce organizatorii susţin că este cel mai mare proiect…

09:45, 06.06.2022

Marea Britanie: 70 de companii încep să testeze săptămâna de lucru de patru zile

Peste 3.000 de angajaţi din 70 de companii din Marea Britanie vor testa timp de şase luni săptămâna de lucru de patru zile fără nicio pierdere la salariu, în ceea ce organizatorii susţin că este cel mai mai mare…

09:30, 14.05.2022

De două ori mai mulți săraci au murit de COVID decât oameni bogați: STUDIU

De două ori mai mulți săraci au murit de COVID decât oameni bogați: STUDIU De două ori mai mulți săraci au murit de COVID decât oameni bogați: STUDIU Un studiu publicat de organizaţia Poor People’s Campaign a relevat…

18:40, 10.05.2022

UNITER launches humanitarian campaign 'Romanian artists for Ukrainian artists'

The Theater Union of Romania (UNITER) is launching the humanitarian campaign "Romanian artists for Ukrainian artists", a fundraising project that will take place in the May 16 - June 15 period. Fii la curent cu…

13:20, 05.04.2022

Gopo Awards support Ukrainian filmmakers via 'United through film' campaign

The Romanian film industry expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian filmmakers through the campaign "United through film", at the XVI edition of the Gopo Awards. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

00:00, 05.04.2022

Sărăcia, cauza pricipală a mortălității de COVID-19 în SUA (Studiu)

De două ori mai mulţi americani din regiuni mai sărace au murit pe parcursul pandemiei de COVID-19 comparativ cu cei din regiuni bogate, relevă un studiu publicat luni de organizaţia Poor People's Campaign, citat…

18:05, 29.03.2022

Over 4 million Euro in donation, during 'Humanity has no borders' campaign, to help Ukrainians

Over 4 million Euro, money and products, were donated by the business environment for helping the Ukrainian people during the "Humanity has no borders" campaign. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

22:00, 18.03.2022

Enlightenment - Artists United for Peace campaign - projection, Saturday evening, on Bucharest National Theater facade

A video clip containing works done by international visual artists sending a message of solidarity and peace will be projected, on Saturday, on the facade of the Ion Luca Caragiale National Theater, between 20:30…

15:40, 16.03.2022

#soliDAR - campaign providing hot meals for Ukrainians arriving in Romania, at Isaccea and Constanta

A number of 750 hot meals will be offered daily to people in Ukraine who cross the border through the southeastern Isaccea border crossing point, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:45, 10.03.2022

'Together with refugees from Ukraine', humanitarian campaign organized by National Library, Museum of Horrors of Communism

The National Library and the Museum of Horrors of Communism in Romania are organizing, starting Thursday, the humanitarian campaign "Together with the refugees from Ukraine." Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

18:10, 07.03.2022

Ukrainian-born doctor of Targu Mures starts medicine aid campaign for Chernivtsi Hospital

Ukrainian-born ER doctor Ilya Koblyuk of Targu Mures has started a humanitarian campaign to help the Chernivtsi Hospital with medicines. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

23:55, 02.03.2022

Servicemen with Multinational Brigade South-East join blood donation campaign for injured Ukrainian servicemen

The servicemen with the Multinational Brigade South-East in Craiova are joining the blood donation campaign conducted by the Ministry of National Defence and the Health Ministry for injured Ukrainian servicemen…