Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:15, 28.05.2024

Bucharest to host first edition of Romania-Brazil Business Forum

Bucharest to host first edition of Romania-Brazil Business Forum

The first edition of the Romania-Brazil Business Forum organised by the Brazilian Embassy in Bucharest will take place on Wednesday, May 29, according to the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB).The…

18:50, 17.05.2024

Institute for investigating communist crimes refers Siret Hospital case closure decision to Constitutional Court

Institute for investigating communist crimes refers Siret Hospital case closure decision to Constitutional Court

The Institute for the Investigation of the Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) announced on Friday that a judge of the Bucharest Court of Appeal admitted a request to refer the matter…

16:45, 11.05.2024

Look whos talking: Gabriela Firea, Nicusor Dan failed to solve heating problem (PNLs Burduja)

Look who's talking: Gabriela Firea, Nicusor Dan failed to solve heating problem (PNL's Burduja)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate for the Bucharest City Hall, Sebastian Burduja, criticized the general mayor, Nicusor Dan, and his predecessor, Gabriela Firea, for the fact that the heating network rehabilitation…

20:00, 18.04.2024

Mayor Negoita says he will accept to be coalitions candidate for Bucharest City Hall if asked by party

Mayor Negoita says he will accept to be coalition's candidate for Bucharest City Hall if asked by party

Bucharest District 3 Mayor Robert Negoita said on Thursday that he will accept to run for the office of the Bucharest general mayor on behalf of the Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party (PSD-PNL) coalition…

17:35, 10.04.2024

Romania - Republic of Moldova Employers Association for Sustainable Development to be launched on May 16, 2024

Romania - Republic of Moldova Employers' Association for Sustainable Development to be launched on May 16, 2024

The Romania - Republic of Moldova Employers' Association for Sustainable Development (PDDRM) is to be launched on May 16, 2024, when the "PDDRM - Romania - Republic of Moldova Multiannual Economic Plan" conference…

17:26, 03.04.2024

INTERVIEW Mircea Geoana: Romania has a vocation for playing a multiregional part in NATO

INTERVIEW Mircea Geoana: Romania has a vocation for playing a multiregional part in NATO

Romania's history in NATO is an odyssey spanning several decades and the country has a vocation for playing a multiregional part inside the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana recently…

16:35, 20.03.2024

PSDs Ciolacu: We will have a project for Romania, if Romanians vote for our joint projects

PSD's Ciolacu: We will have a project for Romania, if Romanians vote for our joint projects

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, said on Wednesday that if Romanians vote for the joint PSD National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate for Bucharest City Hall and…

18:51, 11.03.2024

Bucharest City Hall budget rejected for the third time by the General Council

Bucharest City Hall budget rejected for the third time by the General Council

The 2024 draft budget of the Bucharest City Hall has been rejected for the third time by the General Council. It received 17 "in favour" votes, 23 abstentions and one vote "against".Previously, two amendments supported…

15:45, 06.03.2024

President Iohannis to welcome Austrian Chancellor Nehammer on March 7

President Iohannis to welcome Austrian Chancellor Nehammer on March 7

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday will welcome Austria's Chancellor Karl Nehammer, according to the Romanian Presidential Administration. The meeting is scheduled for 10:30hrs, at the Cotroceni Presidential…

08:55, 28.02.2024

România, lovită de o criză puternică pe piața muncii! Numărul pensionarilor se va tripla

România, ca multe alte țări din Europa, se confruntă cu probleme majore de ordin demografic. Populația îmbătrânește, iar tinerii aleg să plece peste hotare, atrași de venituri mult mai mari. În aceste condiții,…

06:35, 28.02.2024

Criza uriașă care va lovi piața muncii din România: Numărul pensionarilor se va tripla!

România se confruntă cu multiple provocări de ordin demografic, care vor impacta major piaţa muncii în următorii 10 ani: populaţia ţării îmbătrâneşte, tinerii activi sunt din ce în ce mai puţini pe piaţa muncii,…

17:25, 27.02.2024

PM: I believe that we will have a joint PSD-PNL candidate for Bucharest City Hall

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, expressed his belief that there will be a PSD - PNL (National Liberal Party) PNL joint candidate for Bucharest City Hall. Asked,…

11:30, 27.02.2024

România- locul 17 în lume la emigrare. Aproape 6 milioane de români au ales să lucreze și să se stabilească în străinătate. La 6 români care emigrează…

Migrația externă este o problemă serioasă a României, țara noastră ocupând locul 17 la nivel global, cu peste 5.7 milioane de români care au ales să lucreze și să se stabilească în străinătate. Raportul dintre…

19:35, 13.02.2024

Energy Ministry officially notifies Bucharest City Hall of ELCEN-Termoenergetica intended merger

The Energy Ministry has officially notified the Bucharest City Hall of the proposed merger between power and heat company Electrocentrale Bucharest SA (ELCEN) and municipal utility company Termoenergetica Bucharest…

11:35, 13.02.2024

Catholic Lent 2024 to start on Wednesday

Catholic Lent 2024 starts on Wednesday."On Wednesday, February 14, Ash Wednesday, we begin the time of Lent, a time of preparation for the Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord," the Roman Catholic Archdiocese…

16:35, 23.01.2024

USR's Ghinea files complaint against head of anti-corruption authority

Cristian Ghinea, coordinator of the Department of Public Policies of the Save Romania Union (USR), has submitted a complaint to the Bucharest Court of Appeal against the way in which chief prosecutor of the National…

15:10, 22.01.2024

Secret justice for the Tate brothers in Romania

Accused of rape, continuous human trafficking and using violence to exploit their victims, brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate benefit from a completely secretive justice system in Romania that protects them from…

14:30, 20.01.2024

Heavy snowfalls fell trees, makes traffic hard in Bucharest City

Heavy snowfalls fell trees, makes traffic hard in Bucharest CityHeavy snowfalls have felled trees in Bucharest City, damaging 13 vehicles, the Bucharest Local Police reported on Saturday, adding that traffic in…

15:00, 14.12.2023

Bucharest Court postpones all trials, as protest for non-payment of some salary rights

The General Assembly of the judges of the Bucharest Tribunal decided on Thursday that all trials at this court, except for emergencies, will be postponed until the Government satisfies the magistrates' demands…

17:25, 01.11.2023

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce: Over 280 South-Korean companies registered in Romania, in September

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce: Over 280 South-Korean companies registered in Romania, in SeptemberA total of 287 companies with South Korean capital were registered in Romania as of September 30, with an invested…

13:20, 16.10.2023

Karate Kyokushin: Shobu Lumina, peste 30 de medalii la Bucharest Challenge Cup si locul 7 pe cluburi (GALERIE FOTO)

Cea de a X a editie a competitiei internationale de karate kyokushin cunoscuta sub numele de "Bucharest Challenge Cup" a avut loc la Complexul Sportiv Apollo din Bucuresti.Evenimentul a fost organizat impecabil…

20:15, 27.09.2023

Gabriela Firea is PSD candidate for Bucharest City Hall (chairman Ciolacu)

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that, at this moment, there is a decision made by the PSD (Social Democratic Party) according to which Gabriela Firea is the party's candidate for the mayoralty of…

15:40, 14.09.2023

TAROM introduces more flights on Bucharest-Chisinau route from September 24, with prices from 85 euros/segment

TAROM introduces more flights on the Bucharest-Chisinau route, starting from September 24, the prices for a ticket starting from 85 euros/segment, the national airline operator announced on Thursday.The company…

09:05, 04.09.2023

Three gold medals and one silver medal for Romanian athletes at RomGym Trophy

Romanian athletes won three gold medals and one silver medal on Sunday in the apparatus finals at the third edition of the RomGym Trophy competition, organised by the Romanian Gymnastics Federation, the Bucharest…

18:56, 29.08.2023

As many as 3,718 companies and self-employed persons go insolvent over Jan - July 2023

The number of companies and self-employed persons (PFAs) going insolvent in the first seven months of 2023 was 5.44 percent down from the year-ago period, at 3,718, according to data published on the website of…

08:45, 29.08.2023

Excessive heat, raising thermal discomfort enwrapping Bucharest City, eastern, southeastern Romania

Excessive heat, raising thermal discomfort enwrapping Bucharest City, eastern, southeastern RomaniaExcessive heat and raising thermal discomfort will persist today in eastern and southeastern Romania, where highs…

19:15, 24.08.2023

Romania reports 21 confirmed West Nile virus human cases

Romania reports 21 confirmed West Nile virus human casesAs many as 21 human cases of the West Nile virus infection have been reported in Romania from the beginning of the surveillance on June 6, the National Public…

18:05, 22.08.2023

Northern Bucharest wildfire localised

Northern Bucharest wildfire localisedA wildfire that broke out on Tuesday in the northern part of Bucharest City has been localised by firefighters, and four special vehicles were stationed in the area, according…

13:55, 27.07.2023

Torturers of dissident Gheorghe Ursu, finally acquitted by Supreme Court

The High Court of Cassation and Justice ordered on Thursday the final acquittal of former (secret police) Securitate officers Marin Pirvulescu and Vasile Hodis, accused of torturing dissident Gheorghe Ursu, for…

22:05, 20.07.2023

JusMin Gorghiu: The Naples Court of Appeal orders handover of Darius Valcov to Romanian authorities

The Naples Court of Appeal on Thursday ordered the handover of Darius Valcov, former mayor of Slatina and minister of finance, to the competent authorities of Romania, announced the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu."Today,…