Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:50, 14.09.2023

James Blake a lansat albumul Playing Robots Into Heaven

James Blake a lansat albumul “Playing Robots Into Heaven”. Artistul “a îngrijit” cu atenție cele unsprezece piese ale discului, împletind o viziune captivantă, cufundată în arhitectura sonoră cinematografică și…

13:50, 24.04.2023

Romanian Black Sea fishermen asking for business decline compensations due to war in Ukraine

Romanian Black Sea fishermen asking for business decline compensations due to war in Ukraine.Romania's Black Sea fishermen are dissatisfied because the Romanian government does not grant them compensations as they…

16:05, 06.01.2023

Critici masive după ce o stațiune de lux din Elveția și-a adus zăpadă cu elicopterul pe pârtiile înverzite

În tentativa de a menține pârtiile deschise, după ce tunurile nu au mai fost de niciun ajutor, administratorii domeniului schiabil din stațiunea Gstaad, cantonul elvețian Berna, au luat decizia de a aduce zăpadă…

15:25, 28.11.2022

Save Romania Union conducts survey on over 4,000 citizens, asking them to review gov't activity

Save Romania Union (USR) has conducted a survey on a sample of more than 4,000 citizens, 92pct of whom said that they live worse than last year, the leader of the USR Deputies, Ionut Mosteanu, stated on Monday.…

11:50, 26.08.2022

CINE sunt câștigătorii celor trei invitații duble gratuite pentru WTF Rock Festival

Astăzi la ora 17.00 începe Way Too Far Rock Festival în Parcul Industrial Bistrița Sud. Trei cititori Bistrițeanul.ro au ocazia să participe gratuit alături de un prieten/ă la cele trei zile de festival. WTF –…

13:30, 16.06.2022

PM Ciuca asking Energy and Finance Ministries to check fuel price elements

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Thursday that the government will approve an anti-gouging emergency ordinance and asked the Energy and Finance Ministries to check how the current fuel prices have been…

00:30, 05.03.2022

''The Batman'', mult aşteptat de fani, se lansează în sfârşit pe marile ecrane

Noul lungmetraj "The Batman", întruchipat de data aceasta de Robert Pattinson, se lansează în sfîrşit în cinematografe, umbrind şi alte premiere precum filmul de acţiune "Asking For It", sau thrillerul "A Day To…

08:30, 31.12.2021

PM Ciuca: We are a EU, NATO capable of changing relevant country, we cannot get over this

Romania is a country that has a history within the European Union and in the North Atlantic Alliance, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday night in a TV broadcast on TVR 1 public television, agerpres reports.…

12:20, 16.12.2021

President Iohannis, on Sen. Sosoaca case: Absolutely regrettable incident, I'm asking for a thorough check

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the incident involving Senator Diana Sosoaca is an absolutely regrettable one, pointing out that the competent authorities must check what happened and how it was…

11:31, 20.10.2021

PM-designate Ciolos: I'm asking you for a vote for a crisis government, to offer example of responsibility

Prime Minister-designate Dacian Ciolos on Wednesday asked lawmakers to vote for a crisis government, in order to provide together an example of responsibility for citizens, stressing that they both assume "their…

19:55, 24.08.2021

EconMin Nasui: Romanians wanting higher pay for their work not asking for privilege

Romanians who want higher pay for their work do not ask for any privilege, but only not to take half of their salary to pay all kinds of privileges for the politically connected, says Economy Minister Claudiu Nasui.…

14:00, 13.08.2021

Social Democrats asking President Iohannis to state whether he knew of Florin Citu's criminal record

The Social Democrats asked Friday President Klaus Iohannis to confirm or deny whether he knew of Florin Citu's criminal record when he signed him in for the position of Prime Minister of Romania. "The Social Democratic…

18:05, 16.04.2021

PM Citu: Barna should say if he knew about accusations regarding data of those dead from COVID-19

The Prime Minister Florin Citu requested on Friday, to the Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna, to present in the Government sitting if he knew about the existence of certain differences between reported data and real…

11:50, 02.03.2021

Farmers asking President Iohannis to settle their conflict with gov't over drought aid

Farmers are calling on President Klaus Iohannis to mediate the conflict between them and the government over the omission of drought relief from the draft national budget, according to a statement from the Farmers'…

13:05, 14.12.2020

Muncitorul român, bătut crunt de fiul patronului unei agenții de muncă din Olanda, este acum amenințat de tatăl agresorului cu plângere la Poliție

Victima agresiunii, muncitorul român David, s-a întors acasă de sărbători, din Olanda. Dar, după două săptămâni de carantină, patronul agenției Reyhan i-a cerut să revină la job și să returneze mașina firmei, pe…

18:15, 09.12.2020

ActiveWatch, another six civic organisations petition President to not appoint someone with military background as PM

Human rights advocacy organization ActiveWatch and another six civic organizations sent President Klaus Iohannis a letter asking him to not accept a person with military background as Prime Minister. "The signatory…

19:55, 25.11.2020

PSD files complaint with CNA, asking that Iohannis speak in PNL electoral space

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has submitted a complaint with the National Council for Audiovisual (CNA), the broadcasting watchdog, requesting that President Klaus Iohannis speak in the electoral space of the…

15:15, 17.11.2020

Agenția olandeză al cărei manager a bătut crunt un muncitor român: “Violența și abuzurile nu sunt agreate de noi”

În urmă cu două săptămâni, Libertatea a publicat filmul agresiunii unui muncitor român, lovit cu picioarele și pumnii în cap de fiul patronului agenției olandeze de plasare a forței de muncă Reyhan Uitzendbureau…

17:25, 07.11.2020

Muncitor român, BĂTUT cu sălbăticie de managerul unei agenţii de muncă din Olanda. "O săptămână nici nu m-am putut ridica din pat"

Agresorul este unul dintre fiii lui Askin Reyhan, patronul agenției pentru ocuparea forței de muncă cu același nume, relatează portalul de ştiri AD, citat de Observatornews. Agenţia este una dintre cele mai importante…

18:05, 23.10.2020

Romania asking court to repeal problematic EU freight transport competitiveness provisions

The Romanian Government on Friday brought three actions in annulment before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) related to problematic provisions in the EU Mobility Package I regarding competitiveness…

23:45, 14.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Basescu: I won't stop from electoral race; it's like asking an airplane: stop a little!

Former President (2004-2014) and Mayor of Bucharest (2000-2004), Traian Basescu, currently an MEP running on behalf of the People's Movement Party (PMP) for the Bucharest City Hall, stated on Monday that he will…

13:45, 27.08.2020

WWF Romania asking President Iohannis to send Forestry Code bill back to Parliament

WWF Romania representatives ask President Klaus Iohannis to not sign the Forestry Code bill into law, arguing that it doesn't solve the deeply ingrained problem of illegal logging."The bill amending the Forestry…

11:36, 13.04.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu asking for inquiry into departure of 2,000 Romanians to work in Germany

National leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu argues that a parliamentary committee should be set up to inquire into what he dubs "the asparagus operation" that saw 2,000…

19:33, 07.04.2020

USR's Barna, party leaders discuss asking PM Orban for weekly meetings

National chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna announced that on Tuesday having had a meeting with leaders of the other parliamentary parties and agreeing on asking Prime Minister Ludovic Orban for…

19:59, 06.04.2020

USR's Barna: We believe state needs to make sacrifices not to ask Romanians to make sacrifices themselves

Save Romania Union (USR) believes that, in the context of the state of emergency caused by the novel coronavirus, the state is the one that should make the most sacrifices, instead of asking the average Romanians…

19:17, 12.09.2019

President Iohannis: Reshuffle is null, inappropriate, I clearly reject it

President Klaus Iohannis has announced at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Thursday that he refuses the reshuffle proposed by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, reshuffle which he regards as null and void and…

13:56, 30.08.2019

PSD's presidential candidate Viorica Dancila: I'm asking for all of Romanian women's support

The leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), premier Viorica Dancila, speaking on Friday in southeastern Black Sea resort of Mamaia, asked for the support of all social-democratic women, as well as of all women…

08:24, 22.08.2019

Minister Intotero voices concern over Leipzig Police asking hoteliers to report any Romanian guests

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero has said she is surprised and worried that police in the German city of Leipzig have asked local hoteliers to report any Romanian guests. "I have learned with surprise…

17:38, 25.02.2019

PNL to send letter to PACE asking for notification of Venice Commission on ordinance on justice

National Liberal Party (PNL) on Monday decided at the meeting of the Executive Bureau on the content of the letter to be sent to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in which it asked for…

00:07, 03.02.2019

Ex-PM Ciolos says it was USR asking him to open the joint list for EP elections

Former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Saturday stated it was USR (Save Romania Union) who asked him to be the first name on the joint list of USR-PLUS (Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Party) for the European Parliament…