Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:05, 10.11.2019

MEP Mircea Hava: 'We need normalcy. Everyone is sick and tired of people who do nothing but be first among tellers of unsavory jokes'

MEP Mircea Hava said on Sunday, exiting a polling station in central-western Alba Iulia where he cast his ballot in the presidential election, that he had voted "for a normal country.""I voted for normalcy, for…

18:03, 25.01.2016

Unsavoury welcome to political peddlers of hope

President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Dacian Cioloş were booed by the people who attended the Little Union celebrations in Iaşi. The Romanian high officials' flag-waving speeches were disrupted by both...