Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:45, 21.06.2023

Greenpeace Romania: Offshore gas exploitation threatens the Black Sea and its shores

Greenpeace Romania: Offshore gas exploitation threatens the Black Sea and its shores. Greenpeace Romania activists claim that an offshore gas exploitation unveiled on Wednesday by OMV Petrom and Romgaz is "a new…

15:20, 15.06.2023

Un amplu exercițiu de apărare cibernetică pentru consolidarea capacităților la nivel guvernamental se desfășoară la Chișinău

În perioada 14 iunie - 16 iunie, la Chișinău, circa 50 de experți în securitate cibernetică din cadrul instituțiilor guvernamentale, cât și din sectorul privat, participă la un exercițiu de apărare cibernetică,…

09:20, 05.06.2023

Romania’s Social Democrats threaten early elections if no PM switch

Romania‘s Social Democratic Party (PSD) will trigger early elections if the prime minister switch that was agreed to within the ruling coalition in December and which was supposed to have already taken place is…

11:06, 02.06.2023

UN warns of new threat to global food security after Russia limits Ukraine grain shipments

Warning of a new threat to global food security, the United Nations said Thursday that Russia is limiting the number of ships allowed to pick up Ukrainian grain at Black Sea ports in its campaign to get Kyiv to…

08:51, 30.05.2023

Police start street protests, threaten to block the system

The National Union of Police and Contractual Staff (SNPPC) launches street protests on June 6, 7 and 8, possibly even blocking the system, according to a statement sent to AGERPRES on Monday evening."Considering…

14:35, 23.05.2023

France prepares its guard against drone strikes, security threats

France will deploy 35,000 security agents and the military to secure the 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony, a river parade through the heart of Paris, from security threats including drone strikes, the interior…

11:40, 18.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Security threats in Black Sea region call for strengthening of NATO's presence

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca pleaded, on Thursday, at the Security Forum in the Black Sea and Balkans region, for the strengthening of NATO's presence in the area, considering the existing security threats."Freedom…

12:10, 16.05.2023

Pre-university teaching staff Wednesday in warning strike, unions threatening general strike as of 22 May

The pre-university teaching staff will go on a warning strike on Wednesday, between 11:00 and 13:00, during which classes will not take place, the presidents of the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education…

10:40, 09.05.2023

Ukraine’s envoy to Japan urges G7 to condemn any threat to use nuclear weapons

The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) rich nations must condemn any threat to use nuclear weapons and vow “decisive action” against such a move when they hold a summit next week in the city of Hiroshima, Ukraine‘s…

10:31, 08.05.2023

AgriMin Daea threatens to cut subsidies for vegetable growers using toxic substances

Agriculture Minister Daea threatens to cut subsidies for vegetable growers using toxic substances.Agriculture Minister Petre Daea said, in the context of an investigation which revealed the fact that several vegetable…

20:30, 25.04.2023

President Iohannis: Romania to continue to fulfill its role in facilitating food exports from Ukraine

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania will continue to fulfill its role in facilitating food exports from Ukraine to the rest of the world with "the utmost responsibility"."I have also discussed…

14:30, 24.04.2023

Bomb threat at Bucharest Court of Appeal, pyrotechnics are conducting checks (sources)

Bomb threat at Bucharest Court of Appeal, pyrotechnics are conducting checks (sources).Pyrotechnists are conducting checks at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, following a 112 call that an explosive device is located…

14:01, 03.04.2023

US, South Korea start joint sea drills as North Korea makes nuclear threat

The US, South Korea and Japan started joint naval drills off the Korean Peninsula in a move certain to anger North Korea, which fired its first missile over Japan in five years after similar exercises were held…

18:50, 31.03.2023

Nicolae Ciucă a îmbrăcat din nou 'haina de militar'! Avertisment în privința evoluției războiului din Ucraina: 'Cineva va încerca să profite de situaţie!'

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a declarat, vineri, la Stockholm, în cadrul Conferinţei cu tema „Threats and opportunities in the Black Sea area”, că războiul de agresiune al Rusiei din Ucraina este cel mai tragic şi violent…

18:01, 31.03.2023

Ciucă: Importanţa strategică a Mării Negre nu mai poate fi ignorată în contextul războiului din Ucraina

Importanţa strategică a Mării Negre nu mai poate fi ignorată în contextul războiului din Ucraina, iar fără NATO şi UE nu poate exista o pace durabilă în regiune, bazată pe valori, a declarat, vineri, prim-ministrul…

17:50, 31.03.2023

Ciucă: Războiul de agresiune al Rusiei din Ucraina este cel mai tragic şi violent din Regiunea Extinsă a Mării Negre

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a declarat, vineri, la Stockholm, în cadrul Conferinţei cu tema „Threats and opportunities in the Black Sea area”, că războiul de agresiune al Rusiei din Ucraina este cel mai tragic şi violent…

16:36, 27.03.2023

Nuclear row threatens EU deal on renewable energy goals

European Union countries are split over whether to allow nuclear energy to contribute to meeting their renewable energy targets, a dispute threatening to delay one of the EU’s main climate policies, according to…

09:36, 24.03.2023

TAROM aircraft on Tel Aviv-Bucharest route makes emergency landing in Istanbul due to bomb threat

A TAROM aircraft on the Tel Aviv-Bucharest flight made an emergency landing in Istanbul on Friday morning due to a bomb threat that later turned out to be false, informs the national airline operator."The TAROM…

16:45, 06.03.2023

UK Ambassador in Bucharest Noble says threat of human trafficking is a priority of the Embassy

Ambassador of the UK in Bucharest Andrew Noble stated that the threat of human trafficking represents a priority of the institution because hundreds of thousands of Romanians are affected by this phenomenon. Fii…

21:51, 01.03.2023

Senate acting President: Threats to the Republic of Moldova are worrysome

At a meeting with visiting Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Senate acting President Alina Gorghiu congratulated the political class in Chisinau on their succeeding to navigate the successive crises facing…

00:50, 15.02.2023

Bogdan Aurescu a avut marți o întâlnire cu secretarul general al ONU, António Guterres

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, a avut marţi o întrevedere cu secretarul general al Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite(ONU), António Guterres, problematica schimbărilor climatice şi a consecinţelor acestora,…

22:00, 14.02.2023

Min Aurescu speaks at UN about danger of rising sea and ocean levels

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, participated, on Tuesday, as the key speaker, in the open meeting of the United Nations Security Council, with the theme "Threats to International Peace and Security:…

09:05, 14.02.2023

ForMin Aurescu - invited as keynote speaker to UN Security Council meeting, in New York

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu will participate on Tuesday, as the keynote speaker in the open meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) called "Threats to International Peace and Security:…

05:45, 14.02.2023

Bogdan Aurescu participă, marţi, în calitate de vorbitor principal, la reuniunea deschisă a Consiliului de Securitate al ONU

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, participă, marţi, în calitate de vorbitor principal, la reuniunea deschisă a Consiliului de Securitate al Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite, cu tema "Ameninţări la adresa…

11:15, 13.02.2023

ForMin Aurescu - invited as keynote speaker at UN Security Council meeting, in New York

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu will participate on Tuesday, as the keynote speaker in the open meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) called "Threats to International Peace and Security:…

09:05, 13.02.2023

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu, invitat in cadrul Consiliului de Securitate al ONU la New York

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu va participa marti, 14 februarie 2023, in calitate de vorbitor principal, la reuniunea deschisa a Consiliului de Securitate al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite, cu tema…

15:26, 07.02.2023

Russia: NATO involvement in Ukraine threatens ‘unpredictable’ escalation

Russia‘s defence minister said on Tuesday that Western arms supplies to Ukraine were effectively dragging NATO into the conflict, warning this could lead to an “unpredictable” escalation, according to Reuters.…

11:45, 02.02.2023

North Korea says U.S. drills threaten to turn region into ‘critical war zone’

North Korea‘s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that drills by the United States and its allies have pushed the situation to an “extreme red-line” and threaten to turn the peninsula into a huge war arsenal and…

11:26, 24.01.2023

Iran condemns sanctions imposed by EU, Britain and threatens retaliation

Iran on Tuesday strongly condemned new sanctions imposed by the European Union and Britain and said it would retaliate, after the West stepped up pressure on Iran over its crackdown on protests, according to Reuters.…

11:41, 12.01.2023

US and Japan deepen space, military ties as China’s threat grows

The US and Japan announced plans to strengthen defense cooperation on land, at sea and in space as they expressed growing concern about the growing challenge posed by China and its ties with Russia, according to…