Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:25, 21.12.2022

USR: Heads of institutions or public officials no longer fined for not doing their job

Save Romania Union (USR) criticizes the draft law adopted by the Chamber of Deputies according to which the leaders of public authorities or officials who have not done their job will no longer pay fines for delaying…

21:26, 20.12.2022

Defining The Social Determinants Of Health For Nursing Motion To Achieve Health Fairness

For any topic, you can choose from a extensive range of specialists who will deal with your essay with talent, precision, and enthusiasm. It is the Cardholder’s duty to know the laws regarding essay writing services…

11:55, 19.12.2022

What Is the Best Essay Writing Service?

Regardless of what kind of writing you’ll need It is crucial to know a few things that you should look for when deciding on the essay writing services. This will professional essay writing service prevent costly…

13:00, 16.12.2022

PM Ciuca: We owe justice to heroes of December 1989, but also to dissidents and victims of communist regime

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed a message on Friday on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the beginning of the Romanian Revolution, in which he said that both the heroes and martyrs of December 1989,…

16:51, 14.12.2022

Freddie Flintoff, unul dintre prezentatorii Top Gear, dus cu elicopterul la spital, în urma unui accident în timpul filmărilor

Fostul căpitan de cricket al Angliei, devenit radiodifuzor, participa marți la o filmare la Aerodromul Dunsfold Park din Surrey, care apare de regulă în emisiunea Top Gear, când a fost implicat într-un accident…

17:00, 12.12.2022

How to Find the Best Essay Writing Help

If you’re a student, academic professional or simply needs help with a paper, there are a number of reasons to seek assistance with professional essay writing service your essay. There are a lot of options available…

15:40, 09.12.2022

Write My Essay Service You’ll Find A Way To Belief

Besides the list under, we also attempt to help college students on shoestring budgets with further free sources. Anyone can entry the most important database of free essay samples to search out the missing steerage…

15:50, 08.12.2022

Most Romanians prefer to spend their holidays in Romania (study)

Almost two-thirds of Romanians (65%) choose to spend their holidays in Romania, to the detriment of traveling abroad (29%), according to the latest study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research, at the request of…

11:10, 06.12.2022

Over 800,000 Romanians celebrate their name day on Saint Nicholas

Over 800,000 Romanians celebrate their name day on Saint Nicholas, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help your friends know more about…

16:10, 05.12.2022

Christmas Tree Festival, support for children and their education

he Save the Children Romania organization presented, on Monday, in the Royal Dining Room of the National Art Museum of Romania, the creations of some designers and personalities to be auctioned at the 22nd edition…

15:00, 05.12.2022

Money Back Guarantee For Paper Writer

If you require a piece of writing prepared by a research paper writer and/or one who’s an ESL writer or someone competent to write short compositions, you can locate a writing service for your specific needs. It…

11:10, 23.11.2022

More than half of active enterprises have market services as their main activity

More than 50pct of the total number of active enterprises, respectively 50.1pct, had market services as their main activity, which sector also scored the highest average number of employees, representing 36.8pct…

18:21, 17.11.2022

More than half of Romanians believe that the situation in their country is worse than in 1989 (survey)

More than 50% of Romanians believe that the situation in their country is worse than in 1989, according to a survey carried out by INSCOP Research as part of the their "Romania - Agenda 2050" project commissioned…

08:55, 15.11.2022

Judges' independence does not exclude their responsibility in exercising office, says Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) rules that the independence of the judges does not exclude their responsibility in exercising office, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

22:35, 10.11.2022

Men's basketball: Romania win their first victory in second phase of EuroBasket 2025 pre-qualifiers

Romania's men's national basketball team won their first victory in Group F of the second round of pre-qualifiers for the European Championship - EuroBasket 2025, versus Cyprus, 69-65 (19-19, 21-15, 14-13 , 15-17)…

14:20, 10.11.2022

PM Ciuca: We'll do everything for Romanian and Ukrainian citizens to enjoy their rights

The governments of Romania and Ukraine are responsible for securing an environment for the "full and sustainable exercise" of the rights of the Romanian and Ukrainian communities both in Romania and in Ukraine,…

02:11, 09.11.2022

Donald Trump a votat și anunță "o noapte foarte mare pentru republicani"

Întrebat dacă are vreun mesajul pentru alegătorii nehotărâți, Trump i-a îndemnat să decidă singuri și să meargă la vot.  El a adăugat: "Vor fi alegeri foarte importante și sperăm că se va întâmpla ceea ce trebuie",…

12:35, 08.11.2022

Tara Crisului Museum launches project to teach people how to make their own Romanian blouse

People who want to learn to make their own traditional shirt like the ones that are made in Bihor County have the opportunity to learn under the guidance of specialists from the Museum of Tara Crisului (MTC) in…

09:15, 08.11.2022

Almost 1.5m Romanians celebrating their name day on Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Day

Almost 1.5 million Romanians are celebrating their name day today, November 8, the feast of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

10:45, 04.11.2022

Scholz lands in Beijing for talks with Xi amid Europe tensions

Chinese President Xi Jinping told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz their nations should unite for peace in a “chaotic” world, a call for closer ties that comes amid strains between Brussels and Beijing, according…

14:30, 01.11.2022

Maia Sandu:Today, Moldova and Romania shape their destiny together, as part of the free world

The Republic of Moldova and Romania "shape" their destiny together, as part of the free world, Chisinau on the way to the European Union, and Bucharest "stronger" in the EU, the president of the neighboring country,…

09:10, 26.10.2022

Almost 270,000 Romanians celebrate their name day on feast of Saint Demetrius

A number of 269,352 Romanians celebrate their name on October 26, the feast of Saint Demetrius, the most common being the male first name Dumitru - almost 219,000, according to data provided by the Ministry of…

21:31, 24.10.2022

„Ne-au tratat ca pe niște animale”. O prizonieră ucraineancă povestește cum a fost torturată cu șocuri electrice și cu ciocanele

O femeie soldat din armata ucraineană care s-a întors acasă săptămâna trecută în urma unui amplu schimb de prizonieri între Moscova și Kiev a descris torturile la care ea și alte ucrainence au fost supuse de către…

15:51, 18.10.2022

Ciolacu: I demand that Romanian parties in PPE, Renew convince their colleagues Romania deserves to be in Schengen

Social Democratic Party (PSD) President, Marcel Ciolacu demanded that the Romanian parties that are part of the EPP and Renew groups do all they can to convince their colleagues that Romania deserves to enter Schengen,…

12:46, 18.10.2022

Romanian employees, focused the most on increasing incomes to face price swelling (survey)

This year, Romanian employees focused the most on increasing their income to face price swelling (25%), on finding a new job (20%) and on professional development within their current position (13%), according…

10:36, 16.10.2022

VIDEO. Propagandiștii lui Putin cer negocieri cu Occidentul: Ucraina trebuie bombardată cât mai puternic, pentru ca Moscova să-și creeze cât mai rapid…

Propagandiștii ruși au început să acrediteze ideea că Moscova trebuie să-și încheie cât mai curând intervenția din Ucraina și să negocieze cu Statele Unite. Jurnaliștii pro-Kremlin spun că Ucraina trebuie bombardată…

09:51, 14.10.2022

Over 43,000 Romanians celebrate their name day on the feast of Saint Paraskeva

A number of 43,261 Romanians celebrate their name on October 14, on the feast of Saint Paraskeva, the most common woman's first name being Paraschiva - over 35,000, according to data provided by the Ministry of…

00:25, 14.10.2022

Luc Dardenne, Arnaud Desplechin, Tarik Saleh to grace 'Les Films de Cannes ŕ Bucarest.13' as special guests

Luc Dardenne, Arnaud Desplechin and Stephane Brize are the filmmakers honored at the 13th edition of "Les Films de Cannes ŕ Bucarest" by the screening of their newest movies, as well as of other landmark titles…

13:15, 11.10.2022

(FOTO) Lui Putin i s-a pus pata pe Zaporojie

În Zaporojie au fost 15 explozii înregistrate în cursul nopții, conform ministrului adjunct al afacerilor externe al Ucrainei, Emine Dzheppar, care precizează că loviturile au vizat „o instituție de învățământ,…

11:00, 11.10.2022

FOTO. Ministrul adjunct al Afacerilor Externe al Ucrainei: În timpul nopții, Rusia a lansat 15 rachete asupra localității Zaporojie. Și în Vinița au avut…

Ministrul adjunct al Afacerilor Externe al Ucrainei, Emine Dzheppar, relatează că Rusia a lansat cel puţin 15 rachete asupra localităţii Zaporojie, relatează News.ro . De asemenea, şi la Viniţa au avut loc atacuri.…