Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:45, 12.03.2024

Tate brothers released, Romanian judges postpone their extradition to UK

Tate brothers released, Romanian judges postpone their extradition to UK

The Bucharest Court of Appeal (CAB) on Tuesday postponed the extradition of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate to the UK until the settlement of the file in which they were tried in Romania, and it ordered that they…

12:46, 06.03.2024

Operating lease accounting stands out as a critical practice for companies

Operating lease accounting stands out as a critical practice for companies

Operating lease accounting stands out as a critical practice for companies looking to manage their assets and liabilities effectively. With the introduction of new accounting standards, such as ASC 842 in the United…

17:30, 27.02.2024

Budget deficit of 0.45% of GDP in January 2024

Budget deficit of 0.45% of GDP in January 2024

The consolidated budget deficit was 0.45% of GDP in January 2024, compared to 0.25% of GDP in January 2023, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance, published on Tuesday. "The implementation of the general…

12:30, 26.02.2024

Only 10% of parents of Ukrainian refugee children in Romania can cover all basic needs (analysis)

Only 10% of parents of Ukrainian refugee children in Romania can cover all basic needs (analysis)

Only 10% of parents of Ukrainian refugee children in Romania can cover all their basic needs, 26% most of their needs, 60% partially/some needs, 4% no needs at all, according to an analysis by Save the Children…

15:00, 20.02.2024

AUR to field presidential candidate of its own, unveil their name on June 16

AUR to field presidential candidate of its own, unveil their name on June 16

The Alliance for the Union of Romania (AUR) will announce its presidential candidate on June 16, the formation's leader, deputy George Simion declared on Tuesday, specifying that he has not yet decided whether…

13:30, 17.02.2024

No ransom for cyber attacks, no negotiation on this issue (cyber security directorate)

No ransom for cyber attacks, no negotiation on this issue (cyber security directorate)

I am proud that Romania has fulfilled (especially on the occasion of these two incidents) its promise to fight and counter ransomware by denying attackers access to finance their activities or gain fame or recognition…

13:35, 14.02.2024

NATO chief says 18 countries meet 2% military spending target

NATO chief says 18 countries meet 2% military spending target

NATO‘s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday that 18 out of 31 NATO countries will hit the target of 2% in defence spending of their gross domestic product in 2024, Reuters reports. “I expect 18…

08:20, 08.02.2024

(VIDEO) Mesajul public al prinţului William, după ce Regele Charles a fost diagnosticat cu cancer

Prinţul William al Marii Britanii, care a revenit miercuri în serviciul public după operaţia soţiei sale Kate şi după vestea despre starea de sănătate a tatălui său, a mulţumit oamenilor pentru mesajele lor de…

17:10, 04.02.2024

David Cameron le cere milițiilor houthi să înceteze imediat atacurile din Marea Roșie: „Acţiunile lor necugetate pun în pericol vieţi nevinovate”

Șeful diplomației britanice, David Cameron le-a cerut duminică, 4 februarie, rebelilor houthi din Yemen să pună capăt atacurilor lor "necugetate" asupra navigaţiei internaţionale din Marea Roşie, după ultimele…

20:20, 01.02.2024

Ciocniri violente în Grecia, între poliție și studenții care se opun înființării universităților străine private. În paralel, guvernul vrea să legalizeze căsătoriile LGBT | VIDEO

Ciocniri violente în Grecia, între poliție și studenții care se opun înființării universităților străine private. În paralel, guvernul vrea să legalizeze…

Poliția greacă a avut joi, 1 februarie, mai multe scurte ciocniri cu protestatari mascați care fluturau steaguri roșii în fața parlamentului de la Atena, în timpul demonstrațiilor împotriva planurilor de a permite…

11:45, 31.01.2024

Border police catch two Bulgarian drivers hiding migrants in their trucks trailers

Border police catch two Bulgarian drivers hiding migrants in their trucks' trailers

Two Bulgarian drivers are being investigated for migrant trafficking after they were caught trying to help leave Romania, through the Nadlac II border crossing point, 11 foreigners who were found by the authorities…

18:55, 30.01.2024

We have confirmation of Chamber of Deputies cyber attack (Digital transformation minister)

We have confirmation of Chamber of Deputies cyber attack (Digital transformation minister)

Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital transformation Bogdan Gruia-Ivan said on Tuesday that the cyber attack on the Chamber of Deputies' database was confirmed."We have confirmation that there was a cyber…

12:15, 30.01.2024

(VIDEO) Macron a scos blindatele, iar preotul binecuvântează tractoarele

(VIDEO) Macron a scos blindatele, iar preotul binecuvântează tractoarele

Fermierii francezi au paralizat luni autostrăzile de intrare în Paris, după ce anterior au amenințat cu „asediul capitalei”. Imaginile au făcut înconjurul internetului, în vreme ce guvernanții au promis noi măsuri.…

12:05, 30.01.2024

Retail media market in Romania to exceed 10 million euros in 2024 (estimates)

Retail media market in Romania to exceed 10 million euros in 2024 (estimates)

The retail media market in Romania will exceed 10 million euros in 2024, after 7.5 million euros last year, according to a specialist analysis published on Tuesday.The growth of this market by more than 30%, year-on-year,…

16:05, 22.01.2024

Coast Guard finds 19 Syrian and Iraqi citizens ilegally coming from Bulgaria

Coast Guard finds 19 Syrian and Iraqi citizens ilegally coming from Bulgaria

A number of 19 Syrian and Iraqi citizens who entered Romania illegally from the border with Bulgaria were detected by the Coast Guard using drones, some of the migrants were in a forest near the village of Faurei…

14:36, 20.01.2024

Geoana: The Americans need their allies just as we need the Americans to protect our security

Geoana: The Americans need their allies just as we need the Americans to protect our security

Geoana: The Americans need their allies just as we need the Americans to protect our securityNATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said on Saturday in Ploiesti that the US needs its allies in Europe and in…

10:20, 15.01.2024

Film director Afrim: Young people want a culture in their own language

Film director Afrim: Young people want a culture in their own language

Film and theatre director Radu Afrim says that Culture Day should be "about facts" and that, beyond paying homage "to poets' statues," there is a need for investment in culture."Culture Day is about facts. Politicians…

11:55, 01.01.2024

Imagini cu pagubele provocate de cutremurul de 7,6 din centrul Japoniei. Drumuri crăpate, case distruse și zeci de mii de gospodării fără curent

Imagini cu pagubele provocate de cutremurul de 7,6 din centrul Japoniei. Drumuri crăpate, case distruse și zeci de mii de gospodării fără curent

Japonia este sub alertă de tsunami, după ce un cutremur puternic de 7,6 grade, urmat de o serie de replici, a avut loc în largul coastelor prefecturilor Ishikawa, Niigata și Toyama. Seismul a avariat mai multe…

15:20, 31.12.2023

Royal Family wishes Romanians "Happy New Year," hope and trust

The Royal Family of Romania wished "Happy New Year" to Romanians in the country, from the Republic of Moldova and to those who are far from their homeland, at the end of 2023."From Savarsin, on the last day of…

23:20, 30.12.2023

Mii de sârbi au ieșit din nou pe străzile din Belgrad și au cerut anularea alegerilor. Marinika Tepic, lidera de etnie română a opoziției, s-a adresat…

Mii de oameni s-au adunat sâmbătă într-o piaţă din centrul Belgradului, în cadrul celui mai mare protest de până acum faţă de alegerile parlamentare şi municipale din 17 decembrie, manifestanţii cerând ca rezultatele…

07:15, 28.12.2023

Doliu uriaș în lumea filmului - Un renumit regizor s-a stins înconjurat de familia sa - Anunțul publicat de apropiați

 Agenţia sa, Casarotto Ramsay and Associates, a precizat că Leland a murit duminică, înconjurat de familia sa. Aceştia au adăugat: "Îi supravieţuiesc soţia sa, Sabrina, cele patru fiice, fiul său şi cei şase nepoţi...…

14:35, 24.12.2023

DefMin Tilvar conveys best wishes and thanks to the soldiers, veterans and their families

Minister of National Defence Angel Tilvar has thanked, in a message conveyed on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the soldiers on foreign missions and their families "for their understanding and support"."The…

14:56, 22.12.2023

World Vision Romania supports 1,000 children to continue their studies after secondary school

World Vision Romania is supporting 1,000 children from rural areas to continue their studies, after finishing high school, with the "I want in 9th grade" programme.According to a World Vision Romania press release…

11:40, 22.12.2023

President Iohannis: As long as 1989 Revolution file has no resolution we cannot talk of reconcilliation with past

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday said in a message marking the Day of the Victory of the Romanian Revolution and Freedom, that the Revolution file does not yet have a resolution, which prevents "a full reconciliation…

08:55, 20.12.2023

Merging elections is bad for Romania's democracy, says Save Romania Union leader Drula

Merging elections is bad for Romania's democracy, says Save Romania Union leader DrulaSave Romania Union (USR) chairman Catalin Drula on Tuesday said the idea of combining the presidential and local elections "is…

14:40, 19.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs political stability

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs political stabilityPSD (Social Democratic Party) chairman and prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday stated that Romania needs political stability, pointing out that, together with the…

22:56, 04.12.2023

Londra creşte cu o treime salariul minim necesar în vederea obţinerii unei vize de muncă în Regatul Unit. Salariaţii din domeniul sănătăţii urmează să…

James Cleverly a anunţat luni în Parlamernt măsuri în vederea unei restricţionări dure a migraţiei în regat. ‘Biggest ever reduction in net migration meaning 300,000 fewer people’ Home Secretary James Cleverly…

12:20, 04.12.2023

‘Total destruction of Hamas’ would take a decade, France’s Macron says

French President Emmanuel Macron said Israel “must more precisely define” what it seeks to accomplish in its war on Hamas as the full elimination of the Palestinian militant group would take a decade, according…

13:55, 03.12.2023

AgriMin: Nobody will be able to forbid Romanians to raise,slaughter and sell pigs from their household!

The Minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu, declared that Romanians can sell their home-grown pigs, both during Christmas and throughout the year, with a free notice from the veterinarian that shows that the animal…

17:40, 29.11.2023

JusMin Gorghiu: This year we brought back to Romania almost 700 fugitives

JusMin Gorghiu: This year we brought back to Romania almost 700 fugitivesThis year we have managed to bring back to the country from abroad almost 700 convicted persons who were evading the execution of their sentences,…