Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:05, 03.04.2024

Nicolae Ciucaă Eastern Flank of North Atlantic Alliance must become bastion of free world

Nicolae Ciucaă Eastern Flank of North Atlantic Alliance must become bastion of free world

The Eastern Flank of the North Atlantic Alliance must become a bastion of the free world against the threats projected by Russia, and for this we must close ranks, strengthen our institutions and stop the hybrid…

11:41, 04.04.2023

Less than half of Romanian employees expect to receive an Easter bonus (survey)

Less than half of Romanian employees (45 percent) expect to receive an Easter bonus; the share of the hopefuls for an extra pay is 10 percent less than last year, and of these 58 percent expect this amount to be…

21:07, 21.04.2020

PM Orban: Easter celebrations have been peaceful

The Easter celebrations have been "very peaceful," Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday, adding that no risk of an increase in the risk of an increased spreading of the novel coronavirus can now be related…

15:18, 19.03.2020

Iohannis: We transmit to Romanians living abroad not to come home this year for Easter

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday asked the prefects and the heads of the decentralized public institutions to transmit to Romanians living abroad not to come home this year for holidays, because, in the context…

19:03, 28.04.2019

Patriarch Daniel: 'Holy Easter is celebration of forgivness, let us call brothers too, those who hate us'

The Easter Christ is showing us is the celebration of forgiveness, let us call brothers too the ones who hate us, on Sunday urged the Patriarch of The Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, in his word voiced at the…

06:33, 01.03.2017

„Ouăle de Paşti“ ascunse în programele de calculator pe care le foloseşti zi de zi

Termenul de „easter egg“ (ou de Paşti, în traducere liberă din engleză) a fost asociat cu ideea de glume sau mesaje ascunse în diferite programe pentru calculator din 1978. În acel an, în jocul ”Adventure” lansat…

02:52, 17.05.2016

Fost şef al diplomaţiei din Polonia, conferinţă la „Cuza“

Aceasta este organizata de Departamentul de Cercetare Interdisciplinar-Domeniul Socio-Uman al UAIC si va avea interventile în plen ale lui Mircea Martin, membru corespondent al Academiei Române, si Radu Dimitriu,…

13:15, 06.09.2013

Noi imagini din filmul lui Lars von Trier(Nymphomaniac): Uma Thurman

Echipa lui Lars von Trier revine cu noi imagini din cel mai recent film al regizorului danez, Nymphomaniac (cu Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgard, Shia LaBeouf, Uma Thurman), care va fi lansat în Danemarca…

22:30, 04.05.2013

Mesaje de Pasti 2013 in diferite limbi! Iata cele mai frumoase si interesante mesaje de Pasti in limba engleza, italiana si spanionala! Daca ai prieteni…

Daca ai prieteni in strainatate, ar fi de preferat sa le trimiti un mesaj in limba lor materna. Agenda de Iasi iti propune o lista cu cele mai frumoase mesaje de Pasti in limba engleza, italiana si spaniola! Iata…