Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:10, 15.04.2024

S&P reconfirms Romanias sovereign rating and stable outlook

S&P reconfirms Romania's sovereign rating and stable outlook

The S&P rating agency reconfirmed, on April 12, the rating related to Romania's governmental debt at BBB-/A3 for long-term and short-term debt in foreign currency, as well as the stable outlook, the Ministry…

09:05, 12.04.2024

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, la întâlnire cu liderii Amazon, Apple, IBM, Meta

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, la întâlnire cu liderii Amazon, Apple, IBM, Meta

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, a participat ieri la Forumul de Afaceri al Inițiativei celor 3 Mări, la Vilnius. „M-am reîntâlnit cu liderii celor mai mari companii globale de tehnologie – Amazon, Apple,…

08:35, 12.04.2024

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, la Forumul de Afaceri al Inițiativei celor 3 Mări, de la Vilnius

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, la Forumul de Afaceri al Inițiativei celor 3 Mări, de la Vilnius

Bogdan Ivan, ministrul Digitalizării, a participat ieri la Forumul de Afaceri al Inițiativei celor 3 Mări, la Vilnius. „M-am reîntâlnit cu liderii celor mai mari companii globale de tehnologie – Amazon, Apple,…

08:40, 14.02.2024

PM Ciolacu starting two-day visit to Rome to attend joint gov't meeting

Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is starting today a two-day working visit to Italy to attend a third joint meeting of the national governments of Romania and Italy, 13 years after the previous edition.…

14:20, 25.09.2023

Georgian Speaker: I expressed our deep gratitude towards Romania for supporting Georgia's sovereignty

Georgian Speaker: I expressed our deep gratitude towards Romania for supporting Georgia's sovereigntyGeorgia's Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili stressed on Monday, after the meeting with President of the Romanian…

08:55, 02.08.2023

August 2 in history

August 2 in historyNational Holocaust Remembrance Day against Roma - Samudaripen 1848 - Publishing in the Poporul suveran (Sovereign People) magazine the first part of the article written by Nicolae Balcescu dubbed…

14:20, 07.07.2023

Salariul de milioane de lire al Prințului William. Ce suma i-ar fi intrat în conturi anul acesta

Pentru a-și întreține familia, Prințul William primește o parte din Sovereign Grant și Crown Estate, care sunt alocate acoperirii cheltuielilor oficiale ale familiei regale. Anul acesta, fiul cel mare al Regelui…

12:30, 29.04.2023

War Veterans Day: War veterans' love of country, courage have made Romania independent, sovereign

The love of country and courage of the war veterans have made Romania an independent, sovereign country, that enjoys its today's territorial integrity, is the conclusion that emerges from the messages sent by the…

17:05, 24.04.2023

China disavows diplomat’s comments questioning sovereignty of ex-Soviet states

China distanced itself on Monday from statements made by its ambassador to France, who caused an uproar by questioning the independence of nations that had previously been a part of the USSR, according to Politico. …

13:40, 24.04.2023

President Iohannis: Land Forces are essential in guaranteeing country's sovereignty as a modern component of Romania's Army

The Land Forces represent a modern component of Romania's Army, with a decisive role in guaranteeing the sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, the territorial integrity of the country and the constitutional…

19:55, 13.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Romania reiterates its commitment to supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity

Romania reiterates its commitment to supporting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also to standing in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in these dramatic moments, Romanian…

11:31, 22.02.2023

Putin cancels decree underpinning Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty in separatist conflict

President Vladimir Putin revoked on Tuesday a 2012 decree that in part underpinned the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty in resolving the future of the Transdniestria region – a Moscow-backed separatist region…

15:30, 30.11.2022

If Ukraine doesn't triumph as independent, sovereign state, talk about joining NATO won't be possible(Stoltenberg)

Ukraine has made significant progress against the Russian invasion, but we must not underestimate Russia, whose missiles and drones continue to attack Ukrainian cities, civilians and critical infrastructure, NATO…

12:06, 20.09.2022

90 years of Romanian-Maltese diplomatic relations postage stamp lauch, in presence of Ambassador of Sovereign Order of Malta

Romfilatelia launched an issue of postage stamps dedicated to the anniversary of 90 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Sovereign Order of Malta, which was presented on Monday by the Ambassador…

22:40, 16.09.2022

Charity ball at Mikes Castle in Zabala, organized by Romanian Maltese Relief Service

The Romanian Maltese Relief Service, together with Zabola Estate, is organizing a charity ball on Saturday at Mikes Castle in Zabala, a unique location in Transylvania, made available by the family of Gregor Roy…

13:05, 14.09.2022

Cea mai mare parte averii personale a lui Elizabeth a II-a, estimată la 425 de milioane de euro, urmează să fie moştenită de Charles al III-lea, fără…

Dincolo de fastul, aurul şi onorurile despărţirii de Elizabeth a II-a, transferurile financiare, mult mai discrete, permit dinastiei să păstreze tezaurul familiei. Cea mai mare parte a averii personale a reginei…

12:41, 14.09.2022

Cea mai mare parte averii personale a lui Elizabeth a II-a urmează să fie moştenită de Charles al III-lea

Noul rege al Angliei, Charles al III-lea, urmeaza sa mosteneasca cea mai mare parte a averii personale a mamei sale defuncte, regina Elizabeth a II-a, fara sa plateasca impozite. Dincolo de fastul, aurul si onorurile…

15:20, 10.09.2022

Charles al III-lea, proclamat suveran al Regatului Unit. Discursul Regelui

Noul rege britanic, Charles al III-lea, a susţinut sâmbătă un discurs în cadrul unei ceremonii istorice, în urma căreia a fost proclamat în mod oficial suveran al Regatului Unit, informează Reuters. Prezentăm declaraţiei…

14:35, 07.09.2022

President of Hungary: We want to achieve energy sovereignty, and we count on Romania in this sense

The President of Hungary, Katalin Novak, declared on Wednesday that her country wants to obtain energy sovereignty in the coming years and independence from Russian resources, an aspect in which it also counts…

19:40, 23.08.2022

PM Ciuca to Crimean Platform: We should stand firmly united in supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity

n a speech delivered virtually to the second Summit of the Crimean Platform on Tuesday, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the international democratic community should stand firmly united in supporting…

11:15, 24.06.2022

INTERVIU cu trupa Dakhabrakha din Ucraina, înaintea concertului de la TIFF: „Rudele noastre din Rusia se uită la TV și cred propaganda, nu pe noi”

“Nu avem puterea morală să creăm ceva nou”, mărturisește Marko Halanevych, solist și multi-instrumentalist Dakhabrakha, o trupă din Kiev care protestează de ani de zile împotriva lui Putin și a războiului. Joi…

19:35, 08.06.2022

AUR's Simion: We have identified 50 formations that embrace pro-sovereignty and patriotic values

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) floor leader George Simion said on Wednesday that he had identified 50 parties that "embrace" pro-sovereignty and patriotic values, noting that they are in talks with…

13:50, 27.04.2022

PM Ciuca: Romania condemns in harshest terms violation of Ukraine's sovereignty by Russia

Romania condemns in the harshest terms the blatant violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia, as well as of its international obligations, according to international law, Prime Minister…

21:55, 04.03.2022

ForMin Aurescu reiterates Romania's strong support for Republic of Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu reaffirmed today "Romania's strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders". Fii…

19:06, 24.02.2022

PM Ciuca talks with his Ukrainian counterpart; reaffirms support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shymhal, on Thursday, in which he sent a message of solidarity and support against Russia's "unlawful military aggression,"…

18:00, 23.02.2022

Greek PM Mitsotakis, PM Ciuca reiterate in Bucharest 'strong' support for Ukraine's sovereignity, integrity

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a meeting on Wednesday at the Victoria Palace with his Greek counterpart, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who is currently paying a visit to Bucharest, on which occasion the two high officials…

21:50, 01.02.2022

Minister Aurescu reiterates Romania's support for Ukraine's sovereignty after 30 years of bilateral diplomatic relations

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Tuesday reiterated Romania's support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for the state's right to freely decide the course of its foreign and…

21:56, 21.10.2021

VIDEO| „Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno balamuc” de Radu Jude, la OSCAR 2022: Propunerea României pentru o nominalizare la categoria „cel mai bun lungmetraj…

VIDEO| „Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno balamuc” de Radu Jude, la OSCAR 2022: Propunerea României pentru o nominalizare la categoria „cel mai bun lungmetraj internațional” VIDEO| „Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno…

12:06, 19.10.2021

Life-size statue of King Mihai I to be unveiled in Sinaia at 100 years since sovereign's birth

The statue of King Mihai I will be unveiled in central Sinaia on the 25th of October, on the anniversary of one hundred years since the birth of the sovereign, the Royal House of Romania announced on its Facebook…

11:45, 20.09.2021

MAE: Romania doesn’t acknowledge legitimacy of Crimean elections and strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Romania does not recognize the legitimacy of the elections for the State Duma of the Russian Federation organized, on Sunday, in Crimea, and reaffirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of…