Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:35, 02.06.2024

Inundațiile din sudul Germaniei. Un tren a deraiat, un pompier s-a înecat în drum spre o misiune de salvare

Inundațiile din sudul Germaniei. Un tren a deraiat, un pompier s-a înecat în drum spre o misiune de salvare

Un InterCity cu 185 de pasageri a deraiat, la Schwäbisch Gmünd, landul Baden-Württemberg, din cauza unei alunecări de teren provocate de furtuna și ploile abundente. Într-un alt incident, un pompier, 43 de ani,…

21:45, 26.04.2024

President Iohannis, Turkish VP Yilmaz address Middle East situation, bilateral economic cooperation

President Iohannis, Turkish VP Yilmaz address Middle East situation, bilateral economic cooperation

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday evening received the Vice-President of the Republic of Turkey, Cevdet Yilmaz, who was on an official visit to Romania, in which context the two discussed the situation in the…

20:30, 16.04.2024

Senates Ciuca on the Middle East situation: We must not rule out any kind of developments

Senate's Ciuca on the Middle East situation: We must not rule out any kind of developments

Senate chair Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday stated that no scenario should be left aside when it comes to the analysis of the developments of the situation in the Middle East, because "the potential for escalation is…

08:30, 15.04.2024

We are concerned about the security situation in the Middle East, says ForMin Odobescu

We are concerned about the security situation in the Middle East, says ForMin Odobescu

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu said on Sunday, in the context of Iran's attack on Israel, that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with Romanian embassies in the region.''We are deeply concerned…

11:15, 14.04.2024

Iran vs Israel. Biden se confruntă cu o criză în Orientul Mijlociu pe care spera să o evite. De ce riscul unei erori de calcul e major | Analiză CNN

Iran vs Israel. Biden se confruntă cu o criză în Orientul Mijlociu pe care spera să o evite. De ce riscul unei erori de calcul e major | Analiză CNN

Un contraatac direct al Israelului împotriva Iranului ar reprezenta un scenariu pe care președintele american Joe Biden a căutat în mare măsură să-l evite încă de la începutul războiului din Fâșia Gaza, comentează…

06:25, 14.04.2024

Joe Biden, mesaj direct din Situation Room, după atacul Iranului asupra Israelului: a convocat liderii G7

Joe Biden, mesaj direct din 'Situation Room', după atacul Iranului asupra Israelului: a convocat liderii G7

Președintele SUA, Joe Biden, a transmis un comunicat de presă, după atacul Iranului asupra Israelului. Biden arată faptul sistemele americane au interceptat majoritatea dronelor, pentru că acest atac era așteptat.…

20:00, 01.04.2024

Situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern (org)

Situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern (org)

The situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern that the budget deficit target for this year risks not being reached, and the reduction of the deficit should be achieved through a mix of…

11:56, 19.03.2024

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu attended the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels on Monday, where she spoke about Russia's war against Ukraine and the situation in Belarus. The agenda of…

09:10, 06.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu, in phone call with Emirati counterpart addresses Gaza humanitarian situation

ForMin Odobescu, in phone call with Emirati counterpart addresses Gaza humanitarian situation

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her Emirati counterpart, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on Tuesday evening, during which the two officials had an exchange of…

10:46, 29.02.2024

Romanian defence minister, Moroccan foreign minister discuss military collaboration, Black Sea situation

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Wednesday met Kingdom of Morocco Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Nasser Bourita, in a context in which the high officials discussed…

08:40, 21.02.2024

Supreme Council for National Defence reunion to address developments on Black Sea region security situation

The Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT) will gather on Wednesday at the presidential Cotroceni Palace, according to the announcement last week by the Presidential Administration. President Klaus Iohannis…

08:31, 19.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu to attend Foreign Affairs Council's reunion in Brussels, tackle Gaza humanitarian situation

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu will participate, on Monday, in the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the EU member states - the Foreign Affairs Council, which will take place in Brussels,…

17:45, 05.02.2024

PSD: Ciolos, main culprit for the situation in which Romania finds itself in mining dispute

PSD: Ciolos, main culprit for the situation in which Romania finds itself in mining disputeThe Social Democratic Party (PSD) says that former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos is guilty of undermining the national economy…

21:15, 01.02.2024

In address at special European Council meeting, Iohannis tackles support to Ukraine, farmers' situation

AGERPRES special correspondent Oana Ghita reports: Addressing on Thursday the special meeting of the European Council in Brussels, President Klaus Iohannis spoke about the support to Ukraine and the situation of…

19:36, 01.02.2024

Lloyd Austin își cere scuze ”că a ținut în secret că suferă de cancer”

Secretarul american al apărării, Lloyd Austin, a prezentat scuze public joi că a ţinut secret că suferă de cancer şi spitalizarea sa, lipsa sa de transparenţă generând o imensă controversă în SUA, potrivit AFP…

07:00, 21.01.2024

Serghei Banari: "Pentru UE, Moldova este o istorie situațională"

Pentru Uniunea Europeană, Moldova este doar o istorie situațională. O astfel de opinie a exprimat politologul, economistul și omul de afaceri, Serghei Banari, în cadrul emisiunii "По фактам" cu Iulia Fedorova,…

19:15, 18.12.2023

Iohannis commends Romania's strong civil society becoming more involved in life of its communities

Romania has a strong civil society, that is becoming more involved every year in the lives of communities facing difficult situations and in defending rights and fundamental values that are under threat, president…

11:06, 12.12.2023

APIA employees warn with more protests if salary discrimination situation is not settled

The officials of the Payments and Intervention in Agriculture Agency (APIA), members of the APIA National Federation of Trade Unions, continue the Japanese strike protest every day, between 10:00 and 11:00, and…

16:05, 27.11.2023

Immigration Inspectorate: More than 55 foreigners detected in illegal situations last week

More than 55 foreigners were detected in illegal situations in the last week, the Immigration Inspectorate General (IGI) announced on Monday.According to an IGI press release sent to AGERPRES, between 20 and 26…

22:30, 13.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu speaks about situation in Israel, Gaza, supporting Ukraine, at Foreign Affairs Council

ForMin Odobescu speaks about situation in Israel, Gaza, supporting Ukraine, at Foreign Affairs CouncilThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, participated, on Monday, in the meeting of the heads of…

17:10, 09.11.2023

Complex communication system to help authorities manage environmental risks, developed by STS

A complex communication and information technology system developed by Special Telecommunications Service (STS) specialists will support central and local public authorities in information and management activities…

08:31, 06.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu, Egyptian counterpart discuss situation of Romanian citizens in Gaza in phone call

Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Sunday had a telephone conversation with her Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukri to discuss the situation of Romanian citizens in Gaza."During the conversation, the…

07:30, 31.10.2023

Scenariul apocaliptic care a ajuns în 'Situation Room': asta este cea mai mare temere la Washington

Istoricii sunt fascinați de izbucnirea primului război mondial. Cum a fost posibil ca asasinarea arhiducelui austriac la Sarajevo în iunie 1914 să ducă, doar câteva săptămâni mai târziu, la un conflict care a atras…

16:21, 28.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu, Qatari PM phone call on Israel, Gaza Strip security situation

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu had a phone conversation on Saturday with Qatari prime minister and Foreign Affairs minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, the two exchanging views…

19:05, 14.10.2023

Two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship die

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) confirmed on Saturday the death, in the context of the security situation in the State of Israel and the Gaza Strip, of two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship…

12:10, 01.10.2023

VIDEO | Momentul atacului terorist din Ankara, surprins de camerele din zonă. Explozia a fost urmată de focuri de armă

Camerele de supraveghere din zona Parlamentului Turciei au surprins momentul atacului terorist de duminică dimineață care a avut loc în Ankara. Pe imaginile publicate pe X, fostul Twitter, se poate vedea explozia…

16:25, 20.09.2023

Finance Ministry proposes tax measures be applied earlier than 6 months after publishing in extraordinary situations

Finance Ministry proposes tax measures be applied earlier than 6 months after publishing in extraordinary situationsThe Ministry of Finance proposes that certain tax measures aimed at introducing new taxes or increasing…

11:05, 14.09.2023

Stresul situațional – o problemă pentru societatea modernă

 Stresul este calea naturală și uneori adecvată prin care organismul nostru reacționează la o situație care provoacă teamă sau pare copleșitoare. Avem nevoie de stres pentru a ne mobiliza să facem față provocărilor…

13:11, 13.09.2023

PM Ciolacu: Firefighters often respond to desperate situations, solving the problem

PM Ciolacu: Firefighters often respond to desperate situations, solving the problemPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday, September 13, Romanian Firefighters Day, that firefighters often respond to desperate…

19:20, 08.09.2023

HealthMin: We'll probably have one-two weeks wiht more SARS-CoV-2 infections, then back to normal

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila in Timisoara on Friday said that there are currently around 1,000 cases per day of infection with the novel coronavirus, estimating that there will be an increase in the next one…