Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:55, 25.01.2022

French Ambassador, on Holocaust: The facts remain, no matter how much some try to erase them

France's Ambassador to Romania Laurence Auer said on Tuesday, in Zalau, at an event dedicated to the commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust, that the facts regarding the killing of Jews during World War…

16:26, 20.01.2022

There is no question of lifting measures to limit COVID, we remain very cautious, attentive, still monitoring (EmergencySituations' head)

The head of the Emergency Situations Department (DSU), Raed Arafat, said on Thursday that lifting the measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 is out of the question, noting that great caution and care should still…

13:15, 12.01.2022

Iohannis: Increasing US military presence in Romania remains important objective

Increasing US military presence in Romania remains an "important" objective, stated, on Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis, at the annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Bucharest,…

13:10, 31.12.2021

Joe Biden a cerut Curţii Supreme să intervină pentru a pune capăt unei contestate politici a imigraţei, moştenită de la Donald Trump

Administraţia lui Joe Biden a cerut Curţii Supreme să intervină pentru a pune capăt unei contestate politici a imigraţei, moştenită de la Donald Trump, care constă în expulzarea solicitanţilor de azil în Mexic…

10:01, 30.12.2021

Romania remains country with higest percentage of homeowners in EU

Over 96% of the population in Romania in 2020 lived in their personal property, being the largest percentage registered among the member states of the European Union, according to the data published by Eurostat…

08:30, 27.12.2021

Sondaj: Tot mai mulți britanici regretă că au votat pentru Brexit

Mai mult de sase din 10 alegatori din Marea Britanie considera ca Brexit a mers fie prost, fie mai rau decat se asteptau – la un an dupa ce Marea Britanie a parasit UE, potrivit unui sondaj publicat de Observer.…

18:10, 26.12.2021

Aproape jumătate dintre cei care au votat pentru Brexit regretă decizia

La un an dupa ce Marea Britanie a parasit UE, un sondaj al The Observer afirma ca peste 6 din 10 alegatori britanici cred ca Brexitul a mers prost sau cel putin mai rau decât se asteptau. Sondajul facut de Opinium…

10:35, 20.12.2021

AgriMin: Romania will remain grain exporter for a long time ahead

Romania will remain a grain-exporting state for a long time ahead, as it produces more raw materials than it consumes, says Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Adrian Chesnoiu. He mentioned that reducing…

15:30, 06.12.2021

Citu: Green certificate needs to pass ASAP, in order to have guarantee economy remains open

The National Liberal Party (PNL) still supports the adoption, as soon as possible, of the draft law regarding the green certificate, motivating that it is a measure that helps the economy and the vaccination campaign,…

20:10, 23.11.2021

Speaker Ciolacu: Romania has been, will remain Republic of Moldova's closest, most sincere friend

Romania has been and will remain "the closest and most sincere friend of the Republic of Moldova, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, said on Tuesday. "Romania has been and will remain the closest…

18:56, 09.11.2021

PSD reaches conclusion we can't remain last European country with flat tax rate

The chairman of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated, on Wednesday, that the Social Democrats have reached the conclusion that Romania cannot remain the last European country with the flat tax…

16:51, 03.11.2021

WHO's Papowitz: Vaccination remains only solution

WHO Romania crisis manager Heather Papowitz recommends a plan in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, with clear objectives and elements, at the same time, saying that vaccination is the only solution,…

13:30, 26.10.2021

Paun: Vaccination remains proven essential public health tool in response to COVID pandemic

Presidential adviser Diana Paun said on Tuesday that vaccination remains "a proven essential public health tool in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic."In her opinion, transparent and knowledgeable…

11:51, 25.10.2021

Iohannis: The army remains a solid landmark enjoying confidence, contributing to stability

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, October 25, Romanian Army Day, that the army remains a solid landmark and enjoys the confidence of Romanians, helping to maintain the stability needed for the development…

22:51, 16.10.2021

Răsturnare de situație: Joe Biden se pregăteşte să reia programul pentru imigraţie al lui Donald Trump

Administraţia Biden se pregăteşte să reia în noiembrie programul pentru imigraţie ”Remain în Mexico” al lui Donald Trump, care a obligat solicitanţii de azil să aştepte în Mexic audierile din Statele Unite, după…

08:55, 16.10.2021

Administraţia Biden se pregăteşte să reia în noiembrie programul pentru imigraţie ”Remain în Mexico” al lui Donald Trump

Administraţia Biden se pregăteşte să reia în noiembrie programul pentru imigraţie ”Remain în Mexico” al lui Donald Trump, care a obligat solicitanţii de azil să aştepte în Mexic audierile din Statele Unite, după…

00:40, 09.10.2021

PNL dă primul semn că ar putea să renunțe la Florin Cîțu pentru postul de premier

Ieri, liberalii au decis, în ședința Biroului Executiv Național, că în cazul în care nu se conturează o majoritate parlamentară să nu se prezinte cu o propunere de premier la consultările de luni, cu președintele…

15:10, 06.10.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Mr Iohannis is the crisis; PSD remains consistent about early elections

National chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that President Klaus Iohannis has to fulfill his constitutional duties as he is the most able to settle the ongoing…

13:30, 06.10.2021

President Iohannis: This interim Government to remain in office until new solution is found

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the interim government will remain in office until a solution is found and voiced his skepticism that a solution would take form in the first round of consultations…

11:05, 29.09.2021

Saint Neagoe Basarab remains a bright figure in the history of the Romanian people: Patriarch Daniel at Snagov Monastery

“Although he reigned only nine years, between 1512 and 1521, the Holy Prince Neagoe Basarab remained a bright figure in the history of the Romanian people,” the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church said at…

14:15, 27.09.2021

Orban: Florin Citu will no longer be prime minister; if he remains prime minister, it will be by PSD mercy

Ludovic Orban, the former national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Monday that he would be ashamed to become national leader of PNL as Florin Citu did, arguing that Citu will no longer be prime…

19:35, 15.09.2021

Muraru: Gov't commitment to combat antisemitism, including by implementation of ECRI recommended measures, remains firm

The Government took notice of the actualization of the General Policy Recommendation on preventing and combating antisemitism, issued by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council…

15:40, 07.09.2021

RADR2021/Iohannis: Increasing Romania's role in EU and NATO, deepening partnership with the US, essential

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the "golden triangle" of Romania's foreign policy, namely increasing the country's role in the European Union and NATO and deepening and developing its strategic partnership…

18:31, 06.09.2021

Book of condolences at Bucharest National Theatre invites people to pay homage to actor Ion Caramitru

A book of condolences will be available at the Bucharest National Theatre inviting people to pay homage to the late actor Ion Caramitru, whose family decided not to bring the coffin carrying the actor's remains…

19:50, 02.09.2021

Acting JusMin Lucian Bode: Dismantling Section for Judicial Crimes Investigation remains a priority of mine

Acting Justice Minister Lucian Bode said on Thursday that the dismantling of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) remains a priority of his term, and the solution should be "a solid bill"…

15:35, 27.08.2021

Iohannis: Romania remains Moldova's closest partner in the future as well

Romania is reaffirming its strong and broad commitment to supporting the reform and European integration undertaken by Moldova, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday. "I am especially happy to return…

15:56, 13.08.2021

ANAT: Contract with tourist remains in force if country's borders are open

The contract with the tourist remains in force, in case of some countries' entry on the red or yellow lists, as long as the borders are open, Romania's National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT) announced on…

17:10, 04.08.2021

PM Florin Citu: I ask responsibility, performance from ministers

Prime Minister Florin Citu asks of ministers "responsibility and performance", emphasizing that he does not accept requests for the additional allotment, in the budget rectification, of 40 billion RON, given that…

09:50, 29.07.2021

Iohannis: It is our duty to honor our National Anthem, to remain united around national symbols

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, on the occasion of the National Anthem Day in Romania, that it is our duty to cherish and honor the Anthem and to remain united around national symbols. "It is our duty…

21:50, 20.07.2021

EC report on Romania: Improved perception of justice independence, yet human resource deficit remains a concern

In its second annual EU rule-of-law report released in Brussels on Tuesday, the European Commission looks at the independence and quality of Romania's judiciary, the fight against corruption, media pluralism and…