Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:00, 15.09.2021

Dedesubturile muncii de acasă. „Implicarea” securității cibernetice

HP a lansat raportul HP Wolf Security Rebellions & Rejections, un studiu global cuprinzător care evidenţiază tensiunile apărute între echipele IT şi angajaţii care lucrează de acasă, tensiuni pe care liderii trebuie…

16:55, 14.09.2021

Munca in format hibrid, "bombă cu ceas" pentru securitatea cibernetică a companiilor. Angajaţii care lucrează de la distanţă resping măsurile de siguranţă…

Noul raport HP de securitate cibernetică arată că 91% dintre echipele IT se confruntă cu presiunea de a face compromisuri de securitate, în condiţiile în care stilul de muncă hibrid, de acasă şi de la birou, reprezintă…

16:30, 16.08.2021

PM Citu: 2009 case was rejected by US court, I was never informed

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated that the 2009 case was rejected by the United States court and that it's about a decision to reject a civil sentence, of which he was never informed. "On Saturday a case from the…

13:55, 22.07.2021

Covid: China rejects WHO plan for second phase of virus origin probe

China rejected on Thursday a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase of an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus, which includes the hypothesis it could have escaped from a Chinese laboratory,…

20:10, 21.07.2021

UE dă REJECT cererii făcute de Marea Britanie: t'Nu vom accepta renegocierea Acordului Brexit'

Uniunea Europeană este de acord cu ideea găsirii de soluţii pentru îmbunătăţirea situaţiei din provincia britanică Irlanda de Nord, dar nu va accepta renegocierea Protocolului nord-irlandez al Acordului Brexit,…

19:25, 07.07.2021

Barna: USR PLUS rejects any initiative to withdraw file on Rosia Montana from UNESCO

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna said on Wednesday that Save Romania Union - Unity, Freedom and Solidarity (USR PLUS) rejects any initiative, from whatever direction it may come, to withdraw the file on Rosia Montana…

17:46, 15.06.2021

Activity reports of the Ombudsman for 2018, 2019 and 2020 - rejected by Parliament

The senators and the deputies rejected on Tuesday, in a joint session, the activity reports for the last three years of the Ombudsman. Thus, activity report of the Ombudsman for the year 2018 was rejected with…

17:05, 15.06.2021

Ombudsman: Rejection of activity reports violates constitutional and legal provisions

The Ombudsman maintains that the rejection by Parliament of the activity reports for the years 2018 - 2020 violates the constitutional and legal provisions. In a release sent on Tuesday to AGERPRES the Ombudsman…

15:56, 15.06.2021

Chamber of Deputies: PSD's simple motion against Minister Cristian Ghinea - rejected

The simple motion initiated by Social Democratic Party (PSD) against the Minister of Investments and European Projects, Cristian Ghinea, was rejected on Tuesday by the plenum of the Chamber of Deputies. There were…

13:15, 14.06.2021

Orban calls out disinformation campaign led by PSD: PNRR not rejected by EC, being adapted

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban on Monday accused the Social Democratic Party (PSD) of a "disinformation campaign" over the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), stressing that…

19:40, 11.06.2021

Citu: PNRR was not rejected; officials who superficially deal with this project go home

Prime Minister Florin Citu reiterated on Friday that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) submitted by Romania in Brussels was not rejected and that the entire amount of 29.2 billion euros will be drawn,…

18:25, 11.06.2021

MEP Corina Cretu: I don't believe any PNRR will be rejected by the European Commission

MEP Corina Cretu, former European Commissioner for Regional Policy, expressed, on Friday, in Tulcea, her trust that all the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (PNRR) sent by member-states will be approved by…

15:05, 11.06.2021

PM Citu: PNRR was not rejected, it was not referred back

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Friday, in Zalau, that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) was neither rejected nor referred back by the European Commission to the Romanian authorities, as it…

12:25, 07.06.2021

Barna urges coalition partners to reject special pensions for mayors

Co-chair of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) alliance Dan Barna said on Monday that he would ask coalition partners to reject special pensions for locally elected officials,…

15:50, 19.05.2021

PSD categorically rejects discrimination against children based on anti-COVID vaccination

Social Democratic Party (PSD) categorically rejects discrimination against children based on anti-COVID vaccination, the social-democrats said in a statement. "The decision to vaccinate children against COVID must…

10:15, 12.05.2021

Liviu Popescu - interim director general of Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

The Parliament decided on Tuesday to appoint Liviu Popescu as interim director general of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company (SRR), agerpres reports. Liviu Popescu, proposed by Save Romania Union - Party of…

13:00, 06.05.2021

Noi dezvăluiri: Unde s-ar afla în prezent Vlad Plahotniuc

Fostul șef PD, Vladimir Plahotniuc, s-ar afla în Thailanda, cel puțin aceasta fiind ultima locație cunoscută a oligarhului fugar din RM. „Plahotniuc era disperat, s-a dus la Erdogan după ce l-au rejectat americanii.…

20:00, 04.05.2021

Senate rejects establishment of inquiry committee into evacuation and transfer of Foisor Hospital patients

The Senate rejected, in Tuesday's sitting, the draft decision aimed at setting up an inquiry committee into the organization of the evacuation and transfer of the patients hospitalized in the Foisor Clinical Hospital…

20:10, 27.04.2021

Iohannis: PNRR is a national plan, not a political toy; no option for rejection

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is not "a political toy" and there is no option it be rejected by Brussels, said, on Tuesday, President Klaus Iohannis. "Until the end of May we will have a buttoned-up…

13:50, 27.04.2021

Chamber of Deputies rejects law by which Liviu Dragnea wanted repatriation of gold reserve

The Chamber of Deputies rejected on Tuesday the law by which Liviu Dragnea, the former leader of Social Democratic Party (PSD), wanted the repatriation of the gold reserve, reports agerpres. The vote was cast on…

22:00, 26.04.2021

Deputy PM Hunor: Romania has not exceeded any deadline, PNRR has not been rejected

Romania has not exceeded any deadline, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) has not been rejected, Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), said…

15:15, 08.04.2021

Joint Culture Committees reject activity reports of Public Television for 2017, 2018 and 2019

On Thursday, the parliamentary committees for culture rejected the activity reports of national public television broadcaster SRTV for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019. Parliamentarians in the select committees rejected…

20:20, 07.04.2021

President Iohannis on Romani Day: A tolerant and open society must reject racism, xenophobia

A tolerant and open society is based not only on the development projects undertaken, but also on the ability to reject hate speech and to condemn firmly any instance of racism or xenophobia, President Klaus Iohannis…

21:20, 06.04.2021

Chamber: Setting up subcommittee on Romanians' issues in Covasna, Harghita and Mures - rejected

On Tuesday, the Standing Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies rejected a proposal from the Committee for Human Rights, Cults and Issues of National Minorities asking for a subcommittee on Romanians' issues in Covasna,…

21:11, 03.03.2021

Protest in front of Bucharest Tribunal after decision to reject reopening of investigation in 'August 10' case

Several dozens of people are protesting in front of the Bucharest Tribunal following the court's decision to reject the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT)'s request to reopen the…

23:55, 01.02.2021

PSD's legislative proposals to amend Penal Code, Penal Procedural Code, rejected in Senate

The Senate's plenum has rejected on Monday the legislative proposals of amending the Penal Code and the Penal Procedural Code, initiated by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) in the previous legislation and which…

15:25, 26.01.2021

CCR rejects AUR challenges regarding Parliament Decision on Citu Gov't investiture

On Tuesday, the Romanian Constitutional Court rejected the notifications of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) regarding the Parliament Decision No. 31/2020 regarding the investiture of the Government…

18:20, 13.01.2021

CCR rejects notification on revision of state social insurance budget for 2020

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) rejected on Wednesday the Government's notification on the law for the revision of the state social insurance budget for 2020, establishing that the normative act is unconstitutional.…

18:05, 12.01.2021

Former political leader Dragnea remains in prison as court rejects request for sentence review

The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request submitted by Liviu Dragnea by which the former Social Democratic Party (PSD) national leader petitioned for a review of a three-and-a-half-year in prison sentence handed…

16:15, 27.11.2020

President Iohannis: I reject any demarche to appoint persons without experience in domain in which they're proposed

President Klaus Iohannis announced that he discussed with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban following the case in Mures County, signaled by the press, and asked for the acceleration of the audit process in the sphere…