Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:10, 17.01.2022

Casă editorială din România cu care merită să publici cărți

EvoPUBLISHING e o casă editorială din România cu care poți să publici cărți în mod foarte eficient! Prezentare casă editorială Roberto Kuzmanovic, editor al Publishing House RK EVO Publishing, cu o experiență cumulată…

14:40, 09.01.2022

Green banking exposure at end of June 2021 reaches 5.1 billion RON

The green banking exposure increased starting with June 2015, up to 5.1 billion RON, at the end of June 2021, amounting to 4 pct of the total exposures to the non-financial sector, according to the data published…

20:16, 08.01.2022

A murit o celebră compozitoare premiată cu Oscar, Emmy şi Grammy

Marilyn Bergman, câştigătoare a premiilor Oscar, Emmy şi Grammy pentru versurile scrise împreună cu soţul ei, Alan Bergman, la melodii precum „The Way We Were”, „The Windmills of Your Mind”, „In the Heat of the…

21:55, 07.01.2022

Order whereby face masks become mandatory indoors and outdoors, published in Official Journal

The joint order of the Health and Interior Ministers on the establishment of the mandatory wearing of protective masks, the epidemiological triage and mandatory disinfection of hands to prevent contamination with…

19:30, 05.01.2022

OrthPhoto releases new photo album exploring European Orthodoxy

The best photographs submitted in the OrthPhoto Awards contest organised last summer were included in a new photo album published by the Publishing House of the Orthodox Metropolis of Warsaw. The album titled “Colours…

12:05, 02.01.2022

Visul îndeplinit al unei desenatoare din România: cartea ei despre o pisică a fost publicată de o editură cu nume celebru din Anglia: „E ciudat să nu…

Inițial, Alexandra Mîrzac a vrut să facă o carte pentru copii despre claustrofobie. În momentul în pisica sa a dispărut pe străzile Bucureștiului, și-a dat seama că aceasta ar putea fi personajul ideal al volumului…

17:55, 20.12.2021

Brochure on taxation of incomes earned by population from content published on social networks, published by ANAF

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has published the brochure for individuals who earn income from content published on social networks, the institution announced on Monday. The material prepared…

21:05, 11.10.2021

Decree on Dacian Ciolos's nomination for Prime Minister published in Official Journal

The decree on Dacian Ciolos's nomination as Prime Minister-designate was published on Monday evening in the Official Journal. After consultations with the parliamentary parties and formations, President Klaus Iohannis…

14:01, 23.09.2021

Non-government credit increases by 1 pct in August, up to 309.7 billion RON

The balance of the non-governmental credits granted by credit institutions has increased, in August 2021, by 1 pct over July 2021 (0.8 percent in real terms), up to the level of 309.7 billion RON, according to…

18:20, 14.09.2021

INSCOP: 63 pct of Romanians believe country's general situation is worse than 30 years ago

The majority of Romanians say that the country's general situation is worse than the one 30 years ago, according to the results of an INSCOP survey, published on Tuesday by director Remus Stefureac. The survey,…

12:31, 14.09.2021

Nou în piață: Evaluare calitativă în campaniile de publicitate online, cu Brand Lift, o soluție in portofoliul Ringier

În premieră în piața de publicitate românească, Ringier România lansează Brand Lift Measurement , instrument bazat pe date și tehnologie care măsoară impactul unei campanii de publicitate în rândul publicului online.…

16:35, 02.09.2021

PSD publishes censure motion text against Citu Gov't

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) published, on Thursday, the text of the censure motion against the Citu Government. The document, titled "Stop poverty, price increases and criminals! Down with the Citu Government!,"…

11:51, 04.08.2021

Traditional Roma crafts fair Friday to Sunday at Peasants' Museum

The Romanian National Peasants' Museum will host a fair of Roma traditional crafts Friday, August 6, to Sunday, August 8. "Throughout the three days, Roma craftsmen will expose their own handicrafts for the general…

19:06, 22.06.2021

Rabla scrappage program for household appliances: Over 50,400 vouchers approved in third stage of program

The Environment Fund Administration (AFM) informs that it approved 50,480 vouchers in the third stage of the Rabla scrappage program for household appliances (Rabla Electrocasnice), of which 25,960 vouchers for…

20:10, 08.06.2021

PM Citu: CVM report, positive for Romania, we must rapidly correct PSD's legislative errors

Prime Minister Florin Citu maintains that the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report published on Tuesday by the European Commission is a "positive" one for Romania, and the governing coalition must…

12:25, 04.06.2021

John Divola prezintă expoziția fotografică 'I'm not there' pe strada Franceză

Expoziţia "I'm not there" a artistului fotograf John Divola va fi vernisată la 2/3 galeria din strada Franceză, pe 10 iunie, informează un comunicat al organizatorilor transmis agerpres. În cadrul expoziţiei vor…

17:20, 02.06.2021

National Recovery and Resilience Plan published on Ministry of European Investment and Projects website

Romania's 29-billion-euro National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) was published on Wednesday on the website of the Ministry of European Investment and Projects. "We have thought of all the details in the plan…

09:50, 31.05.2021

Capital infusions from abroad in insurance market amount to 1.7 million euros in April

Capital infusions from abroad in insurance companies operating in Romania amounted to 1.72 million euros in April, compared to 493,300 euros in the same month last year, according to data published by the the National…

19:25, 28.05.2021

IMF says Romania's fiscal deficit in 2021, estimated at 6.8 pct of GDP, below authorities' target

Romania's fiscal deficit in 2021 is estimated at 6.8 pct of GDP, below the target set by the authorities, of 7.2 pct of GDP, the International Monetary Fund states in the conclusions published following the virtual…

19:05, 15.04.2021

Citu: Order to establishing new quarantine rules didn't clear CNSU, couldn't be published

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Thursday that the order of the Minister of Health regarding the establishment of new quarantine rules did not clear the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU),…

23:30, 14.04.2021

PM Citu reverses Health Minister's Order on new rules for instructing lockdown

Acting Health Minister, Prime Minister Florin Citu ordered today the repeal of Health Minister's Order No. 506/2021 setting out new rules for instructing a lockdown. The order of the acting Health Minister was…

21:10, 07.04.2021

PM Citu: Decision to set up interministerial committee for return to normalcy on June 1 to be published in Official Journal

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Wednesday that he presented to the Government the decision on the establishment of the Interministerial Committee for Romania's return to normalcy on June 1, 2021, mentioning…

20:41, 07.04.2021

Volume dedicated to centenary of diplomatic relations Romania-Holy See

The Romanian Embassy to the Holy See on Wednesday signaled, in a press release, the publishing of the volume "Romania - Holy See. 100 years of diplomatic relations," edited by university professor Liviu-Petru Zapirtan,…

08:30, 29.03.2021

Stelian Țurlea prezintă cartea zilei: 'La Belle Epoque. Amurgul unei lumi' de Mary McAuliffe

Scriitorul Stelian Țurlea prezintă la Mediafax cartea zilei. Este vorba despre La Belle Epoque. Amurgul unei lumi, de Mary McAuliffe. Redăm în continuare prezentarea scriitorului. „McAuliffe reînvie o epocă plină…

08:30, 17.03.2021

Facebook lansează în SUA o nouă platformă de publishing, destinată scriitorilor independenţi şi jurnaliştilor

Tot mai mulţi scriitori şi jurnalişti recurg la sistemul newsletterelor pe email, preferând libertatea editorială, care le permite să se îndepărteze de modelul de afaceri bazat pe reclame, care se află într-un…

16:15, 02.03.2021

FinMin Nazare: Consolidated general budget deficit in January: 0.3 percent of GDP

The execution of the general consolidated budget in January 2021 ended with a deficit of 0.3% of the GDP, Finance Minister Alexandru Nazare told a conference on Tuesday, according to AGERPRES. "The budget execution…

10:01, 24.02.2021

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet şi editor marcant al Generaţiei Beat, a murit la vârsta de 101 ani

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, un important poet, librar şi editor american, reprezentant de marcă al Beat Generation, una dintre cele mai inovatoare mişcări literare şi culturale din secolul al XX-lea, a murit luni la…

13:15, 31.12.2020

Romanian New Year's traditions and customs

The passage to a new year has been accompanied since ancient times by customs and rituals that are being observed even to this date, particularly in Romanian villages, as reported by AGERPRES. Reputed ethnologist…

22:15, 22.12.2020

Decree designating Florin Citu candidate for Prime Minister position published in Official Journal

The decree designating Florin Citu as a candidate for the position of Prime Minister was published on Tuesday in the Official Journal. President Klaus Iohannis designated Florin Citu to form the Government after…

08:15, 19.12.2020


1711 - Death of chronicler Gheorghe Brancovici, the author of a chronicle in Romanian and another one in Serbian, which also includes information about Romanians. (b. 1645) 1872 - Publishing of the Law on the election…