Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:55, 23.11.2022

Anti-graft prosecutors execute 160 search warrants in RON-58 million fraud case

Prosecutors with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) on Wednesday executed more than 160 search warrants in Bucharest and seven counties, in a RON-58 million case of corruption and customs offences,…

12:30, 07.11.2022

Mayor Armand: It's OK for Prosecutor's Office to come check documents; authorities said everything right

The Mayor of Bucharest district 1, Clotilde Armand, says she will provide all the documents requested by the Prosecutor's Office and the prefect, but adds that the relevant authorities would have confirmed that…

09:21, 05.11.2022

Incendiu într-un local din Rusia. Cel puțin 15 morți

Un incendiu de proporții a izbucnit în noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă la o cafenea din regiunea rusă Kostroma. În urma incidentului, cel puțin 15 oameni au murit, iar alți 5 au fost răniți, informează agenția rusă…

17:06, 20.10.2022

Ombudsman challenges with Constitutional Court Law on status of judges, prosecutors

The Ombudsman on Thursday informs that it challenged with the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) several articles of the Law regarding the status of judges and prosecutors. AGERPRES Fii la curent cu cele mai…

19:20, 17.10.2022

Senate passes Statute of judges and prosecutors

The Senate plenary meeting passed on Monday, as the decision-making body, with 83 votes "in favour," 37 votes "against" and three abstentions, the draft law regarding the Statute of judges and prosecutors, with…

15:10, 04.10.2022

Deputies' Chamber clears draft law on judges' and prosecutors' statute

The draft law regarding the statute of judges and prosecutors was adopted, on Tuesday, by the plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies, with 198 votes "in favour," 80 votes "against" and 4 abstentions. Fii la…

10:40, 04.10.2022

Prosecutors investigate NIS Petrol Romania over data leaks

Romanian prosecutors raided employees’ homes and the Romanian unit of Serbian NIS Petrol, controlled by Russia‘s Gazprom Neft, and have opened a criminal investigation into allegations of confidential data leaks,…

11:40, 30.09.2022

DNA prosecutors conduct searches at Mihail Kogalniceanu Military Base (sources)

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors, in collaboration with the US authorities, conducted searches on Thursday, in several places around Romania, in a corruption case, the DNA informed on Friday.…

14:55, 27.09.2022

Prosecutor Kovesi: DNA proves what it meas to be an independent institution

The former head of DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate), currently chief prosecutor at the European Public Prosecutor's Office, Laura Codruta Kovesi, says that DNA has proven that it's an independent institution…

13:36, 27.09.2022

Chief prosecutor Bologa: DNA is strong and will not regress in the fight against corruption

Chief prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) Crin Bologa said on Tuesday that when DNA was established Romania "was captive to some networks that embezzled public resources, but now DNA is…

14:55, 22.09.2022

JustMin Predoiu: Citizens expect professionalism, seriousness, integrity and public decency from prosecutors

Citizens expect professionalism, seriousness, integrity and public decency from prosecutors, Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Thursday, at the Public Ministry's 2021 stocktaking report. Fii la curent cu…

09:06, 22.09.2022

Searches in Timis County at people who cultivate cannabis and manufacture hashish

Prosecutors from the Timisoara Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and judicial police officers from the Timisoara Organised Crime Brigade (BCCO) carried out six home searches in…

15:30, 01.09.2022

Revoltă în Kosovo, după ce o fetiță de 11 ani a fost violată de cinci indivizi. Trei dintre agresori sunt minori

Cinci bărbați sunt acum în custodia poliției, iar trei dintre ei sunt minori. Atrocitatea s-a petrecut duminică, 28 august, într-un parc din Priștina, capitala Kosovo, relatează Balkan Insight . Actul care a șocat…

20:00, 27.07.2022

Structure of support for European prosecutors assigned to Romania to have an increased number of offices

The government decided, on Wednesday, to increase the maximum number of offices for the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), with 15 more offices of judicial officers and police having been approved for…

10:05, 27.07.2022

Searches in Bucharest, Ilfov and Prahova in a tax evasion case with damage of EUR 13.5 million

The Bucharest police with the Economic Crime Investigation Service, district 2 Police, under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Bucharest Tribunal, are implementing, on Wednesday, three…

15:46, 11.07.2022

Romanian military prosecutors to probe Russian war crimes in Ukraine

The Military Prosecutor's Section of the General Prosecutor's Office announces having taken ex officio action and having opened a criminal case to probe into crimes against humanity that may have been committed…

00:01, 07.07.2022

Suspectul acuzat de masacrul din Highland Park și-a recunoscut faptele. Robert Crimo intenționa să comită un al doilea atac

Bărbatul acuzat de uciderea a șapte persoane la parada de Ziua Independenței din Highland Park a mărturisit poliției că el este autorul atacului, deschizând focul de pe un acoperiș din suburbia orașului Chicago…

20:11, 23.06.2022

Anti-corruption prosecutors seek to lift AgriMin's immunity over influence-peddling case

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) sent the Chamber of Deputies a request to lift the immunity of a current minister and MP at the time of the offense, as part of a criminal investigation into abuse…

11:50, 16.05.2022

Neamt county council chairman, Ionel Arsene, cannot justify 43,000 euros, Prosecutor's Office notified

The National Agency for Integrity (ANI) announced on Monday that it has identified an unjustified difference, amounting to 196,100 RON (43,519 euros) between the acquired assets and the income of the chairman of…

20:01, 27.04.2022

Licu: 'Haven't plagiarized, I gave up doctor title, considered my work not rising to highest level'

Bogdan Licu, First Deputy of the Prosecutor General, proposed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) for the position of judge at the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), said on Wednesday that he gave up the scientific…

19:06, 14.04.2022

Government approves 100,000 Euro voluntary contribution for International Criminal Court

The Government approved, through a decision, to pay a financial voluntary contribution on Romania's behalf worth 100,000 Euro, to the Fiduciary Fund of the International Criminal Court (ICC), intended to support…

08:50, 11.04.2022

Ucraina: O nouă groapă comună în Buzova

Oficialii ucraineni au anunțat că o groapă în care sunt îngropați cu zeci de civili a fost găsită în satul Buzova, lângă Kiev, în weekend-ul trecut, scrie The Guardian. Buzova se află la 20 de kilometri sud-vest…

11:30, 10.04.2022

O nouă groapă comună, găsită în Buzova

O nouă groapă comună cu zeci de civili ucraineni a fost descoperită sâmbătă în Buzova, un sat eliberat situat în apropiere de capitala Kiev, care timp de săptămâni a fost ocupat de forţele ruseşti, a declarat un…

17:20, 09.04.2022

(FOTO) Groapă comună cu 67 de oameni în Bucha

Imagini tulburătoare din timpul operațiunii de exhumare a cadavrelor din gropile comune din Bucha, localitate lângă Kiev. Irina Venediktova, procurorul general al Ucrainei, a transmis prin intermediul unei postări…

13:26, 08.04.2022

DNA searches at Timisoara City Hall, in investigation related to Colterm SA

Prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) are conducting on Friday searches at the headquarters of a public institution located in western Timisoara. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

15:06, 06.04.2022

Investigation starts in Romania in online contract killing facilitation ring

Prosecutors with the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and officers of its Cybercrime Combat Service (DCCO) carried out on Wednesday seven home searches in the counties of Gorj…

11:35, 21.02.2022

Anti-corruption prosecutors open criminal case against Sector 3 mayor

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) has opened a criminal probe against Bucharest Sector 3 mayor Robert Negoita, in a case in which he is accused of abuse of office, the DNA reports on Monday. Fii la…

16:45, 17.02.2022

SIIJ dismantlement/Predoiu: Dangerous to argue that non-specialized prosecutor's offices cannot implement and enforce law

Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu stated on Thursday that it is dangerous to claim that prosecutor's offices that are not specialized cannot implement and enforce the law in cases including corruption offenses…

20:30, 14.02.2022

Government approves draft regarding SIIJ dismantlement, competencies to be taken over by regular prosecutors' offices

The Government has approved the draft law regarding the dismantlement of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), the competencies to be taken over by regular Prosecutors' Offices, announced,…

12:00, 09.02.2022

AUR deputy calling fellow MP Ovidiu Gant 'Nazi', condemned by PSD, PNL, UDMR, USR

The Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) and Save Romania Union (USR) deputies condemned, on Wednesday, in the plenary sitting of the…