Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:10, 03.02.2022

Economy Minister presents Romania's investment opportunities to visiting MEDEF delegation

Economy Minister Florin Spataru and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met today with a delegation of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) employer federation, the Economy Ministry informed in a release on…

15:45, 31.01.2022

MP Violeta Alexandru: Government has to present clear calendar for raising state of alert

Deputy Violeta Alexandru stated, on Monday, that she requests the Government present a clear calendar for raising the state of alert, mentioning that if the Executive has failed in regards to vaccination, it doesn't…

15:20, 24.01.2022

Patriarch Daniel: Unification of Principalities symbolizes importance of our national unity and dignity

Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church stated on Monday that the celebration of the Unification of Romanian Principalities, January 24, 1859, highlights the importance of our national unity and dignity…

14:36, 04.01.2022

Israeli Ambassador warns against radical ideologies and manifestations present even today

Israeli Ambassador in Bucharest David Saranga vehemently condemns "the attitude and insulting statements of some political leaders who deemed it appropriate to describe the Holocaust genocide as a 'minor topic'…

21:05, 28.12.2021

Interdepartmental Committee for Sustainable Development approves report for 2021 to be presented to Parliament

The Interdepartmental Committee for Sustainable Development adopted on Tuesday the Report on the implementation of objectives in this field in 2021, which will be presented to Parliament, with Prime Minister Nicolae…

16:40, 21.12.2021

PM Ciuca presents to EC President Von der Leyen Romanian Government's immediate priorities

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca presented the Romanian Government's priorities for the next period during the meeting he had, on Tuesday, with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the…

10:20, 21.12.2021

PM Ciuca at meeting with President of the European Council presents commitment to strengthening cohesion at EU level

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca presented, during his meeting in Brussels on Monday, with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the main priorities of the Government and offered assurances regarding…

09:30, 12.12.2021

Simona Halep, nominalizată de WTA la titlul de lovitura anului în tenis (Video)

Simona Halep (locul 20 WTA) a fost nominalizată la titlul de lovitura anului de către WTA. Sportiva din Constanța este nominalizată pentru o lovitură din meciul cu Gabriela Ruse, de la Transylvania Open, câştigat,…

21:35, 11.12.2021

VIDEO Simona Halep este nominalizată pentru 'lovitura anului' în tenis

Simona Halep a fost nominalizată la titlul de lovitura anului de către WTA. Ea este nominalizată pentru o lovitură din meciul cu Gabriela Ruse, de la Transylvania Open, câştigat, scor 6-1, 6-2, în primul tur. Halep…

16:20, 11.12.2021

Simona Halep, nominalizata la titlul de lovitura anului in tenis

Simona Halep a fost nominalizata la titlul de lovitura anului de catre WTA.Ea este nominalizata pentru o lovitura din meciul cu Gabriela Ruse, de la Transylvania Open, castigat, scor 6 1, 6 2, in primul tur. Halep…

15:20, 11.12.2021

VIDEO Simona Halep, nominalizată de WTA la titlul de lovitura anului 2021 în tenis

Simona Halep a fost nominalizată de WTA la titlul de lovitura anului 2021 în tenis. Sportiva din România a reușit respectiva execuție chiar într-un meci contra Gabrielei Ruse.Halep a izbutit lovitura…

18:15, 08.12.2021

Cătălin Raiu, Romanian expert on Freedom of Religion or Belief, invited to present key trends impacting Freedom of Religion of Belief

The OSCE/ODIHR is pleased to announce a webinar event on 14 December from 14:00-15:30 CET entitled: Key trends impacting freedom of religion or belief. Cătălin Raiu, an internationally well-known expert on Freedom…

16:06, 08.12.2021

PNL's Citu: Budget draft to be presented Monday to coalition

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Florin Citu, stated that a budget draft for next year will be presented to the coalition on Monday. "PNL is in Parliament. We will be here until we have to vote…

15:05, 03.12.2021

Romanians traveling to Bulgaria in December will need an European digital COVID certificate

Romanians entering the territory of Bulgaria in December can only do so if, in addition to their travel documents, they will present a European COVID digital certificate and will be selectively subjected to rapid…

15:25, 14.11.2021

Ciolacu, after PNL-PSD negotiations: Two PM options to be presented to Romania's President

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said at the end of the negotiations with the National Liberal Party (PNL) on Sunday that the country's President is entitled, according to the Constitution,…

21:06, 12.11.2021

Prince Radu: We can never reward our present day veterans as much as they deserve

Prince Radu welcomed on Friday at the Elisabeta Palace the servicemen who raced in the Veterans' Relay. "We can never reward our present day veterans as much as they deserve. We try in every way to make the Romanian…

19:45, 10.11.2021

Liberal leader Florin Citu: Together we'll hammer out a solution for PM to present the President

The National Liberal Party (PNL), the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) will go together to consultations with President Iohannis and will field a joint nominee…

16:06, 27.10.2021

Senate rejects bill on obligation to present COVID-19 digital certificate at work

On Wednesday, the Senate plenary rejected a bill according to which it is mandatory for the staff of some public and private units to present the COVID-19 digital certificate at the workplace, agerpres reports.…

18:40, 17.10.2021

Dacian Ciolos: We go all the way; Romanian politician must restore to Romanian citizen trust in the state

Prime Minister-designate Dacian Ciolos said he will present to the USR Political Committee, which will convene on Sunday evening, the list of the cabinet and the governing program with which he will go to Parliament,…

14:11, 03.10.2021

PM Ctu: Nothing to discuss with USR at present; all options are on the table after Tuesday

Prime Minister Florin Citu says that the Liberals have nothing to discuss with USR PLUS at the moment, but that after Tuesday, when the no confidence motion is voted, all options will be considered. "PNL has nothing…

08:51, 27.09.2021

Chamber: Minister of Energy - at "Government Hour," on Monday

Minister of Energy Virgil Popescu comes Monday to the 'Government Hour' debate in the Chamber of Deputies. The decision was taken last week by the Standing Bureau of the Chamber, at the request of the minister,…

19:00, 09.09.2021

Swedish Ambassador: Environmental decisions must be made long-term and respected regardless of government change

Environmental policy decisions must be made in the long term and must be respected regardless of changes at the governmental level, Swedish Ambassador in Bucharest, Therese Hyden, said in Brasov on Thursday, mentioning…

14:25, 02.09.2021

Sorin Grindeanu: PSD will present Thursday the text of censure motion

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will present on Thursday the text of a censure motion against the Government, which will be made available for signature, announced the party's first vice-chair, Sorin Grindeanu.…

12:31, 30.08.2021

Dacia Jogger to be unveiled on September 6, at the Munich International Motor Show

Dacia Jogger, a family vehicle with 5 or 7 seats, will be presented to the general public on September 6, at the Munich International Motor Show, in the presence of Denis Le Vot, General Manager Dacia, the company…

14:35, 16.08.2021

PSD requests Gov't present anti-COVID-19 vaccine spending

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) asked, on Monday, the Government to say how much it has spent on the anti-COVID-19 vaccines and said they believe the statement of Health Minister Ioana Mihaila, that such information…

21:56, 13.08.2021

George Enescu's Ballade for Violin and Orchestra, performed by violinist David Garrett, to be broadcast on August 19

A recording with George Enescu's Ballade for Violin and Orchestra, performed by violinist David Garrett, will be presented on August 19, at 12:00 hrs, on the 140th anniversary of the Romanian composer's birth,…

08:55, 03.08.2021

VIDEO Festivalul Lollapalooza: Circa 100.000 de persoane pe zi în public şi 19 arestări în total (GALERIE FOTO)

Nouăsprezece persoane au fost arestate în cele patru zile ale ediţiei din acest an a festivalului muzical Lollapalooza desfăşurat în Grant Park din Chicago, conform cifrelor publicate săptămâna aceasta de autorităţile…

19:41, 29.07.2021

PM Citu: I expect each minister to present budget execution in the following days

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Thursday said that he expected each and every minister to present to the public the budget execution for the portfolio he leads in the coming days, underscoring that this is an "essential"…

18:00, 23.07.2021

FSLI requests PM Citu to present Government draft of modernizing education system

The Federation of Free Education Unions (FSLI) is requesting the PM Florin Citu to explain to the public opinion what is the Government's draft of modernizing the education system, in the context in which the PM…

17:35, 15.07.2021

Proiecte de educație cu succes în centrele sociale ieșene

În ultima perioadă, tot mai mulți copii din centrele sociale ieșene se bucură de o serie de programe educative alternative, de învățare creativă și de întâlniri cu profesioniști din diverse domenii. Aceste sesiuni…