Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:12, 02.04.2018

Minister-delegate Negrescu: New European regulations on online content services open new possibilities for EU citizens

Minister-delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu hails the enforcement of regulations on cross-border portability of online content services within the European Union and underscored that they "open new possibilities"…

22:37, 14.03.2018

OECD's Gurria says Romania is to gain full membership in OECD as soon as possible

Romania will gain full membership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) "as soon as possible," Secretary General of the OECD Angel Gurria stated on the occasion of the meeting of…

18:44, 13.03.2018

Transport în comun as smart as possible

Oraşele viitorului sunt mai prietenoase pentru locuitorii acestora. Locuri în care confortul se traduce mai ales prin aer mai curat, curăţenie, timp redus de transport, spaţii publice gândite pentru a te simţi…

13:03, 02.03.2018

Individuals to submit one form for revenues

Individuals will submit this year only one form for the revenues achieved and as of 31 March 2019 this will only be possible online, according to a document of the Public Finance Ministry (MFP). As regards the…

00:07, 01.03.2018

Labour Minister Olguta Vasilescu: Pension pillar 2 will not be canceled

Labour Minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu on Wednesday gave assurance that pension pillar 2 will not be canceled, but she specified an analysis into the possibility that each persons can choose if he/she wants to contribute…

20:58, 28.02.2018

Immofinanz suspendă momentan discuțiile privind fuziunea cu CA Immo

The Supervisory Board and Executive Board of IMMOFINANZ AG today decided to continue the suspension of detailed discussions over a possible merger  between CA Immobilien Anlagen AG (CA Immo) and IMMOFINANZ for…

14:35, 27.02.2018

It is possible to change the world, revolutionize boys and girls!

A patra ediție a festivalului R:EVOL:UTION va avea loc între 31 mai – 2 iunie în Timișoara, și va reuni oamenii prin muzica și experiențele lor preferate! După ce ediția precedentă a adus laolaltă peste 20 000…

16:55, 12.02.2018

PM Dancila, ambassador Klemm discuss possibility of lifting short-stay visa requirements for Romanians travelling to US in 2018

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila and US Ambassador in Bucharest Hans Klemm on Monday discussed the possibility of lifting the short-stay visa requirements for Romanian citizens travelling to the US in 2018,…

16:13, 24.01.2018

Acting PM Fifor: Principalities Union possible firstly due to whole nation's convergence of spirit

Romanian Principalities Union was possible "both through political, diplomatic efforts of some visionary statesmen, through their friendship relations with key-countries in the European concert of the moment, and…

23:18, 30.12.2017

PM Tudose: I eliminate from the very start the idea of a possible loan with IMF

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said he eliminates from the very start the idea of "any type of contact" with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) related to a possible loan.  "I eliminate from the start the idea…

14:23, 24.12.2017

Prime minister Tudose wants to meet with civic organisations, active in street protests on 27 December

Prime minister Mihai Tudose announced on Saturday night that he accepts the meeting forwarded by as many as 43 civic organisations, active in the street protests regarding the proposals to amending the Laws of…

16:34, 23.11.2017

Smart Alliance Cluster head: Possible 9 pct growth rate for Romania's IT market until 2025

Romania's IT industry could grow at an annual pace of 9 percent until 2025 and cooperation among the relevant entities is the key to the future, president of the Smart Alliance cluster Gabriel Munteanu told the…

13:43, 17.11.2017

Iohannis on possibility of CVM being lifted in 2018: I do not think so

President Klaus Iohannis said in Goteborg on Friday that he does not believe in the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) being lifted for Romania in 2018, saying that that the optimism displayed by the…

12:35, 14.11.2017

Senate's Tariceanu: Sustainable development strategy not possible without real dialogue between political,institutional leaders

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, on Tuesday, called upon a dialogue of political leaders so that a project as Romania's National Strategy for Sustainable Development has some chances to succeed. …

17:06, 11.10.2017

Deputy PM Shhaideh at DNA: I was informed that I can challenge an expert

Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh said on Wednesday, upon leaving the seat of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA), that she was called by prosecutors to be told that she had the possibility of challenging…

16:38, 09.08.2017

DefMinTutuianu, PATROMIL representatives discuss possible participation in Army endowment

Defence Minister Adrian Tutuianu and leaders of the Employers' Association of Romanian Military Hardware Manufacturers (PATROMIL) have discussed the opportunities for PATROMIL business operators to take part in…

12:09, 03.04.2017

PSD`s Dragnea on possible gov`t resshuffle: It is not the moment now

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Liviu Dragnea said on Sunday evening that the Grindeanu Government is doing its job, at the same time mentioning that it is not the moment to replace any minister from office.

17:29, 20.03.2017

Directorul FBI confirmă că o anchetă privind implicarea Rusiei în alegerile prezidențiale este în derulare

Directorul FBI a confirmat pentru prima oară că biroul pe care îl conduce anchetează presupusa implicare a Rusiei în alegerile prezidențiale din 2016. James Comey a făcut declarații pe această temă în timpul unei…

14:28, 10.02.2017

Speaker Dragnea asks MPs to pass emergency ordinance as soon as procedurally possible

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea on Friday urged Parliament to follow the procedures for the approval of a law sanctioning Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 14/2017 abrogating recent controversial…

11:56, 01.02.2017

Norvegianul care cheama clujenii la proteste. „A better Romania is possible" ROMANA & ENGLISH

Norvegianul care cheamă clujenii la proteste. „A better Romania is possible" ROMÂNĂ & ENGLISH Un norvegian care locuieşte la Cluj a făcut un apel emoţionant către români, să iasă în stradă la proteste. &"Aceasta…

13:52, 09.01.2017

PSD`s Dragnea: Highly possible we intiate inquiry commision; 2017 budget has 10 billion gap

The chairman of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, has stated, on Sunday, that he will consult with the Social-Democrats to decide the possible initiation of a parliament inquiry commission, given…

17:33, 07.11.2016

Erdoğan deepens the gap between Turkey and EU: jailed political opponents and a possible re-introduction of death penalty

The ALDE Group in the European Parliament is very worried about the latest developments in Turkey following the detention of 2 leaders of the HDP Party together with other Members of the Turkish Parliament. Commenting…

20:28, 24.10.2016

Ce n'est pas possible! Marseille nu a tras niciun șut spre poartă în meciul cu PSG

Olympique Marseille a intrat aseară în istoria campionatului francez. Nu pentru vreun gol sau rezultat extraordinar, ci pentru că nu a reușit să tragă niciun șut spre poartă pe durata întregului meci cu PSG. ...

15:18, 19.10.2016

Liberal Chair Gorghiu: Talk is needed with PM Ciolos on possible joint governance

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is a 'privileged partner' of Premier Dacian Ciolos, says PNL Chair Alina Gorghiu, adding that a meeting with the government head is needed to talk about a possible joint governance.

08:53, 22.08.2016

Basescu: I would not rule out the possibility of a PSD+PNL government

National leader of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Traian Basescu told Romania TV private broadcaster on Sunday that he would not rule out the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL)…

20:37, 10.07.2016

Openul de tenis al României. S-a bătut în cuie tabloul din prima zi / PROGRAMUL COMPLET

Deținătoarea trofeului, Schmiedlova, va deschide, luni, turneul de la București. BRD BUCHAREST OPEN – BUCHAREST, ROU $250,000 11-17 JULY 2016 ORDER OF PLAY – MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016 CENTRE COURT start 2:00 pm Qualifying…

16:29, 30.05.2016

PM's Control Corps: PICCJ notified on possible criminal offenses at Electrocentrale Bucharest SA

The Prime Minister's Control Corps announces that, following check-ups conducted at the thermal power producer Electrocentrale Bucharest SA, it decided to notify the Prosecutor's Office with the High Court of Cassation…

20:22, 06.05.2016

DIICOT says complaint filed, not on possible criminal activity of Hexi Pharma

The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) claims that the criminal complaint filed against the owner of Hexi Pharma, Dan Condrea, does not refer to a possible criminal activity of…

13:07, 14.02.2016

DefMin Motoc: Possibility of NATO, Russia dialogue is not ruled out

Right now, a possibility of dialogue between the NATO and the Russian Federation was not ruled out, the Romanian National Defence Minister, Mihnea Motoc told on Saturday night a tv broadcast. Mihnea Motoc added…

12:58, 20.01.2016

ForMin Comanescu on Bodnariu case: Possibly improvable areas in Norwegian child welfare law

Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu said on Tuesday that although there may be "improvable areas" in the Norwegian child welfare law, in the Bodnariu case the current regulations must be taken into account; Comanescu…