Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:38, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion/Pro Romania's Cimpeanu:Party wants better gov't, but not replacement with Orban-led lineup

The Pro Romania party wants a better government but cannot support the replacement of the Dancila Cabinet with a lineup headed by Ludovic Orban, Pro Romania deputy Sorin Cimpeanu on Wednesday told the Parliament…

19:29, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion/Kelemen:We are witnessing Opposition's attempt to take over governing but with no clear solution

Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) chairman, Kelemen Hunor, declared Wednesday, in the joint plenary sitting of Parliament, that, although the opposition wishes to take on the governing of the country…

19:29, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion/Vosganian: No-confidence motion cannot be tabled without saying what government, vision you have

Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) deputies, Varujan Vosganian criticized on Wednesday the opposition for the anti-governmental demarche, stating that you cannot table a no-confidence motion…

17:17, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion/Dancila: Each Romanian must have freedom to decide where to keep their pension money

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday, in the Parliament, that each Romanian must have the freedom to decide where to keep their pension money.  "The issue of nationalizing Pension Pillar II has never…

17:06, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion: PM Dancila: Did not expect motion to be sequence of lies

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday in Parliament's plenum she was not expecting the entire no-confidence motion, signed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), Save Romania Union (USR) and People Movement's…

16:42, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion:"We fight for Romania all the way" - message shown by Liberals during PM speech

National Liberal Party (PNL) MPs laid down in the plenary chamber of Parliament, during Prime Minister Viorica Dancila's speech, a huge banner with the message "We fight for Romania all the way", informs Agerpres.At…