Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:25, 21.12.2020

Foreign Affairs Ministry representations, ready to grant support to Romanians in UK

In the context of the measures taken by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and by some European countries to limit the spread of infection with the new strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the…

17:00, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Romanians in London, advised to avoid crowding Stratford area and use alternative polling stations

The Romanian Embassy in London launched, on Sunday, on its Facebook page, an appeal to Romanian citizens in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to use the polling stations which are less crowded…

11:15, 19.11.2020

Romania closes Nations League campaign in 1-1 draw with Northern Ireland

Romania and Northern Ireland both completed their Nations League campaign (Group B) with a 1-1 (0-0) draw, as they faced off on Wednesday evening at Belfast's Windsor Park stadium, according to AGERPRES. Despite…

14:35, 07.10.2020

Cătălin Raiu, the president of FoRB Romania, was welcomed by Andrew Noble, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland…

Cătălin Raiu, the president of FoRB Romania, was welcomed by His Excellency, Mr. Andrew Noble, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania, for a useful discussion on religious…

16:15, 14.09.2020

Presidency: Fourteen Romanian ambassadors recalled to the country

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Monday the decrees regarding the recall of 14 Romanian ambassadors.Among the diplomats recalled to the country are the Romanian ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain…

19:20, 08.09.2020

UEFA U21 Championship qualifiers: Malta v Romania line-ups

Romania's youth side coach Adrian Mutu has made four changes in the starting line-up from the match versus Finland for Tuesday's UEFA U21 Championship 8th Group qualifier against Malta to be hosted by Malta's Centenary…

18:05, 11.08.2020

Northern Ireland supports opening in Belfast of Consular Office of the Romanian Embassy

The Government of Northern Ireland and the local authorities support the endeavour of the Romanian Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to open a Consular Office in Belfast to cover…

15:24, 17.07.2020

30 Romanians working on farm in Herefordshire, UK, infected with novel coronavirus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday that, up to now, 30 Romanian citizens, of the approximately 100 that are conducting their activity on a farm in Herefordshire - the United Kingdom of Great Britain…

21:24, 03.07.2020

MAE: UK's decision to keep restrictions for Romanian citizens, taken based on specialists' recommendations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) states that the United Kingdom informed, through diplomatic channels, prior to the public announcement, that, at present, the existing restrictions at the borders of Great…

22:24, 15.06.2020

Aurescu, Barnier discuss over the phone the current stage of negotiations between the EU and UK

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, on Monday had a telephone conversation with the Chief Negotiator of the European Union for the relation with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,…

18:24, 07.06.2020

MAE: 365 Romanian citizens repatriated from abroad

365 Romanian citizens from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Kingdom of the Netherlands returned to the country as a result of joint efforts by the…

18:58, 02.06.2020

MAE: 260 Romanian citizens repatriated from Turkey and UK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that the authorities facilitated on Monday the repatriation of 260 Romanian citizens - 70 from Turkey and 190 from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern…

16:32, 02.06.2020

ForMin Aurescu meets UK Ambassador, discusses new Strategic Partnership Romania-UK

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu on Tuesday had a meeting with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Andrew Noble, on which occasion the Romanian official…

15:12, 24.05.2020

MAE announces repatriation of 277 Romanians from France and UK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announces the return to the country of 277 Romanian citizens in the French Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.In a press release sent to…

12:53, 20.02.2020

MAE hails 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations with France, Germany and UK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) hails the anniversary on Thursday of 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties with the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of…

13:15, 07.02.2020

Proiect european la Liceul „Alecsandri“

 Proiectul „Problem solving in MINT or STEAM subjects in schools in Northern Ireland, Romania and Germany" se afla în ultimul an de implementare, scolile partenere lucrând în acest moment la realizarea produselor…

12:56, 04.02.2020

Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri” Iaşi participant la proiectul „Problem solving in MINT or STEAM subjects in schools in Northern Ireland, Romania and…

Scopul proiectului este de a utiliza noile tehnologii precum dronele în rezolvarea de probleme ce privesc mediul înconjurator. Aflat în ultimul sau an de implementare, majoritatea activitatilor proiectului vizeaza…

15:14, 30.12.2019

Barack Obama a dezvaluit care sunt cartile sale preferate din 2019

Fostul presedinte al SUA Barack Obama si-a prezentat lista de carti preferate in 2019, afirmand ca acestea i-au "luminat" anul. "A devenit o mica traditie pentru mine si sper ca este si pentru voi", a scris Obama…

10:08, 30.12.2019

Barack Obama a dezvăluit lista de cărţi preferate în 2019

Fostul preşedinte al SUA Barack Obama şi-a prezentat lista de cărţi preferate în 2019, afirmând că acestea i-au „luminat” anul, potrivit CNN. „A devenit o mică tradiţie pentru mine şi sper că…

17:20, 11.12.2019

Revolution 30: "Apertures of a Revolution" exhibition and screening of "After the Revolution" documentary on Thursday in London

The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) in London and the Romanian Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is organizing on Thursday, together with Romanian National News Agency AGERPRES,…

18:44, 26.11.2019

UK personalities, decorated by President Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday signed the decree for the decoration of some personalities from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a release from the Presidential Administration shows.Therefore,…

18:57, 24.11.2019

Romania's Embassy in UK: There is risk of slight congestion at some London polling stations

The Romanian Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland warns in a post on its Facebook page that 'there is a risk of slight congestion' at the two polling stations in the Stratford area…

21:53, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Over 636,000 Romanians of the diaspora turn out to vote until 21:00hrs

Over 636,000 Romanians from the diaspora turned out to vote on Sunday, until 21:00 hrs.This is the third day of the presidential ballot in the diaspora. They are joined by the approximately 25,200 Romanians abroad…

18:55, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ Over 559,000 Romanians from abroad cast their vote by 18:00 hrs

Over 559,000 Romanians from the diaspora turned out to vote on Sunday, until 18:00 hrs.This is the third day of the presidential election in the diaspora. About 25,200 Romanians from abroad voted by mail. According…

15:56, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ More than 414,000 Romanians vote in the Diaspora until 2:00 pm EET

More than 414,000 Romanians voted in the Diaspora until 2:00 pm, in the third day of the presidential election, plus 25,200 who voted by correspondence.The Central Electoral Bureau informed through its online platform…

09:04, 15.10.2019

Romania 3-0 Northern Ireland in UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualifier

Romania defeated Northern Ireland 3-0 (0-0) on Monday evening at the Anghel Iordanescu Stadium in Voluntari, in a Group 8 qualifying match for the UEFA European Under-21 Football Championship in 2021.  Denmark…

12:42, 10.09.2019

Ambassador Dan Mihalache requests extension of voting registration deadline for Romanian expats

The Romanian ambassador in London, Dan Mihalache, called on the government of Romania and the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) to approve the extension of the registration deadline for Romanians abroad, for…

17:23, 06.09.2019

FM Manescu, ambassador Noble discuss rights of Romanian citizens in UK in Brexit context

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramona Manescu, had a meeting on Friday with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania, Andrew Noble, discussing with him the situation…

08:03, 04.08.2019

Un român care lucrează în 2 servicii de urgență în Irlanda spune că, în situația Alexandrei, întrebarea ”Te poți elibera?” și îndrumarea de fugă erau…

„În momentul în care fata a dat telefonul 112 și a spus că este răpită, este un alt protocol, nu mai e valabil cel de dispariție, impus atunci când părinții au anunțat dispariția”, explică George Toma cum funcționeză…

12:56, 06.06.2019

Premier Dancila, British Ambassador Noble, on orderly withdrawal of the UK from the EU

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a meeting on Thursday with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Andrew Noble, a context in which the former reiterated, from…