Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:55, 09.02.2024

PM Ciolacu, about Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson: I understand manipulation that dictator Putin is doing

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday, in Constanta, that when Romania joined the European Union it concluded agreements on territorial sovereignty and said that he understood "the manipulation that dictator…

13:15, 07.09.2023

Drone in Danube Delta, big blunder of the Iohannis regime, says AUR chairman

The Romanian state institutions are deprofessionalised, the case of the fragments that could have come from a drone found in far eastern Tulcea county being "a big blunder of the Iohannis regime", the leader of…

18:25, 25.08.2023

Tennis: Romanian final at Brasov Open

Tennis: Romanian final at Brasov OpenThe final of the Brasov Open (ITF) tennis tournament, organised by Tennis Club Olimpia in Brasov and endowed with total prizes of USD 15,000, will be played between Romanians…

14:40, 10.08.2023

No one is allowed to undermine fundamental rights in Romania, neither PSD nor PNL (USR head)

On Thursday, Save Romania Union (USR) national leader Catalin Drula said in a message five years after the August 10, 2018 street protest, that the fight for rights and democracy is more current today than ever."Inhuman…

10:31, 31.05.2023

Russia, Ukraine fail to embrace IAEA plan to protect nuclear plant

Neither Russia nor Ukraine committed to respect five principles laid out by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi on Tuesday to try to safeguard Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear…

16:45, 13.04.2023

ForMin Aurescu: Neither Ukraine nor Moldova are alone

Romania will continue to show solidarity with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova for as long as necessary, Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Thursday."Neither Ukraine nor the Republic of Moldova…

18:35, 05.04.2023

Caciu: Installment of excise duties no longer accepted

Finance Minister Adrian Caciu announces that the Government has approved, on Wednesday, an emergency ordinance amending the Tax Procedure Code regarding the granting of simplified and classic installments."Installment…

15:55, 07.10.2022

Ucraina, revoltată după decernarea premiului Nobel pentru Pace: „Două țări care au atacat-o pe a treia primesc premiul împreună”

Mihailo Podoleak, consilierul președintelui ucrainean, a criticat, vineri, Comitetul norvegian Nobel, după decernarea premiului pentru pace, care a fost împărțit între un avocat pentru drepturile omului din Belarus…

08:20, 21.03.2022

Peste 900 de oameni, arestați în urma protestelor din Rusia

Cel puţin 937 de persoane au fost arestate, duminică, în Rusia, în timpul manifestaţiilor împotriva războiului din Ucraina organizate în 38 de oraşe din ţară, potrivit unui bilanţ dat publicităţii de ONG-ul OVD-Info.…

15:31, 14.02.2022

SocDem's Ciolacu: I don't support any tax increase neither this year, nor next year

The PSD (Social Democratic Party) president Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that he does not support, neither this year, nor next year, any tax increase. "This year, I do not support any tax increases. I don't support…

20:15, 13.10.2021

PM-designate Ciolos: No other majority formula to us, neither with PSD, nor with AUR

The prime minister-designate, Dacian Ciolos, chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR), announced that, on Friday, he will have a new meeting with the leaders of PNL (National Liberal Party) and UDMR (Hungarian…

10:00, 24.02.2021

Deputy PM Kelemen Hunor: We cannot agree with pensions larger than salary, neither with retirement at 50

The Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor declared on Tuesday night for the private TV broadcaster Realitatea Plus, that he supports a "rational debate" regarding special pensions, but that he cannot agree with retirement…

13:18, 15.07.2020

Central bank official: Loan interests not so high and keep dropping gradually

Interests on deposits are not very high, but neither are loan interests, and they keep dropping gradually, director of the National Bank of Romania's Stability Department Eugen Radulescu told a specialist conference…

16:21, 13.07.2020

Gov't: PM, ministers did not receive any invitation to participate in quarantine law debates in Parliament

The Government specifies that neither Prime Minister Ludovic Orban nor the other ministers of his Cabinet received an invitation to participate in the parliamentary debates related to the law on quarantine and…

18:43, 17.10.2019

UDMR leader after consultations with PM-designate: Written agreement is best solution, in-depth discussions required

Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Thursday that the UDMR parliamentary groups will decide on the Union's possibly backing a government headed by Liberal Ludovic…

13:03, 10.10.2019

Kelemen Hunor: This Government no longer has resources; must be changed

The current Government no longer has the necessary resources, neither professional nor political ones, to continue its activity, not being validated by the Parliament either, after the exit of ALDE from power,…

15:53, 17.09.2019

JusMin Birchall: Two major conclusions and neither supports the functioning of SIIJ in this form

Minister of Justice Ana Birchall stated, on Tuesday, that there are two major preliminary conclusions of the working group with the Ministry of Justice regarding the Section for Investigating Crimes in Justice…

08:52, 07.05.2019

Some 7,000 fans sing with Lenny Kravitz in Cluj-Napoca

About 7,000 fans sang together with Lenny Kravitz on Monday, and applauded him at the first concert that the artist held in Cluj-Napoca in the Polyvalent Hall.  Thank you, friends! It's so wonderful to be here,…

15:13, 11.03.2019

PSD's Liviu Dragnea: 'I, too, support the magistrates with all my strengths'

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea stated on Monday that he supports "the magistrates: with "all his strengths", adding that neither him or his party did something against them.Read also:…

16:56, 01.11.2018

Editura săptămânii: 1924. Anul care l-a creat pe Hitler

Autor:  Stelian ȚURLEA Peter Ross Range s-a bucurat de o carieră deosebită ca scriitor și editor, iar activitatea lui l-a purtat pe tot globul. În plus față de meseria sa de scriitor freelancer, a fost corespondentul…

12:07, 17.05.2018

President Iohannis on recalling Palestinian Ambassador: The matter will solve itself, neither of us should exagerate

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday stated in relation to the recalling of the Palestinian Ambassador in Romania that the matter will solve itself and that…

16:57, 20.02.2018

Flu death toll reaches 39 in Romania, year to date

The latest flu death toll in Romania reached 39 on Tuesday, according to the National Centre for Supervision and Control of Communicable Diseases with the National Public Health Institute (INSP). A 55-year-old…

12:53, 20.02.2018

Flu kills 37 in Romania year to date

The flu death toll has reached 37 in Romania, year to date, according to the latest information released on Tuesday by the National Centre for Supervision and Control of Communicable Diseases with the National…

12:19, 03.12.2017

Korean Civil Society and Global NGO Advocate Peace in the Korean Peninsula and Globe

Press Release On November 30th, a forum titled ‘Korea Peace Unification Forum’ to establish peacebuilding measures for the unification of Korea and global peace was held at the Korean National Assembly Member’s…

16:22, 02.11.2017

Iohannis: No occult forces in Romania, Senate president Tariceanu's a bit obsessed

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday stated that there are neither occult, nor underground forces in Romania, and added that the Senate Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu sometimes creates the impression that he's…

21:45, 19.09.2017

A Global Peace Festival with 200,000 People from 30 Countries was held in Republic of Korea​

A Global Peace Festival with 200,000 People from 30 Countries was held in Republic of Korea Press Release On September 18, a global peace festival celebrating the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Alliance of Religions'…

21:42, 19.08.2017

Controversă în Spania după ce presa a relatat că un băiat dispărut în atentatul de la Barcelona a fost găsit la spital. Poliția refuză să confirme informația

Un băiat cu dublă cetățenie, australiană şi britanică, Julian Cadman, care dispăruse după atentatul de la Barcelona, ar fi fost găsit într-un spital, fiind rănit în atentat, relatează presa spaniolă.…

17:59, 09.02.2017

CCR: Ombudsman's notification on GEO 13/2017- rejected as inadmissible

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), on Thursday, rejected as inadmissible the notification of the Ombudsman in respect to the emergency ordinance regarding the amendments to the Criminal Codes. "We were…

18:12, 27.07.2016

Chief David Bald Eagle, din "Cel Care Dansează cu Lupii", a murit la 97 de ani VIDEO

Chief David Bald Eagle, nepotul lui Chief White Bull, care a luptat în bătălia de la Little Bighorn in 1876, a apărut în peste 40 de filme, iar faima sa l-a făcut reprezentant al oamenilor tribului Lakota din Sudul…

16:23, 24.06.2016

Autoarea trilogiei "Harry Potter", previziune sumbră după BREXIT

Scriitoarea J.K. Rowling, celebră în întreaga lume pentru romanele din seria "Harry Potter", și-a exprimat dezamăgirea pe Twitter față de faptul că britanicii au votat majoritar pentru ca…