Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

07:10, 21.05.2024

Penitenciarul Târgşor face recrutări. Ce posturi sunt disponibile

Penitenciarul Târgşor face recrutări. Ce posturi sunt disponibile

Penitenciarul de Femei Ploieşti – Târgşorul Nou recrutează candidaţi în vederea participării la concursul de admitere locurile repartizate sistemului administrației penitenciare la: ŞCOALA MILITARĂ DE MAIȘTRI MILITARI…

08:30, 17.04.2024

Un părinte ieromonah din Botoșani a trecut în veșnicie la 49 de ani. A fost intendentul Patriarhului Teoctist

Un părinte ieromonah din Botoșani a trecut în veșnicie la 49 de ani. A fost intendentul Patriarhului Teoctist Este doliu la Mănăstirea Cernica după ce un viețuitor a trecut în veșnicie, informează basilica.ro.…

20:40, 16.04.2024

Preot de la Cernica a murit la 49 de ani. A fost intendentul Patriarhului Teoctist / Foto

Preot de la Cernica a murit la 49 de ani. A fost intendentul Patriarhului Teoctist / Foto

Preot de la Cernica a murit la 49 de ani. A fost intendentul Patriarhului TeoctistPărintele ieromonah Ioachim Enea de la Mănăstirea Cernica a murit luni, la vârsta de 49 de ani. A fost intendent al Patriarhului…

18:50, 06.04.2024

ANUL UNIVERSITAR 2024-2025 Încep înscrierile la Universitatea Națională de Apărare „Carol I” pentru anul universitar 2024-2025

ANUL UNIVERSITAR 2024-2025 Încep înscrierile la Universitatea Națională de Apărare „Carol I” pentru anul universitar 2024-2025

Universitatea Națională de Apărare „Carol I” din București a deschis înscrierile pentru anul universitar 2024-2025, oferind o oportunitate unică pentru viitorii studenți interesați de o carieră în domeniul militar,…

19:06, 03.04.2024

Iohannis on running for NATO secretary general: I do not intend to withdraw or negotiate something else

Iohannis on running for NATO secretary general: I do not intend to withdraw or negotiate something else

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that he does not intend to withdraw from the race for NATO secretary general, considering that his chances are "reasonable." "I have no intention of withdrawing or negotiating…

00:05, 03.04.2024

Concurs de admitere in Universitatea Nationala de Aparare "Carol I" Bucuresti, sesiunea 2024

Penitenciarul Bistrita selectioneaza candidati, in vederea admiterii in Universitatea Nationala de Aparare "Carol I" Bucuresti, sesiunea 2024, pentru urmatoarele specializari: Facultatea de Comanda si Stat Major…

13:20, 12.03.2024

President Iohannis: I do not intend to shorten my term in office as president

President Iohannis: I do not intend to shorten my term in office as president

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday stated that he has no intention of shortening his term in office as the head of the state. He answered thus to a question he received during a joint press conference he held…

16:30, 14.02.2024

Centrul 346 comunicații și tehnologia informației „SAVA HENȚIA” Sebeș recrutează soldați-gradați profesioniști. Vezi detalii

Centrul 346 comunicații și tehnologia informației „SAVA HENȚIA” recrutează soldați-gradați profesioniști în vederea încadrării a 5 posturi vacante în arma Comunicații, tehnologia informației și apărare cibernetică,…

19:35, 13.02.2024

Energy Ministry officially notifies Bucharest City Hall of ELCEN-Termoenergetica intended merger

The Energy Ministry has officially notified the Bucharest City Hall of the proposed merger between power and heat company Electrocentrale Bucharest SA (ELCEN) and municipal utility company Termoenergetica Bucharest…

16:15, 10.02.2024

MEP Corina Cretu: EC approves two state aid schemes for Romania, intended for farmers

MEP Corina Cretu informs on Saturday that the European Commission approved two state aid schemes notified by Romania, intended for farmers, one worth 241 million euros, and the second one worth 56 million euros,…

10:30, 25.01.2024

DNSC launches project intended to create new cyber security skills for society and economy

DNSC launches project intended to create new cyber security skills for society and economyThe National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) announces the start of the project "Creating new cyber security skills for…

11:41, 03.01.2024

Turkey to block UK minehunter ships intended for Ukraine

Turkey said on Tuesday it would not allow two minehunter ships donated to Ukraine by Britain to transit its waters en route to the Black Sea since it would violate an international pact concerning wartime passage…

15:41, 26.09.2023

USR, Force of Right Party file constitutional challenge against bill Gov't intends to push through

The opposition's Save Romania Union (USR) and the Force of the Right Party will take the fiscal overhaul bill the government is about to assume responsibility for to the Constitutional Court, USR Chairman Catalin…

18:30, 12.09.2023

Știri Constanta: Alatura-te echipei noastre! Academia Navala Mircea cel Batran anunta disponibilitatea posturilor in structurile militare

Vrei sa te alaturi echipei noastre Avem disponibile posturi de soldati si gradati profesionisti in structurile Academia Navala "Mircea cel Batran", nava scoala "Mircea" si nava scoala si sprijin actiuni militare…

12:25, 25.08.2023

DefMin: There are premises for increasing quality of equipment intended for Romanian military

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, visited, on Friday, the Military Tailor's and the Inspections and Testing Laboratory of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), affirming in this context that there…

13:50, 29.07.2023

Finance Ministry intends to borrow RON 5.245 billion in August from commercial banks

The Ministry of Finance planned, in August 2023, loans from commercial banks in the amount of RON 4.6 billion, to which the amount of RON 645 million can be added through additional sessions of non-competitive…

07:05, 29.07.2023

Absolventă de Militar, admisă prima la Academia Forțelor Terestre: „A meritat tot efortul ...

Absolventa Colegiului Militar „Ștefan cel Mare" Câmpulung, Ionela Andreea Ursache, va începe studiile universitare la Academia Forțelor Terestre „Nicolae Bălcescu" din Sibiu, unde a fost admisă prima la specializarea…

15:15, 20.07.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Russia intends to create world food crisis

ForMin Odobescu: Russia intends to create world food crisisRussia intends to cause a world food crisis by not renewing the agreement on the export of grain from Ukraine through the Black Sea, stated, on Thursday,…

16:01, 05.05.2023

Ruling coalition senators suggests fund intended for Moldova's local public administration

Senators of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) have initiated and tabled with the Senate a bill establishing a technical and…

14:15, 20.03.2023

Second PrimoHUB center, inaugurated in Bucharest, intended for Romanian and Ukrainian children

The second PrimoHUB learning, play and parenting center was inaugurated on Monday, on bd. Iuliu Maniu no. 111 from sector 6 of Bucharest.It is about a project initiated by the Bucharest City Hall, the Step by Step…

12:05, 15.01.2023

Mizeria românească de la Veneția

Ne-a căzut în mîini o scrisoare de plecare a lui Grigore Popescu Arbore, directorul IRCCU Veneția în perioada 2019-2022. Ea prezintă pentru uz intern degringolada ICR și a mecanismelor care îl tutelează în MAE…

10:15, 30.12.2022

Ministry of Finance intends to borrow over 5.3 billion RON in January 2023

The Ministry of Finance has planned, in January 2023, loans from commercial banks in the amount of 4.7 billion RON, of which the sum of 645 million RON can be added through additional sessions of non-competitive…

19:45, 23.11.2022

Sanchez: Governments of Spain and Romania intend to start working towards obtaining dual citizenship

The governments of Spain and Romania intend to start working towards obtaining dual citizenship and this is "an extraordinary, extremely important political message", Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on…

11:51, 15.11.2022

Zer0, ridesharing app intended for intra-urban and extra-urban trips, launched

Visionary PR & Influencer Marketing Manager have invested over 80,000 euros in a ridesharing app intended for intra-urban and extra-urban trips - Zer0, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

11:15, 24.09.2022

Rule of law: What happens after EU Commission proposed to freeze funds intended for Hungary? (enr)

For the first time since ever the EU Commission has proposed to freeze payments to a member state, in this case Hungary, for violating the rule of law and alleged corruption. Now the member states will have to…

15:20, 14.09.2022

Romsilva to increase volume of firewood intended for population and industry to cover demand

The National Forest Administration - Romsilva will supplement the volume of wood for industry with 500,000 cubic meters, and it will also increase the quantities of firewood for the population, Romsilva announced…

16:06, 01.08.2022

All part-time employees to be laid off by almost half of companies that intend to downsize (survey)

Almost half (47.7%) of the employers who will downsize in the next period will give up all part-time employees, show the results of a survey on the impact of the new fiscal measures adopted by the Government carried…

15:15, 01.07.2022


Inspectoratul de Poliție Județean Călărași scoate la concurs un post vacant de execuţie, de personal contractual, la Serviciul Logistic – Biroul Administrarea Patrimoniului Imobiliar şi Intendenţă. Înscrierea candidaţilor…

15:36, 31.05.2022

Gov't intending to borrow over 4.4bn lei in June

The Finance Ministry (MF) has planned to borrow 3.9 billion lei in June 2022 off commercial banks, of which 200 million lei in an issue of treasury bills at a discount and 3.7 billion lei in nine issues of government…

13:20, 26.04.2022

Cum poți deveni soldat gradat profesionist în Batalionul 53 Comando ,,Smaranda Brăescu”-

Spune DA provocărilor! Batalionul 53 Comando ,,Smaranda Brăescu’’ din Bacău te aşteaptă în echipa Forţelor pentru Operaţii Speciale! Următoarele detalii sunt de interes: 30 de locuri Forţe pentru Operații Speciale…