Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:11, 26.02.2024

One in five foreign workers brought in by companies flees to Western Europe soon afterwards

One in five foreign workers brought in by companies in western Arad from non-EU countries fails to gain seniority in the workplace because they flee the country illegally soon afterwards, estimate representatives…

20:55, 08.01.2024

Immigration Inspectorate says Romanian labour market is free to bring in 100,000 immigrants

A contingent of 100,000 workers from other countries are allowed to work on the labour market in Romania in 2024, according to Government Decision no. 1,338 of December 29, 2023, informs the General Inspectorate…

12:35, 28.12.2023

Over 240 refugees from Timisoara Emergency Transit Center, relocated to other states in 2023

241 people from the western Timisoara Emergency Transit Center were relocated this year to other countries such as Norway - 193, Great Britain - 24, The Netherlands - 23, Canada - 1, the General Inspectorate for…

16:40, 27.12.2023

Immigrations Inspectorate removes 16 foreigners, under escort, from the country

Immigrations Inspectorate removes 16 foreigners, under escort, from the countryImmigration police from the centres for the accommodation of foreigners taken into public custody from Otopeni and Arad over December…

15:56, 18.12.2023

International Migrants Day/Over 200k foreigners live in Romania

As many as 200,798 foreign citizens with a right of residence valid on the reference date were in the records of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, at the end of November, the IGI informs on Monday, in a…

10:21, 25.11.2023

Luptătorul McGregor a avertizat autoritățile irlandeze: “Altfel o voi face eu”

Luptătorul irlandez de MMA Conor McGregor a comentat revoltele de joi de la Dublin, spunând că nu aprobă acțiunile protestatarilor și, de asemenea, a promis că va adopta un “plan pentru a asigura securitatea țării”.…

07:11, 28.10.2023

Ce trebuie să știi dacă vrei să studiezi în SUA, Canada, Anglia, Australia sau Noua Zeelandă

Ce trebuie să știi dacă vrei să studiezi în Regatul Unit, SUA, Canada, Australia sau Noua Zeelandă și care este bugetul minim de care trebuie să dispui? Alegerea unei facultăți în afara UE necesită o perioadă mai…

12:20, 09.08.2023

Cel puțin 41 de migranți au murit într-un naufragiu în largul insulei italiene Lampedusa

41 de migranți au murit după ce barca în care se aflau a fost răsturnată de val în largul insulei Lampedusa din sudul Italiei, potrivit declarațiilor făcute de supraviețuiti preluate de presa locală și de BBC.Patru…

14:45, 27.07.2023

Six migrants brought to Romania, by transfer from Austria and Germany

The immigration police picked up six men from the Henri Coanda-Otopeni International Airport, who were transferred from Austria and Germany based on the Dublin Regulation, the General Inspectorate for Immigration…

14:50, 25.07.2023

More than 600 illegal foreigners, removed under escort from Romania in first part of year

In the first half of this year, immigration police officers carried out more than 600 removals under escort of foreigners from the country, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) said in a press release.According…

13:10, 20.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar meets Israeli counterpart Gallant in Paris

DefMin Tilvar meets Israeli counterpart Gallant in Paris. Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Monday met his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant on the sidelines of the Le Bourget Air Show in France, told Agerpres.…

12:20, 20.06.2023

Chamber of Deputies clears legislative proposal for establishment of National Museum of Roma History and Culture

Chamber of Deputies clears legislative proposal for establishment of National Museum of Roma History and Culture. The legislative proposal regarding the establishment of the National Museum of Roma History and…

12:20, 20.06.2023

IntMin Predoiu: Issuing a driving licence as a result of corruption is a crime

IntMin Predoiu: Issuing a driving licence as a result of corruption is a crime. Interior Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Tuesday that issuing a driving licence as a result of corruption committed by those in charge…

12:15, 20.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: My number one transport infrastructure priority is the absorption of European funds

PM Ciolacu: My number one transport infrastructure priority is the absorption of European funds. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that his number one priority in terms of transport infrastructure in his new term…

12:10, 20.06.2023

General Inspectorate for Immigration registers over 5,400 asylum requests in 2023

General Inspectorate for Immigration registers over 5,400 asylum requests in 2023. A number of 5,406 asylum requests have been registered this year, according to a press release of the General Inspectorate for…

16:40, 07.04.2023

Immigration Inspectorate celebrates 142 years of document mention

The immigration police are celebrating, on Friday, 142 years since King Carol I signed the first normative act regulating the regime of foreigners in Romania - the "Law on foreigners," published in Official Journal…

14:05, 27.02.2023

Immigration Inspectorate receives 12,000 asylum requests from foreigners last year

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) announces that, in 2022, 12,368 asylum applications by foreigners were registered on Romanian territory, over a third of them being Ukrainian refugees, told Agerpres.…

15:55, 07.02.2023

Approximately 1,000 illegal immigrants found in Bucharest in 2022

Romania's General Immigration Inspectorate (IGI) reported on Tuesday that in 2022 approximately 19,000 residence permits were issued, over 9,000 applications for work permits were registered and approximately 1,000…

15:35, 31.01.2023

Over 111,000 residence permits, issued from March 2022 until now (Immigration Inspectorate)

More than 111,000 residence permits for beneficiaries of temporary protection have been issued since March 18, 2022 and until now, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) announced on Tuesday, in a statement…

13:55, 12.01.2023

Fines imposed by police for irregularities in commercial companies employing foreign citizens

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the police imposed fines of 300,000 RON on some commercial companies where they discovered irregularities regarding foreign employees, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) informed…

12:00, 28.12.2022

21 Nepalese, Moroccan and Sri Lankan citizens handed over to immigration police

Border Police structures at the end of last week handed over to Timis County's Immigration Service 21 citizens from Nepal, Morocco and Sri Lanka suspected of illegally crossing the state border or attempting to…

17:50, 16.12.2022

Seven men from Bangladesh and Pakistan forced to leave Romania

Four men from Bangladesh and three from Pakistan will have to leave Romania, being taken into public custody, after they were caught by the immigration police for not respecting the conditions of stay in Romania,…

14:51, 08.12.2022

More than 700 foreign citizens, detected in November in illegal situations on Romanian territory

More than 700 foreign citizens were detected, in November, in illegal situations on Romanian territory, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) informed on Thursday, in a press release sent to AGERPRES.…

15:11, 07.12.2022

Over 9,300 residence permits, registered in November

More than 9,300 residence permits and approximately 18,500 applications for the issuance of work permits were registered in November, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) informed on Wednesday. Fii la…

13:40, 04.11.2022

Over 7,500 residence permits for foreigners, issued in October

Over 7,500 residence permits were issued by the authorities in October, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) informed on Friday, in a press release sent to AGERPRES.As a result of the approval of the…

13:00, 03.11.2022

Over 400 return decisions for foreign citizens, issued in October

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) issued, in October, more than 400 return decisions and dozens of people were removed under escort, following the actions aimed at permanent control over compliance…

17:35, 31.10.2022

Immigration officers find five illegal immigrants

Timis immigration officers found three nationals of Bangladesh and two of India on a mission on Monday to prevent and combat illegal stay in Romania of foreign nationals., told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

17:46, 18.10.2022

General Inspectorate for Immigration issues over 7,000 residence permits, in September

Over 7,000 residence permits and approximately 12,500 work permits were issued in September by the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

15:00, 04.10.2022

Some 500 irregular foreigners detected in September

About 500 foreign citizens were found to be in illegal situations following 3042 specific controls conducted in September by officers of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI), IGI said in a release on…

10:21, 29.09.2022

„Ucraina, după înfrângerea lui Putin”, coperta unei cunoscute reviste americane

O tânără desculță, îmbrăcată în haine albastre și galbene, culorile steagului Ucrainei, cu o mitralieră în spate, ținând sub picior și scufundând capul lui Vladimir Putin în mlaștină, așa arată coperta următorului…