Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:00, 20.09.2020

​​VIDEO Belarus: Nou protest masiv la Minsk - zeci de mii de persoane i-au scandat "Demisia" lui Lukaşenko

Zeci de mii de oameni au participat, duminică, la un nou protest masiv în capitala Belarusului, Minsk, ei scandând: “Demisia!&" şi cerând astfel plecarea preşedintelui Aleksandr Lukaşenko.Au…

15:16, 14.08.2020

Hundreds of people got metabolically younger by doing Kangoo Jumps

Hundreds of people who participated at KAPO – Health on Boots program lost extra kilograms, reshaped their body, improved their health and also decreased their metabolic age with an average of 16 years.   The KAPO-…

17:30, 13.07.2020

PSD's Ciolacu says party to table hundred percent successful motion of censure

Acting national chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said Monday that PSD will table a motion of censure against the Orban government that will be hundred percent successful, adding that…

15:33, 23.04.2020

PM Orban: 'SME Invest program will be operational as soon as possible'

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday that the SME Invest program will be operational "as soon as possible", stating that following the problems with the online application, another one, "one hundred percent…

18:22, 07.04.2020

National defence industry developed and produced first hundred per cent Romanian thermal imager

A hundred per cent Romanian thermal imager has been developed and produced by the national defence industry, informs the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA), in a press release sent to…

10:15, 06.04.2020

Coronavirus în Ecuador. Sicrie din carton pentru oamenii ucişi de COVID-19

Asociaţia producătorilor de carton a oferit 1.000 de asemenea sicrie municipalităţii din Guayaquil care le-a trimis la două cimitire din oraş, transmite agenţia AFP, citată de Agerpres. "Răspundem astfel la cererea…

08:37, 19.03.2020

Two large retailers donate one hundred thousand pieces of swabs needed to test novel coronavirus

One hundred thousand pieces of swabs for nasal and pharyngeal exudate / viral transport medium necessary for running molecular diagnostic tests (Real time Polymerase Chain Reaction -PCR) will be donated by two…

08:07, 17.03.2020

Evadare în masă din închisorile din Sao Paulo. Peste 1.000 de deţinuţi au fugit, cu o zi înainte să li se restrângă drepturile

Aproximativ 400 de deţinuţi au evadat numai din închisoarea Mongagua, scrie portalul brazilian G1. Motivul revoltei puşcăriaşilor este dat de faptul că de marţi ar urma să li se suspende vizitele, dar şi programele…

00:41, 04.03.2020

Three people, company indicted for illegal dumping of hundreds of tonnes of waste

Prosecutors with the Prosecutor's Office of District 1 Court indicted three people and a company on Tuesday, because they dumped in the Arges River and buried in the soil of some gravel pits in Ilfov and Giurgiu…

18:59, 13.02.2020

Former Olympic champion Comaneci argues GymNadia project should be multiplied hundreds of times nationwide

Former Olympic champion Nadia Comaneci has stated on Thursday that her project called GymNadia, which has been running for over a year now in the gymnasium at the Ion Tiriac Ice Rink in Otopeni should be multiplied…

18:42, 12.01.2020

Romania 'closely monitors' situation after Iran acknowledged downing Ukrainian plane

Romania "closely monitors" the situation, after Iran acknowledged that it had downed the Ukrainian plane, reads a message on the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).  "Romania closely…

12:33, 01.01.2020

Hundreds of emergency situations' interventions, 31 to fires in past 24 hrs

Fire fighters with the Emergency Situations' Inspectorate (ISUBIF) in the past 24 hours intervened to 399 urgency situations, namely 323 SMURD (Emergency Mobile Resuscitation and Extrication Service) ones, 31 fires,…

22:17, 22.12.2019

Hundreds of people march down from Victoriei Square

Hundreds of people left on Sunday evening, from Victoriei Square, in a march commemorating the Revolution of December 1989, on the University Square - the Interior Ministry headquarters route. Many of the participants…

19:53, 25.11.2019

Colectiv case:Sector 4 former mayor, Mayor's Office could be ordered to pay hundreds of millions of euros in compensations

The parents of the young people who died in the October 30, 2015 Colectiv fire demanded at a hearing at the Bucharest Court this Monday that former Sector 4 mayor Cristian Popescu-Piedone and three officials of…

12:46, 10.11.2019

Patients and medical staff cast their vote in Bucharest hospitals

Hundreds of patients admitted to hospitals in Bucharest and the medical staff cast their vote on Sunday in the first round of elections.  At the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, over 300 patients requested…

20:16, 19.10.2019

Hundreds of persons participate in a march of solidarity with women victims of violence (VIDEO)

Several hundreds persons on Saturday participated in Bucharest in a march of solidarity with women victims of violence. The march started from the Universitatii Square, and continued to Romana Square and Victoriei…

09:14, 08.10.2019

Hundreds of Romanian and foreign volunteers arrive in Vaideeni to build homes for 2014 flood victims

Approximately 450 Romanian and foreign volunteers will participate in raising, in five days, 10 homes for 10 families in the Vaideeni commune of southern Valcea County that are going through difficult times, in…

19:15, 28.09.2019

Several hundreds of people participate in Official Animal Rights March

Several hundreds people participated on Saturday in the 3rd edition of the Official Animal Rights March, in the Victoriei Square. "This is a march for the rights of animals, an event that takes place in other countries…

20:45, 23.08.2019

Scăderi importante la bursa de pe Wall Street după ce Trump le-a ordonat companiilor americane să renunțe la producția în China

Bursa de pe Wall Street a ajuns pe roșu, vineri, după ce președintele Donald Trump le-a cerut firmelor americane să „caute imediat” o alternativă pentru producția în China, inclusiv „să-și aducă acasă companiile”.…

23:17, 10.08.2019

Hundreds arrive in Victory Square for protest

Hundreds of people arrived in Victory Square in Bucharest on Saturday after-noon before the Government House Government to recreate the protest of the Romanian diaspora one year before. People were carrying banners…

23:13, 03.08.2019

Hundreds of shoes - aligned in front of the Ministry of Interior, in memory of missing children

Hundreds of pairs of shoes were aligned in front of the Ministry of Interior on Saturday to draw attention to the cases of missing children. The event was organised "to draw attention to the fact that the tragedy…

17:26, 01.07.2019

PM Dancila to discuss actors' grievances with culture minister in attendance

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said Monday that she wanted to discuss with actors the grievances that made them took to the streets, adding that Culture Minister Daniel Breaz would also be in attendance."Tomorrow,…

17:42, 11.05.2019

President Iohannis at Education Forum:There are still hundreds of thousands of children who learn in unsanitary,unsafe schools

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis criticised on Saturday, in the speech he delivered at the Education Forum event in Iasi, Education Minister Ecaterina Andronescu for talking about the digitisation of the education…

19:22, 29.04.2019

Sibiu: Hundreds celebrate International Dance Day downtown

Hundreds of people celebrated on Monday evening the International Dance Day downtown Sibiu, alongside the dancers from the Ballet Theatre.The ballet dancers from the Sibiu Ballet Theatre left their stage to make…

13:55, 21.04.2019

Romania's President Iohannis says religious freedom, belief must be defended in wake of Sri Lanka attacks

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Sunday condemned recent attacks in Sri Lanka and said that freedom of religion and faith must be defended. "I strongly condemn the horrific attacks against innocent people…

16:24, 20.04.2019

Dragnea, welcomed in Iasi by almost 2,000 supporters, as well as a few hundred protesters

Almost 2,000 members and supporters of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) welcomed party leader Liviu Dragnea, in front of the Luceafarul National Theatre of Iasi, while about 400 people demonstrated in the same…

19:06, 15.04.2019

FORT: Hundreds of trucks loaded with fruit, vegetables wait tens of hours for ANAF staff

The Romanian Government must find a more effective method of combating tax evasion in the fruit / vegetable trade, one which does not affect the transport of goods and the contracts with beneficiaries not in the…

18:23, 22.12.2018

Hundreds of people gather in Victoriei Square to commemorate Revolution heroes, head to University Square

Hundreds of people gathered on Saturday afternoon in the Victoriei Square for an event announced on the social networks as "22 December - Our Revolution", then kicked off in a rally to the University Square.Part…

08:59, 11.09.2018

A few hundred people protest in Victoriei square against Gov't

A few hundred people protested on Monday night in Victoriei Square against the Government and in defence of the justice's independence.  The chanting of those present recalled last month's protest: "10 August #we…

16:43, 24.08.2018

Incendiu violent de padure in Germania. Satele din apropierea Berlinului sunt in pericol (Foto&Video)

Pompierii germani au continuat sa lupte vineri impotriva unui masiv incendiu de padure, izbucnit la aproximativ 50 kilometri sud de Berlin, care s-a extins peste noapte si a dus la evacuarea a sute de persoane.…