Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:45, 12.11.2021

Orban on PNL exclusion decision: Shows I have nothing to do with misdeeds of Iohannis and 'demolition gang'

Former national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Friday that he was "honoured" by the party's Executive Bureau's proposal to have him excluded from party, adding that that proves…

20:10, 10.11.2021

VIDEO| Cântăreţul Elton John a primit din partea prinţului Charles o prestigioasă şi rară distincţie regală

Cântăreţul Elton John a primit din partea prinţului Charles o prestigioasă şi rară distincţie regală în cadrul unei ceremonii organizate miercuri la Castelul Windsor, în semn de recunoaştere a carierei sale muzicale…

19:26, 11.10.2021

USR's Ciolos after being nominated as PM: It's an honour, a great responsibility we are ready for

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dacian Ciolos deems "an honour and a great responsibility" his appointment by President Klaus Iohannis for the position of prime minister and specifies that the Save Romania…

12:15, 29.09.2021

Romanian Prodromos Skete denies existence of Covid outbreak on Mount Athos

The Romanian Skete of the Honourable Forerunner (Prodromos) denies the existence of an outbreak of Covid-19 in Mount Athos, basilica reports. “All the Romanian monks with whom we consulted, but also those of other…

15:40, 10.09.2021

Actor Ion Caramitru burried with military honours at Bellu Cemetery, Actors' Alley

Actor Ion Caramitru was buried on Friday, with military honours, on the Actors' Alley of the Bellu Cemetery in the Capital City, in the presence of dozens of people who applauded for a long time. Despite the large…

14:05, 03.09.2021

Recital de pian susținut de Ana Nedelcu la castelul din Carei

Miercuri, 8 septembrie 2021, de la ora 18.00, în Sala Cavalerilor a Castelului Károlyi din municipiul Carei va avea loc recitalul de pian intitulat „Romantismul nopții pe clapele pianului – o explorare a nocturnei…

20:25, 05.08.2021

Ministry of Energy: Romania, strengthening cooperation with Canada in nuclear field

Romania strengthens nuclear cooperation with Canada after Energy Minister and Canadian Ambassador to Romania signed the Memorandum of Understanding between Romania's Ministry of Energy and Canada's Department of…

12:45, 19.07.2021

Police officers having halted traffic during precautionary landing of American helicopter, rewarded

The day of the Interior Ministry (MAI) was celebrated on Monday, and part of it was a ceremony in which employees with special merits received the Badge of Honour of the Interior Ministry; among the recipients…

19:45, 29.06.2021

Military Technical Academy honours King Ferdinand I

The personality of Romania's King Ferdinand I and the fundamental role of the military in the Romanian society were honoured on Tuesday at an event hosted by the Military Technical Academy in Bucharest. Prince…

11:40, 29.04.2021

Iohannis: Dear veterans, the entire Romania thanks you for your spirit of sacrifice

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Thursday to mark Veterans Day in Romania saying that veterans represent "the living expression of the honour and dignity of the Romanian Army" and are true ambassadors…

17:15, 11.04.2021

PM Citu speaks about resignations after Foisor Hospital scandal

At a news conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Florin Citu spoke about resignations after the scandal of moving patients from the Foisor Hospital, adding that "let's see if there is still honour in Romania." After…

18:36, 02.02.2021

Sir Tom Moore, veteranul de război în vârstă de 100 de ani, care a strâns zeci de milioane de lire pentru medicii britanici, a murit

Sir Tom Moore, veteranul care a lansat o campanie de strângere de fonduri făcând ture în grădina sa, reușind să strângă zeci de milioane de lire pentru medicii britanici, a murit după ce s-a infectat cu COVID-19.…

18:15, 22.12.2020

Photographs - document from AGERPRES archive, in the "Romanian Revolution of December 1989 - 31 years" exhibition

Photographs from the AGERPRES archive, photos taken during the December 1989 Revolution, were displayed, on Tuesday, in the exhibition titled "Romanian Revolution of December 1989 - 31 years", hosted in the Hall…

01:25, 19.09.2020

Decizie RADICALĂ a reginei Elisabeta a II-a: I-a retras unei mari vedete titlul de Comandor al Ordinului Imperiului Britanic

Regina Elizabeth II a anulat titlul de Comandor al Ordinului Imperiului Britanic acordat lui Harvey Weinstein, fost producător de film, închis pentru viol şi agresiune sexuală, informează BBC.Un anunţ oficial publicat…

14:14, 21.01.2020

December 1989 Otopeni massacre survivors gets badges of honours

Interior Minister Marcel Vela has awarded the ministry's badges of honours to the survivors of the December 23, 1989 massacre at the Otopeni Airport.  According to a ministry's press statement, Vela attended a…

16:36, 15.01.2020

Visitors at Sibiu Museum of Natural History can see Mihai Eminescu's signature in book of honour

Visitors at the Sibiu Museum of Natural History can see on Wednesday the signature of poet Mihai Eminescu in the book of honour of the Transylvanian Society of Natural Sciences of Sibiu, which was the founder of…

17:42, 13.01.2020

Asztalos Csaba - the new member of EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Management Board, representing Romania

The head of the National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD), Asztalos Csaba, has become the new member of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), about which accomplishment…

15:52, 01.12.2019

Thousands attend National Day military parade in Bucharest

Thousands of people attended a National Day military parade on Sunday in the Arch of Triumph Square in Bucharest. From the early hours of the morning, people started pouring in on the route between the Free Press…

12:58, 01.12.2019

National Day military parade kicks off in Bucharest

A military parade on the National Day of Romania started on Sunday in Bucharest that included about 4,000 soldiers, of which 500 from over 20 NATO member or partner countries marching under the Arch of Triumph.…

14:55, 29.11.2019

President Iohannis receives Romanian Army's Badge of Honour

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday was awarded the Romanian Army's Badge of Honour by the Ministry of National Defence, at a ceremony to decorate military and civilians on December 1, the National Day of Romania,…

16:26, 25.10.2019

Margaret Atwood, recompensată cu o distincţie rară acordată de regina Marii Britanii

Scriitoarea Margaret Atwood a primit o rară distincţie din partea reginei Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii, relatează vineri Press Association. În cadrul unei ceremonii de investitură desfăşurată vineri la Castelul…

02:03, 08.10.2019

"Blestemul dansatorului", descifrat în sfârşit de pe o tabletă antică elenă

Înscrisul de pe o tabletă din plumb, veche de 1500 de ani, descoperită între ruinele unui vechi amfiteatru din Israel, a fost în sfârşit descifrat, dezvăluind un blestem aruncat asupra unui dansator pe nume Manna,…

16:53, 07.10.2019

”Blestemul dansatorului”, descifrat de pe o tăbliță veche de 1500 de ani: ”Răsucit, întunecat, legat, să-i fie ochii acoperiţi”

Înscrisul de pe o tabletă din plumb, veche de 1500 de ani, descoperită între ruinele unui vechi amfiteatru din Israel, a fost în sfârşit descifrat, dezvăluind un blestem aruncat asupra unui dansator pe nume Manna,…

11:04, 13.09.2019

Klaus Iohannis: We acknowledge and honour firefighters' merits and their sacrifices

The Romanian firefighters stood out both in our history's critical times and in the daily fight against natural calamities and disasters - reads President Klaus Iohannis's message conveyed on the occasion of the…

20:46, 09.09.2019

PSD's Plumb: Nomination for European Commissioner honours me and makes me take responsibility

Rovana Plumb said her nomination as European Commissioner honours her and makes her take responsibility at the same time."This nomination honours me and makes me take responsibility at the same time. As a politician…

16:13, 30.08.2019

Kelemen Hunor designated candidate of UDMR in presidential elections

The Council of Union Representatives (CRU) on Friday, in Targu Mures, designated Kelemen Hunor as the UDMR's (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) candidate in the presidential elections, as this was the single…

20:47, 29.08.2019

Teodorovici says honoured to be PM while Dancila becomes president

Executive Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Eugen Teodorovici told a news conference on Thursday in Pitesti that he would be honoured to be the prime minister if PSD national leader Viorica Dancila…

09:34, 19.06.2019

Concert simfonic în Parcul Libertăţii

La concertul de joi, de la ora 19:00, Filarmonica Oradea ne propune un medalion Serghei Prokofiev cu patru lucrări de genuri diferite. Prima lucrare din concert va fi „Montagues și Capulets” din suita „Romeo şi…

10:07, 19.04.2019

Crown Custodian Margareta, at the French Institute: Royal Family, on top of polls as trusted institution in Romania

AGERPRES special correspondent Oana Ghitareports: The Romanian Royal House is among the most trusted institutions in the country, right now, which shows people's need of "this complementary institution, which is…

17:16, 19.02.2019

PM Dancila on Constantin Brancusi National Day: A day when we honour the sculptor, visionary, genius

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila says in a message on Constantin Brancusi National Day that February 19 is a tribute to the great Romanian artist who carried with him all over the world the Romanian national identity,…