Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:00, 02.01.2024

Tren de mare viteză între Ruse și Aeroportul Otopeni, începând din martie 2024. Cât va costa o călătorie

Operatorul feroviar privat Transferoviar Călători (TFC) va introduce, începând din luna martie 2024, cursele de tren pe ruta Ruse (Bulgaria) – Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă Otopeni via Giurgiu şi Gara de…

19:55, 02.01.2024

Curse de tren pe ruta Aeroportul Otopeni – Ruse începând din luna martie. Cât va dura o călătorie și care vor fi prețurile

Începând din luna martie 2024 operatorul feroviar privat Transferoviar Călători (TFC) va introduce cursele de tren pe ruta Ruse (Bulgaria) - Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă Otopeni via Giurgiu şi Gara de…

19:05, 02.01.2024

O nouă linie feroviară: Trenuri directe între Otopeni și Ruse

Începând din luna martie 2024 operatorul feroviar privat Transferoviar Călători (TFC) va introduce cursele de tren pe ruta Ruse (Bulgaria) – Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă Otopeni via Giurgiu şi Gara de…

12:50, 09.12.2023

ART AND BEYOND/Pot with Lovers, from Eneolithic, Gumelnita Culture exhibited at Giurgiu County Museum

The Pot with Lovers / Vasul cu indragostiti, an art object dating from the Eneolithic, Gumelnita culture, unique in the world, exhibited at the southern Giurgiu County Museum, represents a true treasure that takes…

21:55, 20.09.2023

Police conducts drill on the Danube simulating maneuvres in case of hazardous substances incident

Police conducts drill on the Danube simulating maneuvres in case of hazardous substances incidentRomanian police in partnership with the Bulgarian partners conducted a drill on Wednesday in the Giurgiu County simulating…

18:15, 24.07.2023

Temperaturi de peste 50 de grade Celsius, la nivelul șinelor de tren. CFR anunță restricții de viteză

Sunt limitări de viteză pe 13 de tronsoane de cale ferată din Regionalele Bucureşti, Timişoara, Cluj, Iaşi şi Braşov, din cauza temperaturilor de peste 50 de grade la nivelul şinei Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate…

13:25, 30.03.2023

Traffic blocked at Giurgiu Customs because of Bulgarian farmers' protests

The traffic through the Giurgiu Border Crossing point (PTF) is blocked on Thursday, in both directions, because of the protests of the Bulgarian farmers who announced that their street actions will be unfolding…

14:45, 13.03.2023

Bulgarian citizen at Giurgiu Customs investigated after refusing hospital sobriety testing

A 49-year-old Bulgarian citizen in traffic at the wheel of a car at the Giurgiu Customs, with a blood alcohol level of 1.00 milligrams of pure alcohol in the exhaled air when checked with a breathalyzer device,…

14:50, 16.01.2023

Ședință extraordinară a Consiliului Județean Teleorman / 12 proiecte din 12, adoptate

Politic Ședință extraordinară a Consiliului Județean Teleorman / 12 proiecte din 12, adoptate ianuarie 16, 2023 14:46 Consiliul Județean Teleorman s-a întrunit luni în ședință extraordinară, pe a cărei ordine de…

10:31, 05.12.2022

Afforestation campaign of 90,000 trees for setting up Romania's first community forest

A number of 90,000 trees are to be part of Romania's first community forest, as part of an afforestation campaign that will be carried out between November and December by the MaiMultVerde Association, in Marsa…

19:55, 20.11.2022

Sifonarea banilor la CJ Giurgiu

  Sifonarea banilor la CJ Giurgiu Contracte în alb şi o firmă  care cârştigă un contract fabulos Nu există o Românie educată, fără cultură. Şi nu există cultură, fără investiţii în centrele de cultură. Bunăoară,…

18:15, 16.06.2022

Ex-Minister Elena Udrea brought to Romania; she will be taken to Targsor Penitentiary

Former Minister Elena Udrea has been brought to Romania, through the Giurgiu Customs, from where she will be taken over by the National Administration of Penitentiaries (ANP), which will bring her to the Targsor…

17:35, 24.03.2022

Farm in Oinacu sees 33 thousand of its birds euthanised because of avian flu

On Thursday, the veterinary specialists in Giurgiu County concluded the epidemiological investigation and euthanasia through gasification of a number of approximately 33 thousand birds in an outbreak of bird flu…

14:00, 20.02.2022

Carmina Giurgiu, povestea unei balerine – „Baletul clasic va rămâne sufletul meu, eu acolo sunt, cu poante și cu tot visul meu”

Sunt oameni care apar în drumul tău cu un rost, cu un scop, pe care îl vei afla la momentul potrivit, sunt oameni care pur și simplu apar ca să îți arate câtă determinare și câtă perseverență pot avea. Un astfel…

16:10, 18.02.2022

Dropout projects reaching out to children from vulnerable communities

Dropout rates in southern Giurgiu County were down last year as a result of projects carried out with the support of the Save the Children organisation and funded from the Local Development Program and Norwegian…

17:25, 08.02.2022

Ammonium nitrate lorry overturned on DN 61 in Giurgiu County triggers risk of explosion

A lorry loaded with ammonium nitrate overturned on DN 61 in Giurgiu County, triggering a risk of explosion, according to the Romanian Police's Infotrafic Centre. "On DN 61 Ghimpati-Gaesti, at Crevedia Mare, Giurgiu…

19:20, 02.12.2021

Scandal uriaș între primarii din Giurgiu

Intrarea PSD la guvernare a creat o agitație fără precedent în rândul primarilor giurgiuveni, mai ales a tabăra celor liberali, dat, totodată se ”coace” un scandal de mari proporții. Liderul PSD, Marian Mina-”Scheletu”,…

16:35, 18.11.2021

Large quantities of illicit drugs from Spain brought to Romania via delivery companies

Prosecutors with the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) have apprehended four drug traffickers accused of importing from Spain into Romania several packages containing considerable…

10:51, 15.11.2021

MaiMultVerde Association starts campaign to create first community forest in Giurgiu County

The environment volunteers will plant, throughout November, 50,000 saplings of 55 species in Giurgiu County, in a campaign dedicated to building the first community forest in Romania, shows a press release of the…

11:15, 27.10.2021

Criminal group using usury, pimping money, to win public works tenders under investigation

Prosecutors with the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and judicial police carried out 42 home searches on Wednesday morning in Bucharest and the counties of Giurgiu, Braila,…

10:55, 07.09.2021

Over 480,000 pounds sterling discovered in trunk of car, undeclared

Border policemen in southern Giurgiu County discovered, in the trunk of a vehicle, the sum of 483.740 pounds sterling, money that a Turkish citizen was attempting to remove from the country, without respecting…

13:20, 26.11.2020

Giurgiu County: Bulgarian tanker truck loaded with caustic sauda overturns close to Ghimpati

A Bulgarian tanker truck loaded with caustic soda overturned on Thursday on National Road (DN) 5 B, at the exit from Schitu locality, Giurgiu County, on the way to Ghimpati locality, according to AGERPRES. Firefighters…

19:30, 06.11.2020

Ședință extraordinară la Consiliul Județean Giurgiu: Află ce proiecte au fost pe ordinea de zi

COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Astăzi, 6 noiembrie 2020, ora 11, a avut loc şedinţa extraordinară a Consiliului Judeţean Giurgiu. Proiectele de hotărâre aflate pe ordine de zi au fost dezbătute și adoptate cu majoritate de…

10:27, 24.06.2020

Electrica Group buys Stanesti Photovolatic Park and enters renewable energy production market

Electrica Furnizare enters the electrical energy production market by acquiring the Stanesti Photovoltaic Park in Giurgiu County, owned by Long Bridge Millenium SRL. According to a press release of Electrica, Electrica…

14:55, 05.04.2020

GCS: Two more persons infected with novel coronavirus have died

Two more persons infected with the novel coronavirus have died in Romania, with the death toll reaching thus 148 persons, the Strategic Communication Group informed on Sunday. The two persons are a man of 82 from…

14:37, 02.12.2019

PMP Chairman: Suggesting anti-PSD alliance to sanction PSD heavyweight Badalau for disparaging remark about diaspora

Chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Eugen Tomac announced on Monday that he will propose the National Liberal Party (PNL), Save Romania Union (USR) and PLUS leaders to forge a first "anti-PSD" alliance…

20:45, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ 146 electoral incidents reported since start of voting, over 70 unconfirmed

A number of 146 notifications regarding electoral events have been registered since the opening of polling stations, but over 70 of them have not been confirmed, Monica Dajbog, the spokesperson for the Ministry…

16:05, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection / MEP Dan Motreanu: 'I have voted for a normal Romania and its European track'

MEP Dan Motreanu, the leader of PNL (National Liberal Party) Giurgiu on Sunday told AGERPRES that he voted for a normal Romania and for the candidate who can offer him the certitude that Romania will keep its European…

09:06, 07.11.2019

Dancila: Let us act in unison to be able to bring PSD back to governing

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Viorica Dancila, stated on Wednesday in southern Comana, the Giurgiu County at the meeting with the county mayors, that the Social Democrats need to act in unison…

15:44, 31.10.2019

President Iohannis: Energy sector, severely disrupted in past year by hazardous measures

President Klaus Iohannis said, on Thursday, at the inauguration of the natural gas compression station Podisor, in Giurgiu County, that the energy sector has been severely disrupted in the past year by hazardous…