Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:11, 08.09.2023

Germany will keep Russian oil giant Rosneft subsidiaries under its control for another 6 months

The German government said Friday it will keep two subsidiaries of Russian oil giant Rosneft under the control of German authorities for another six months, according to AP News. The government announced a year…

09:25, 29.08.2022

Gazprom – terorist economic. Medvedev: „Gazul va ajunge la 5.000 de euro până la sfârșitul anului”

Vicepreședintele Consiliului de Securitate al Rusiei și fost președinte al țării, Dmitri Medvedev, a estimat că până la sfârșitul acestui an preţul gazului va ajunge la 5.000 de euro per mia de metri cubi de gaz,…

13:30, 16.11.2021

German agency suspends certification for Nord Stream 2 pipeline

The controversial gas pipeline connecting Germany and Russia has been completed but German officials have now blocked its certification process, according to dw.com. “The subsidiary set to operate the German part…