Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:15, 25.10.2022

Head of Bucharest Stock Exchange Hanga says establishment of Central Counterparty to be postponed again

The Central Counterparty is one of the pillars of the stock exchange's development, but we are moving very quickly towards a new postponement of its launch, and the target will be for it to be authorized by the…

11:15, 24.10.2022

Romania's tourist accommodation capacity up 0.8pct as of July 31

Bed places in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments increased by 0.8% on July 31, 2022, y-o-y, while tourist accommodation establishments were down 0.3% according to data with the National Institute of…

15:20, 12.10.2022

Government approves establishing state aid scheme for large energy consumers

In Wednesday's meeting, the government approved an emergency ordinance regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme for large energy consumers. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

13:41, 11.10.2022

Romanian President Iohannis, Georgian President Zourabichvili sign joint declaration on establishment of strategic partnership

President Klaus Iohannis and his Georgian counterpart, Salome Zourabichvili, on Tuesday signed the Joint Declaration regarding the establishment of a strategic partnership between Romania and Georgia, told Agerpres.…

00:15, 09.10.2022

Una dintre țările europene profită 'în mod indecent' de criza din Ucraina (The Washington Post)

Experții occidentali critică Norvegia pentru îmbogățirea "agresivă" în conflictul din Ucraina, scrie editorialista Emily Rauhala, în cotidianul american The Washington Post. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

00:11, 09.10.2022

Establishment-ul rusesc se clatină: Serviciile Secrete britanice anunță o schimbare de optică din partea forțelor pro-Kremlin

Din ce în ce mai mulţi "actori din sistemul politic" rus îşi înmulţesc criticile la adresa conducerii Ministerului rus al Apărării în urma eşecurilor militare care persistă pe câmpurile de luptă în Ucraina în ultimele…

09:16, 04.10.2022

Establishment of British-Romanian Academic Institute of Neuroscience, approved by UMFST

The Senate of the George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures (UMFST) decided, on Monday, the establishment of the British-Romanian Academic Institute of Neuroscience…

15:26, 03.10.2022

ANRE's Bege: CAEN codes of non-domestic consumers with capped price must be established

Emergency Ordinance 119/2022 must be amended in order to specify which are the CAEN codes of non-household consumers who will benefit from the capped price, the vice-president of the National Energy Regulatory…

12:21, 03.10.2022

Arrivals in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments dip 1.4 pct in August

Arrivals in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments in August 2022 totaled 1.706 million, 1.4 percent down year-over-year, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said on Monday, told Agerpres. Fii la…

13:46, 29.09.2022

Decree on establishing Embassy of Romania to Latvia, with headquarters in Riga, signed by President Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Thursday the decree on the establishment of the Romanian Embassy to the Republic of Latvia, based in Riga. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

15:15, 27.09.2022

ASF: Societăţile de asigurare înregistrate în România au realizat prime brute subscrise de 8,76 miliarde de lei, în prima jumătate a anului

”Societăţile de asigurare înregistrate în România au realizat prime brute subscrise (PBS) de 8,76 miliarde de lei, în prima jumătate a acestui an, relevă datele agregate în Raportul privind evoluţia pieţei de asigurări…

15:55, 22.09.2022

Medvedev ameninţă cu folosirea întregului arsenal rus, inclusiv armamentul nuclear strategic

Rusia si-ar putea folosi întregul arsenal - inclusiv armamentul nuclear strategic - ameninta joi, într-o postare pe Telegram, fostul presedinte rus Dmitri Medvedev, relateaza AFP. "Nu doar capacitatile de mobilizare,…

15:31, 22.09.2022

Dmitri Medvedev ameninţă cu folosirea întregului arsenal nuclear pentru apărarea unor ”noi regiuni” ruseşti

Rusia şi-ar putea folosi întregul arsenal, inclusiv armamentul nuclear strategic, a transmis joi, într-o postare pe Telegram, fostul preşedinte rus Dmitri Medvedev, relatează AFP, conform News.ro . Avertismentul…

16:10, 15.09.2022

Predeal Destination Management Organization's establishment necessary, it will restore resort's attractiveness

The establishment of the Destination Management Organization (DMO) Predeal is necessary and I am convinced that it will be done very soon, and the second when there will be a strategy, we will be able to attract…

17:11, 12.09.2022

7 million euros for establishment of mountain sheep farms (project)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) will allocate, through a state aid scheme, 34.6 million RON, the equivalent of 7 million euros, for the establishment of mountain sheep farms, the total…

15:55, 01.09.2022

Special committee on laws of justice, established in Parliament

The Parliament approved, on Thursday, in a plenary session, to establish a special committee on justice laws, with 273 votes for, 48 against and 2 abstentions. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

21:45, 18.08.2022

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca: We established to increase salaries in public sector with that quarter difference provided by Law 153

The governing coalition decided to apply a salary increase for budget officers with a quarter of the difference provided by Law 153, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Thursday. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

00:00, 11.08.2022

Gov't approves decision on establishment, organization and functioning of National Toxic Substances Registry

On Wednesday, the Government approved a decision regarding the establishment, organization and operation of the National Toxic Substances Registry, in order to record information on chemical mixtures dangerous…

15:55, 03.08.2022

REPER party officially established

The REPER party is officially established, after receiving the final decision of the Bucharest Court, two months after the documents were submitted, the representatives of this political entity inform on Wednesday.…

17:10, 20.07.2022

National Committee to prevent and limit healthcare-associated infections, established through Government decision

The Government has approved on Wednesday, through a decision, to establish the National Committee for the Prevention and Limitation of the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

14:25, 19.07.2022

Bani europeni pentru investiții în oncologia românească

Lupta împotriva cancerului beneficiază de instrumente financiare fără precedent. Cele trei instrumente europene (Planul European de Combatere a Cancerului, Misiunea pentru Cancer din cadrul Orizont Europa și programul…

13:41, 13.07.2022

PM requests AgriMin to establish program for developing irrigation system

New Minister of Agriculture Petre Daea's first task of including a "solid and articulate program for the real situation, in the field" on the development of irrigation systems was assigned by Prime Minister Nicolae…

17:46, 06.06.2022

Number of newly established foreign capital companies in Romania up 27.8% January through April

The number of companies with foreign capital newly established in Romania increased, in the first four months of 2022, by 27.8%, compared to the same period in 2021, to 2,186 units, according to data centralized…

13:35, 30.05.2022

PM Ciuca: Flat tax must be applied as established

The flat tax rate must be applied as established and as initially provided for, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Monday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

22:21, 26.05.2022

PM decides to establish interministerial committee for implementing inclusion strategy for Roma minority

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca decided to establish an interministerial committee for implementing, monitoring and evaluating inclusion strategy for Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority for the period…

19:00, 12.05.2022

Ciuca: Establishing ANDIS, mandatory, in order to build hospitals

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Thursday that at the level of the Ministry of Health it is mandatory to establish the Health Infrastructure Development Agency (ANDIS), in order to start building new hospitals…

08:11, 28.04.2022

April 28 in history: 1908 - Establishment of Romanian Writers Society, with publicist Cincinat Pavelescu as its first chairman

1859 - Alexandru Ioan Cuza establishes Wallachia's Bureau of Statistics and appoints Dionisie Pop-Martian as its head Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro ×…

18:00, 10.04.2022

Cum arată piața RCA-urilor. Topul companiilor de asigurare

Compania cu cele mai mari vânzări rămâne Euroins România Asigurare Reasigurare, a cărei cotă de piață a crescut doar marginal, de la 35,4% pe ansamblul anului 2021, la 37,6% în luna ianuarie 2022. În același timp,…

12:41, 08.04.2022

MAI MULTE OPȚIUNI PENTRU ȘOFERI – Scade concentrarea pe piața RCA

Concentrarea excesivă înregistrată pe piața RCA, în ultimii ani, începe să se reducă treptat, după falimentul companiei City Insurance S.A. O spun cei de la Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară (ASF), care subliniază…

16:40, 07.04.2022

ASF: Concentrarea excesivă înregistrată pe piaţa RCA, în ultimii ani, începe să se reducă treptat, după falimentul companiei City Insurance. Primele brute…

”Concentrarea excesivă înregistrată pe piaţa RCA, în ultimii ani, începe să se reducă treptat, după falimentul companiei City Insurance SA. Cel puţin şase din cele opt societăţi, autorizate să vândă asigurări de…