Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:04, 26.08.2018

Ponta asks for pension increase enforcement, under new law, as of 1 January 2019

Leader of the Pro Romania Party Victor Ponta announced on Saturday evening he agrees to the pensions being increased as of 1 January 2019, adding that he will file an amendment in this respect when the new pension…

23:26, 16.08.2018

ROMÂN condamnat pentru servicii financiare şi arme oferite gherilelor FARC pentru a ucide americani

Cristian Vintilă, în vârstă de 47 de ani, a oferit FARC arme şi servicii financiare "care ar fi fost folosite pentru a ucide cetăţeni americani", potrivit documentelor instanţei, citate de ICE. Pentru aceste fapte,…

14:13, 14.08.2018

SRJ MediaSind demands prompt punishment for law enforcement who brutally attacked journalists on mission

The Romanian Trade Union of Journalists (SRJ) MediaSind, founder member of the FAIR-MediaSind Culture and Mass-Media Federation - an affiliate to the International Federation of Journalists and to the European…

20:24, 17.07.2018

US Ambassador, FBI legal attache meet DNA head to discuss law enforcement co-operation

US Ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm and FBI legal attache David Varner on Tuesday had a meeting with National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) acting chief prosecutor Anca Jurma to discuss ways to strengthen co-operation…

10:48, 04.07.2018

ICCJ referral concerning amendments for enforcing sentence; Wednesday, in CCR's attention

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) discusses on Wednesday the referral of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning amendments brought to the Law about enforcing sentences and measures involving…

23:07, 25.06.2018

Dragnea does not rule out Iohannis' suspension hypothesis: Unconstitutionally long in enforcing CCR decision

Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea stated that he does not rule out the possibility to suspend president Klaus Iohannis, goiven that the latter has "unconstitutionally long" postponed to sign the…

18:41, 25.06.2018

Liviu Dragnea does not rule out Klaus Iohannis' suspension hypothesis: Unconstitutionally long in enforcing CCR decision

Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader, Liviu Dragnea, stated that he does not rule out the possibility to suspend president Klaus Iohannis, goiven that the latter has "unconstitutionally long" postponed to sign…

16:24, 02.05.2018

Senate's Tăriceanu: Referral of justice laws to Venice Commission looks like step to postpone their enforcement

The additional referral of justice laws to the Venice Commission, after referring them to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), looks like "an approach" that is postponing the moment of enforcing the justice…

09:12, 27.03.2018

USR's Alexandrescu: Enforcement of new dispositions of Law on magistrates' statutes will determin 'ruin of judiciary'

The enforcement of the new dispositions as foreseen by the Law no. 303/2004 on the statute of magistrates will prompt "the ruining of the judiciary" through measures such as the artificial increase of the activity…

16:07, 03.03.2018

US ambassador Klemm voices full confidence in National Anticorruption Directorate, agency's management

US ambassador in Bucharest Hans Klemm said on Saturday that a lot of positive things are being accomplished under the Strategic Partnership between the US and Romania, voicing also full confidence in the National…

14:44, 19.12.2017

ANI Law, amended by Senate, interdictions enforced on parliamentarians lifted

The Senate's plenary sitting, the decision-making Chamber in this particular case, adopted Monday with 77 votes "in favour" and 39 "against" the legislative proposal for the amendment of the National Integrity…

15:39, 08.11.2017

Enforcing tax package might generate risk for employer-employee power balance and drop of IT wages (Socol)

Enforcing the tax package might generate a risk with regard to the employer-employee power balance and wages in IT might drop, Cristian Socol, associate professor at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies…

09:19, 06.09.2017

X-COM Complete Pack disponibil la reducere pe Steam

Până pe 12 septembrie aveți șansa să descărcați via Steam, la o reducere de preț de 75%, X-COM Complete Pack care conține jocurile Apocalypse, Enforcer, Interceptor, Terror from the Deep și UFO Defense. Jocurile…

09:35, 31.05.2017

Special Sale: X-COM series via GOG.com

Până pe 5 iunie aveți posibilitatea să descărcați via GOG.com titluri din franciza X-COM la reduceri de preț de până la 75% ! Din ofertă fac parte: X-COM: UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep, Apocalypse, Interceptor…

20:17, 04.05.2017

Ombudsman's notification rejected, on enforcement, interpretation of law and regulation rationale

The Constitutional Court of Romania (RCC) specifies that on Thursday it rejected as inadmissible the Ombudsman's notification regarding the article prohibiting convicted persons from being members of the Government,…

12:53, 15.08.2016

Cel mai mare 'coșmar' al șoferilor: radar antiglonț, mobil și cu tehnologie de ultimă generație - FOTO/VIDEO

Șoferii germani vor trebui să aibă mai multă grijă când calcă pedala de accelerație deoarece poliția testează un aparat de radar foarte sofisticat, care le-ar putea da bătăi de cap vitezomanilor.…

12:42, 15.08.2016

VESTE PROASTĂ PENTRU ŞOFERI. Poliţia testează un aparat RADAR performant, care nu poate fi păcălit FOTO

Radarul poartă numele Enforcement Trailer şi a fost construit de firma Vitronic, scrie promotor.ro. Acesta are linii unghiulare, care nu duce cu gândul la filmele SF, iar la interior este plin de tehnologie de…

16:27, 05.05.2016

IntMin Toba:I'm asking all colleagues to firmly enforce law, be unbiased toward election competitors

Interior Minister Petre Toba on Thursday called on his colleagues to firmly enforce law, saying that the principles that should govern their activity for the local elections are legality and fairness toward all…

20:42, 29.03.2016

Întreaga serie clasică X-COM și alte titluri 2K au sosit pe GOG

CD Projekt a reușit să aducă în magazinul GOG un număr de jocuri deținute de 2K.Momentan, sunt disponibile jocurile clasice X-COM (UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep, Apocalypse, Interceptor și Enforcer), cele două…

13:09, 24.02.2016

Dan Voiculescu: I uphold the enforcement of the law by observing it, not by abusing it

Referring to the recent events, I fully uphold the law enforcement by observing it, not by abusing it. From little to big, those representing the state have the obligation to observe, particularly in a state of…

13:56, 22.02.2016

PRESS RELEASE. Antena 3 decries the outward intention to suppress five media institutions

Antena 3 TV station, part of the Intact media group, decries the abusive action of February 15, 2016 by the special cases Enforcement Directorate within NAFA, which ordered the eviction within five days, of several...

18:24, 02.02.2016

Anti-corruption prosecutors investigate tax officials for failure to enforce confiscation

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors opened on their own motion a criminal file on abuse of office to obtain undue advantages and non-observance of a court sentence by employees of the Romania's…

20:42, 20.06.2014

Papa Francisc, despre marijuana: Este un rău şi cu răul nu putem face concesii sau compromisuri

'Drogurile nu se înving cu droguri', a afirmat vineri Papa Francisc, recomandând societăţii 'să spună nu oricărui tip de droguri', inclusiv drogurilor uşoare şi substitutelor deseori legalizate, informează AFP.…

17:33, 28.05.2014

EA confirmă titlul Battlefield Hardline + TRAILER

Având în vedere că au existat ceva zvonuri legate de Battlefield Hardline, EA s-a decis să anunțe ieri oficial jocul site-ul propriu . ”Din partea tuturor de la EA și Visceral Games, sunt foarte entuziasmat să…

15:00, 06.11.2013

Ce schimbări a făcut Google în securitatea Android KitKat

Ultima versiune a sistemului de operare Android cu nume de cod KitKat, lansată pe 31 octombrie, aduce destul de multe schimbări în materie de securitate. Lista completă este deja afișată pe platforma pentru…

12:27, 06.11.2013

Rootarea devine aproape imposibilă cu KitKat. Ce schimbări a făcut Google în securitatea noului Android

Specialiştii Bitdefender au analizat noile caracteristici în materie de securitate aşa cum apar ele în  versiunea KitKat a Android Open Source Project (AOSP): Criptografie Ca urmare a seriei de dezvăluiri…

14:00, 29.10.2013

Doing Business 2014 Report: Economy Profile - Romania

Romania Starting a business Romania made starting a business easier by transferring responsibility for issuing the headquarters clearance certificate from the Fiscal Administration Office to the Trade Registry.…

19:06, 28.04.2013

U.S. - Romanian Consular Working Group Meets

Representatives of the Romanian Government met with U.S. Embassy officials on April 25, 2013, under the auspices of the Strategic Partnership Working Group to discuss various issues which included consular, law…