Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:25, 22.11.2023

Involvement of medical universities needed to shake up Romania's stale production of innovative medicines (Health minister)

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila declared on Wednesday that no innovative medicine is produced in Romania and called for the involvement of medical universities in this research & development area."I think…

12:41, 21.11.2023

BVB stocks up Tuesday 90 minutes into trading

BVB stocks up Tuesday 90 minutes into tradingThe Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks opened higher on Tuesday on trades of RON 9.53 million (EUR 1.92 million) 90 minutes into the trading session, told Agerpres.…

05:00, 21.11.2023

Cum modelează timpul petrecut în faţa ecranului creierele copiilor

Timpul petrecut în faţa ecranului de către copii, adică experiențele digitale timpurii, are un impact semnificativ asupra formei creierului copiilor și asupra funcționării acestuia. Acest lucru a fost considerat…

18:10, 19.11.2023

Sondaj: ce cred palestinienii despre Hamas și soluția două state

Ceva mai mult de trei din patru palestinieni au o opinie pozitivă despre Hamas, iar patru din cinci se opun soluției două state, arată un sondaj de opinie realizat de Lumea arabă pentru cercetare şi dezvoltare…

16:10, 19.11.2023

Trei din patru palestinieni au o opinie pozitivă despre Hamas, după atacul terorist din 7 octombrie comis de gruparea islamistă în Israel, arată un sondaj…

Ceva mai mult de trei din patru palestinieni au o opinie pozitivă despre Hamas, potrivit unui sondaj de opinie realizat de firma de sondare Lumea arabă pentru cercetare şi dezvoltare (Arab World for Research and…

20:06, 16.11.2023

Gov't approves taking loan from IBRD for development policies on disaster risk management

Gov't approves taking loan from IBRD for development policies on disaster risk managementThe Government approved on Thursday a memorandum on taking from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development…

18:50, 16.11.2023

Agreement with EBRD on assistance for implementation of projects financed from EU funds, updated by Gov't

Agreement with EBRD on assistance for implementation of projects financed from EU funds, updated by Gov'tThe Government updated on Thursday, through a decision, some technical provisions of the Agreement between…

09:10, 16.11.2023

Romania won't be able to move forward without reforms, won't have access to OECD (PM Ciolacu)

Romania won't be able to move forward without reforms, won't have access to OECD (PM Ciolacu)The social-democrats national leader, Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Wednesday night for the Antena 3 CNN private broadcaster…

20:05, 13.11.2023

Development minister discusses in Gov't for his ministry not to start 2024 with arrears

Development minister discusses in Gov't for his ministry not to start 2024 with arrearsThe Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Adrian Vestea, announced on Monday, in a press conference in…

08:55, 13.11.2023

M 3.2 eartquake on Monday morning, in Vrancea county

M 3.2 eartquake on Monday morning, in Vrancea countyA M 3.2 earthquake occurred on Monday morning at 7:19 a.m. in eastern Vrancea county, Vrancea seismic zone, according to information published by the National…

14:55, 10.11.2023

National Strategy for Africa, adopted by Romania

Romania adopted the National Strategy for Africa, called "Romania - Africa: Partnership for the future through peace, development and education, a vision framework document", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs.According…

17:10, 09.11.2023

Complex communication system to help authorities manage environmental risks, developed by STS

A complex communication and information technology system developed by Special Telecommunications Service (STS) specialists will support central and local public authorities in information and management activities…

14:10, 09.11.2023

Technical International Centre for Innovation in Smart C, launched at Politehnica University of Bucharest

The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest launched on Thursday the Technical International Centre for Innovation in Smart C (Community, City, County, Country), CitiCluster.Among the…

00:41, 08.11.2023

Din „combinaţia“ Ploieşti – ­Sibiu, ­campion al României, în… Germania!

Sportivii secţiei de patinaj viteză a CSM Ploieşti au participat, la finalul săptămânii trecute, la Inzell (Germania), la Campionatul Naţional de Sprint pentru Seniori Open – Ediţia 2023, reuşind să obţină trei…

13:00, 03.11.2023

Magnitude 3.8 earthquake recorded in Vrancea County on Friday

A magnitude 3.8 earthquake occurred on Friday in the Vrancea seismic area - Vrancea County, at 11:08 local time, the National Earth Physics Research and Development Institute (INCDFP) announced.The quake was 78.8…

20:00, 02.11.2023

Mircea Geoana, at ICI Bucharest: I would like you to help me turn Romania into 'innovation nation'

The Deputy Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Mircea Geoana, paid a visit on Thursday to the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest and asked…

18:40, 02.11.2023

Governing coalition establishes five principles for building 2024 budget (sources)

The governing coalition has established five principles around which the budget for 2024 will be structured, aimed at investments, with a focus on projects financed from European funds, responsible spending for…

21:45, 01.11.2023

Four civil status services to be a click away

Four civil status services to be a click awayFour of the civil status services - birth, marriage, divorce and death - will be just a click away, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitisation Bogdan Ivan said…

22:05, 27.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu speaks on the phone with British counterpart about situation in Israel, Gaza Strip

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation on Friday with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and…

14:15, 27.10.2023

Clădire cu birouri, cu restaurant la ultimul etaj, pe Calea Turzii

O clădire cu birouri și restaurant la ultimul etaj este propusă pe Calea Turzii, nr 162. Beneficiară este compania DMA Developments, controlată de omul de afaceri Alexandru Domocoș, iar proiectul a fost elaborat…

17:55, 25.10.2023

Second, magnitude 3.8 earthquake recorded in Buzau County on Wedensday

A new magnitude 3.8 earthquake occurred on Wednesday afternoon at 16:06 local time in the Vrancea seismic zone, in south-eastern Buzau County, the National Earth Physics Research and Development Institute (INCDFP)…

07:00, 25.10.2023

La Târgoviște, expoziția „Moștenirea culturală a Epocii Brâncovenești – Mărturii și Creații”

Consiliul Județean Dâmbovița, prin intermediul Complexului Național Muzeal „Curtea Domnească” din Târgoviște, în colaborare cu Asociația DAR Development, are plăcerea de a vă invita să vizitați  expoziția „Moștenirea…

12:10, 29.09.2023

Microsoft's Putinica: IT industry can contribute 7-8% of Romania's GDP, in spite of latest developments

Nearly 220,000 programmers are currently working in the Romanian IT industry, and they can contribute about 8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through innovation, if things go well this year, despite the latest…

11:05, 27.09.2023

EBBRD downgrades estimates of Romanian economy in 2023, 2024

EBBRD downgrades estimates of Romanian economy in 2023, 2024The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has downgraded its estimates of the Romanian economy in 2023 and 2024, according to a report…

18:15, 25.09.2023

Almost 800 million RON for 59 new infrastructure, building consolidation projects with seismic risk

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA), Adrian-Ioan Vestea, signed, on Monday, 56 new financing contracts through the Anghel Saligny National Investment Program, totaling 666,756,305.43…

14:20, 25.09.2023

Loan agreement with EBRD, worth 590 M euros, submitted to Parliament for ratification

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed the decree regarding the submission to Parliament for ratification of the Loan Agreement (Second programmatic financing for development policies for green and inclusive…

13:05, 25.09.2023

Evironment official: Romania will assume climate neutrality in 2050 time horizon

Evironment official: Romania will assume climate neutrality in 2050 time horizonClimate neutrality, as assumed by Romania in the 2050 time horizon, is not a nice-sounding goal to talk about on a political level,…

22:35, 22.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attention

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attentionThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, participated on Friday in the ministerial…

16:55, 21.09.2023

DevMin: Financial opportunities of today have never before existed in Romania

DevMin: Financial opportunities of today have never before existed in RomaniaMinister of Development, Public Works and Administration Adrian Vestea said in Focsani on Thursday, during a meeting with the mayors…

16:55, 21.09.2023

ICI Bucharest Director General Vevera elected ICA vice president

ICI Bucharest Director General Vevera elected ICA vice presidentAdrian-Victor Vevera, the director general of the National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest, has been elected…