Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:50, 10.04.2023

Belarus leader wants guarantees that Russia will defend his country if it is attacked

Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, told Russia‘s defence minister on Monday that he wanted guarantees that Moscow would defend his country if it was attacked, the state-owned BelTA news agency reported.…

02:05, 08.04.2023

Armenia va participa la exercițiile militare conduse de Armata SUA din Europa

Ministerul armean al Apărării a confirmat că Armenia intenționează să participe la alte două exerciții militare organizate de Comandamentul Armatei SUA din Europa, în acest an, găzduite de Comandamentul Regional…

11:10, 07.04.2023

Soldații Republicii Moldova alături de cei ai NATO. Vor participa la cel mai mare exercițiu militar din Europa: Defender 23

Militarii Republicii Moldova vor participa la exercițiul multinațional „Defender 23”. Potrivit reprezentanților Departamentului Apărării al SUA, la exercițiu vor participa circa 26 de mii de militari din 25 de…

10:55, 07.04.2023

Militarii moldoveni vor participa la un exercițiu, sub conducerea SUA

Militarii moldoveni vor participa la exercițiile multinaționale „Defender 23”. Acestea vor avea loc, în aprilie – în Europa, sub conducerea SUA. Un anunț în acest sens a fost făcut de secretarul de presă adjunct…

14:45, 07.03.2023

Japan - Romania Strategic Partnership: Together we build bridges and defend our values

In Tokyo, President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis has just signed the bilateral Strategic Partnership Statement together with Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida. This is a historic milestone in the relations…

10:50, 07.03.2023

China warns U.S. against suppression or risk ‘conflict’

The United States should change its “distorted” attitude towards China or “conflict and confrontation” will follow, China’s foreign minister said on Tuesday, while defending its stance on the war in Ukraine and…

13:15, 24.02.2023

„Ne vor captura”, ultim mesaj al unui soldat ucrainean către soția sa. 7 luni fără vești

Corespondentul Newsweek România în Kiev, la un an de la invazia rusa: Se estimeaza ca sunt aproximativ 10.000 militari în captivitate, dar si numerosi medici civili. Unul dintre ei nu a mai reusit sa trimita vesti…

22:35, 15.02.2023

Geoana: I want Romanians to be convinced NATO is serious in defending entire allied territory

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, said on Wednesday evening, in Brussels, during an exclusive interview for AGERPRES, that he wants Romanians to be absolutely convinced that NATO is very serious…

10:26, 04.02.2023

Povestea impresionantă a lui Vasile, câinele-soldat care și-a ros singur laba pentru a nu fi luat prizonier de ruși. FOTO

Un câine-soldat al trupelor din Ucraina pe nume Vasile, dresat special pentru misiuni de salvare, a devenit eroul principal al unei povești care s-a viralizat pe rețelele de socializare. Patrupedul Vasile a rămas…

11:26, 30.12.2022

Anti-corruption authority: 30 defendants handed down final sentences this November

As many as 30 defendants have been handed down final sentences this November in cases built by the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), the anti-graft authority informed on Friday. Fii la curent cu cele…

11:45, 22.12.2022

DefMin Tilvar:Wounds of the Revolution of 1989 will never close;we have duty to defend freedom, democracy

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar said, in a message conveyed on the Victory Day of the Romanian Revolution, that the wounds generated back then "will never close," and the duty of those today is to defend…

11:35, 29.11.2022

Aspen Forum/ Stoltenberg: NATO is ready to defend every inch of allied territory

The North Atlantic Alliance is here, it is vigilant and ready to defend every inch of Allied territory, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday in an intervention at the Aspen - GMF Bucharest Forum,…

17:50, 26.10.2022

Romania, very valuable ally, and NATO is prepared to defend it, says Jens Stoltenberg

Romania is a very valuable ally and NATO is prepared to defend Romania, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg told a joint press conference held on Wednesday after the meeting with the…

12:10, 25.10.2022

Defense Staff's head Petrescu: NATO, EU affirm firm will to defend values of humanity

In the context of the war in Ukraine, NATO and the EU have affirmed the firm will to defend the values of humanity on the basis of which they were established, the head of the Defense Staff (SMAp), Daniel Petrescu,…

11:10, 13.10.2022

Foreign Affairs Ministry hails adoption of UN resolution condemning illegal annexation by Russia of some Ukrainian territories

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, hails the adoption, on Wednesday, by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), gathered in an extraordinary emergency session, of the resolution condemning the…

13:51, 31.07.2022

Iohannis: Romania will continue to defend its minorities' rights and interests

Romania will continue to defend the rights and interests of its minorities and make efforts to build a society as inclusive and tolerant as possible, President Klaus Iohannis said on Sunday. Fii la curent cu cele…

16:25, 18.07.2022

Anti-corruption authority: 27 defendants handed down final sentences this June

As many as 27 defendants have been handed down final sentences this June in cases built by the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), the anti-graft authority informed on Monday. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

10:16, 03.07.2022

(VIDEO) O reîntâlnire ca-n filme

Unul dintre apărătorii lui Azovstal eliberat din captivitate a fost filmat în timp ce își reîntâlnește soția. Pe 30 iunie, 144 de soldați ucraineni au fost eliberați din captivitate, în urma unui schimb de prizonieri.…

16:25, 30.06.2022

Ucraina publică o înregistrare VIDEO cu atacuri asupra forțelor rusești aflate pe Insula Șerpilor

Comandantul-șef al forțelor armate ucrainene a publicat o înregistrare video care arată loviturile aeriene asupra forțelor rusești aflate pe Insula Șerpilor, înainte de retragerea acestora, potrivit  Sky News .…

14:00, 01.06.2022

Land Rover a lansat o versiune off road cu opt locuri

Faimoasa firmă de automobile Land Rover a lansat o versiune off road cu opt locuri. Noul model este denumit Defender 130. El completează seria deja cunoscută prin versiunile Defender 90 și Defender 110. Defender…

11:40, 20.05.2022

Motorsports: Simone Tempestini, ready to defend his victories in Arges Rally

Simone Tempestini, the en titre national champion, has won all three editions of the Arges Rally since this competition returned in the National Rally Championship, and intends to win his fourth title this weekend,…

17:20, 19.05.2022

Portuguese PM: Russia should have no doubt about allies' determination to defend NATO territory

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Thursday that the Russian-led war in Ukraine had brought about major changes in Europe's security and underscored that the Allies are determined to defend every inch…

12:05, 19.05.2022

Portuguese PM: We support Romania's Schengen accession, our forces defend all NATO countries' borders

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic Antonio Costa, on a working visit to Romania, conveyed on Thursday his support for Romania's accession to the Schengen Area. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:10, 13.05.2022

Four defendants in Colectiv file imprisoned; all-points bulletin issued for fifth one

Four defendants in the Colectiv file were imprisoned, following the final conviction ruling handed down on Thursday by the Bucharest Court of Appeal, while an all-points bulletin was issued for the fifth one, who…

07:55, 11.05.2022

(VIDEO) Chipurile agoniei din Azovstal!

Imagini noi din oțelăria Azostal, ultimul bastion al ucrainenilor din Mariupol, au fost date publicității. Sunt fotografii cu soldații răniți. Mulți soldați au răni deschise. Sunt în condiții groaznice, insalubre…

10:20, 10.05.2022

Iohannis: It is our duty to uphold, defend values and principles we share with our Euro-Atlantic partners

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Tuesday on the occasion of Romania's National Independence Day, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

16:26, 03.05.2022

Land Rover lansează ediția aniversară Defender 30th Anniversary Edition pentru piața ...

Constructorul britanic a lansat o nouă ediție aniversară pentru modelul de teren Defender, numită 30th Anniversary Edition. Noul model va fi disponibil doar în America de Nord și aduce un omagiu primului model…

17:10, 24.03.2022

Provisions excluding right to refuse hearing as witness persons living with defendant found unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Thursday ruled as unconstitutional an article in the Code of Criminal Procedure that excludes from the right to refuse to be heard as witness persons who have established…

14:01, 11.03.2022

O dronă ucraineană s-ar fi prăbușit în Zagreb

O dronă ucraineană de mare viteză ar fi traversat Ungaria și s-ar fi prăbușit în Zagreb joi noapte. Localnicii au găsit și fotografiat apoi un crater cu un diametru de câțiva metri și resturi de aeronavă. Poliția…

10:45, 08.02.2022

PM Ciuca: Defending country against foreign threats, a big responsibility of Foreign Intelligence Service

The objectives of defending the country and the interests of the Romanian state in front of potential external threats represent a noble mission, of huge responsibility and especially difficult at the same time,…