Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:12, 19.12.2019

PM Orban: Special Section investigating justice crimes, to be disbanded, when best constitutional solution is found

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said Wednesday that the Special Section for investigating justice crimes will surely be disbanded, when "the best constitutional solution" is found.  "The special section will certainly…

20:38, 10.12.2019

22,917 convicts benefit from compensatory appeal until December 2, top crimes - theft and robbery

A number of 22,917 convicted persons were released from prison following the compensatory appeal since October 19, 2017 - the date the law entered into force - until December 2, 2019, first degree theft and robbery…

18:04, 06.09.2019

Foşti bancheri, trimişi în judecată în Germania pentru delapidarea statului cu peste 7 miliarde de euro

Martin Shields, în vârsta de 41 de ani, si Nicholas Diable, de 38 de ani, au un total de 33 de capete de acuzare pentru evaziunea fiscala a unor venituri ce cumuleaza peste 447 milioane de euro, pe care acestia…

15:27, 27.08.2019

PM Dancila: We will discuss several measures to deter crime

The government on Tuesday is set to debate for the first time on several measures meant to deter crime, by introducing more severe penalties for serious and exceptionally serious crimes - such as murder, rape,…

17:25, 08.08.2019

PM Dancila: I call on JusMin to urgently finalise analysis on criminal legislation and come up with amendment proposals

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila called on Minister of Justice Ana Birchall, on Thursday, to "urgently" finalise the analysis regarding the criminal legislation in the case of serious and very serious crimes, so…

20:20, 07.07.2019

Poliţia avertizează: Cei mai periculoşi 18 suspecţi, extrem de violenţi - FOTO

BUCUREŞTI, 6 iul – Sputnik, Doina Crainic. Ladie Girre, în vârstă de 24 de ani, din Hounslow, este suspectat pentru înjunghierea, pe 1 septembrie anul trecut, a unui tânăr în…

13:35, 26.06.2019

Chamber passes proposal to establish museum of Communist horrors

The Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday passed a legislative proposal on the establishment of the Museum of Communist Horrors in Romania, which will display the crimes, abuses and torture experienced by the Romanian…

17:23, 16.05.2019

Former DefMin Oprea heard at Section for investigating crimes in justice

Former Defence Minister Gabriel Oprea arrived on Thursday at the headquarters of the Sections for investigating crimes in justice (SIIJ), in order to be heard in the case regarding the return to Romania of the…

17:23, 16.05.2019

Florian Coldea, heard by the Section for investigating crimes in justice

Florian Coldea, former first deputy to the head of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), on Thursday went to the headquarters of the Section for investigating crimes in justice (SIIJ), where he had a hearing…

00:03, 16.05.2019

Liberal leader Orban: Referendum vital, as it allows Romanians to ban amnesty and pardoning of corruption crimes

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban told a press conference in Targoviste that the May 26 referendum "is vital" because it gives Romanians the possibility to ban through their vote amnesty…

18:28, 02.05.2019

Anjelica Huston îi ia apărarea lui Woody Allen

Anjelica Huston le-a luat apărarea, într-un interviu recent, producătorilor de filme Woody Allen și Roman Polanski, dar și fostului ei coleg din ‘Transparent’, Jeffrey Tambor, care sunt acuzați de comportament…

12:28, 19.04.2019

DefMin Carmen Dan: 98.7 per cent of the murder cases in 2018 were solved

As much as 98.7 per cent of the murder cases in 2018 were solved by the police, Minister of Internal Affairs Carmen Dan stated on Thursday, at the meeting for the assessment of the activity of the Ministry of Internal…

15:57, 08.04.2019

President Klaus Iohannis says 1989 Revolution crimes cannot go unpunished

President Klaus Iohannis welcomes the completion of investigations under the December 1989 Revolution case file and sending the case to trial, calling it an extremely important step after a long time in establishing…

15:02, 04.04.2019

Referendum topics: ban on amnesty, pardon for corruption crimes, of emergency ordinances in judiciary

President Klaus Iohannis announced he has sent on Thursday to Parliament the topics to be subject to public consultation at the 26 May referendum according to Agerpres. "I have sent today to Parliament the letter…

17:46, 07.03.2019

Gov't didn't pledge to support for EU Chief Prosecutor someone standing under shadow of alleged crimes

The government did not pledge to support the bid for the position of EU Chief Prosecutor of a person who stands under the shadow of alleged crimes, government sources said on Thursday.According to the cited sources,…

17:29, 19.02.2019

CSM validates results of contest for appointing prosecutors at Section for investigating crimes in Justice

The Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Tuesday approved the results of the contest for filling the positions of prosecutors at the Section for investigating crimes in Justice."The plenary sitting of the Supreme…

17:53, 14.02.2019

Iohannis asks Section for investigating crimes in Justice to quickly clarify situation regarding Kovesi case

President Klaus Iohannis requests the Section for investigating crimes in Justice to quickly clarify the situation regarding the case opened on the name of former prosecutor-in-chief of the National Anticorruption…

19:55, 07.02.2019

Friday's Gov't meeting slated to debate bill on Romania - US agreement on combat of serious crimes

The government meeting this Friday will look among others at a bill on the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United States of America on enhancing cooperation on the prevention…

20:17, 28.01.2019

JusMin Toader: CSM validates Gheorghe Stan's appointment as head of Section for investigating crimes in Justice

The plenary sitting of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) has validated the appointment of the deputy chief inspector of the Judiciary Inspection, Gheorghe Stan, as chief of the Section for the investigation…

12:06, 08.01.2019

Români atacaţi cu bâtele de baseball în Irlanda de Nord. Poliţia anchetează cazul

Poliţia a făcut un apel la martori după jaful cu circumstanţe agravante din localitatea Monkstown, din zona urbană Newtownabbey. Potrivit informaţiilor relatate, în jurul orei locale 20:20 mai mulţi bărbaţi au…

13:17, 27.12.2018

MAI: Almost 4,000 offenses signaled on Christmas holiday; 19,000 fines worth 6.5 million lei

The Police and Gendarmerie teams answered to 13,000 calls made by the citizens via the 112 emergency calls service, with approximately 660 offenders being caught in the act and 20 who were nationally hunted and…

13:52, 02.11.2018

President Iohannis: It is our responsibility to call to account those who commit crimes against the press

President Klaus Iohannis said Friday in a Twitter post that freedom of expression and information are basic values of democracy and that it is necessary for those who commit crimes against the press to take responsibility. …

13:52, 22.10.2018

Dmitry Savelyev: Crimele comise la Khojaly constituie un genocid împotriva poporului azer

Dmitry Savelyev: Crimes committed in Khojaly are a genocide against the Azerbaijani people “The crimes committed in Khojaly are a genocide against the Azerbaijani people. Razing the city to the ground and committing…

18:23, 10.10.2018

JusMin Toader: 'Section for investigating crimes in Justice to take over DNA cases'

As soon as it is called into operation, the Section for investigating crimes in the Justice field will take over both pending DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate) cases and solved ones, Justice Minister Tudorel…

09:54, 27.06.2018

President Iohannis: We cannot let those who committed crimes against humanity sleep peacefully

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday stated that it cannot be tolerated to leave those who committed crimes against humanity "to sleep peacefully" and that the relevant institutions "have a duty to immediately react."…

10:28, 16.05.2018

Criminal prosecution in Revolution case, extended for Gelu Voican Voiculescu, for crimes against humanity

The military prosecutors with the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled to extend and pursue the criminal prosecution in the Revolution case against of Gelu Voican Voiculescu…

14:45, 09.04.2018

Over 2,800 petty crimes, rd 22,000 fines, over 1,300 drivers' licenses lifted on Easter holiday

ore than 2,800 petty crimes were registered by the police during the Easter holiday, with about 22,000 fines and 1,324 drivers' licenses lifted, on Monday informs the Romanian Police General Inspectorate (IGPR)…

07:35, 14.03.2018

A apărut trailerul “Fantastic Beasts – Crimes of Grindelwald” – VIDEO

Ți-ai pregătit bagheta? Primul trailer pentru următorul capitol din seria Fantastic Beasts a apărut ieri iar internetul a luat-o razna. Animale Fantastice: Crimele lui Grindelwald este al doilea film din serie…

12:35, 14.11.2017

Criminal investigation opened for crimes against humanity over repression of Brasov 1987 anti-communist revolt

Military prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation for crimes against humanity in relation to the systematic actions of repression of the communist regime against the participants in the workers' anti-communist…

09:56, 10.11.2017

Lazar about setting up Directorate for investigation of crimes committed by magistrates: This is something surreal

The proposal to set up a directorate to investigate into the crimes committed by magistrates is not realistic one, since this professional category did not commit such a significant number of crimes to require…