Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:05, 15.05.2024

INTERVIU | Cartea care probează trecutul legionar al lui Mircea Eliade. „Un vârtej de ascundere și fals atingând un climax pesemne în asasinarea lui Culianu” 

INTERVIU | Cartea care probează trecutul legionar al lui Mircea Eliade. „Un vârtej de ascundere și fals atingând un climax pesemne în asasinarea lui Culianu” 

O carte scrisă de discipolul lui Mircea Eliade, profesorul Bruce Lincoln, care face afirmații în premieră despre trecutul legionar al marelui istoric al religiilor, a fost publicată recent. Teza principală a lucrării…

12:50, 31.01.2024

Norway urging UNRWA donors to “reflect on wider consequences” of cutting funding

Norway, a top donor to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), is urging countries that have cut funding to the agency to consider the consequences of their actions on the population in Gaza, its foreign…

10:20, 04.01.2024

US and allies warn Houthis of ‘consequences’ as Red Sea crisis intensifies

Houthi militants will face as-yet-unspecified “consequences” if they continue to “threaten lives” and disrupt trade flows in the Red Sea, the United States and a host of international allies said in a new statement…

15:40, 23.11.2023

Iohannis: We put Romania back on African radar, strategy that cannot be implemented by correspondence

President Klaus Iohannis said that by the tour to Kenya, Tanzania, Cape Verde and Senegal that ends on Thursday, he "put" Romania back on the African radar."I could say, without exaggeration, that this tour has…

09:10, 11.10.2023

UDMR's Kelemen on conflict in Israel: We can expect a long conflict, with unexpected consequences

National leader of the Hungarian Democreatic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Tuesday evening about the ongoing conflict in Israel that it could be long-lasting, with consequences that cannot be anticipated.…

12:10, 20.07.2023

Război în Ucraina - Ziua 512: Atac furibund al forțelor ruse la Odesa și Nikolaev: zeci de oameni răniți, distrugeri masive - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 12:00 - Loviturile ruseşti asupra zonelor portuare ucrainene au continuat joi, 20 iulie, după ce Moscova a amenințat în ajun că navele care se îndreaptă spre porturile ucrainene din Marea Neagră ar putea…

16:20, 07.07.2023

Roaming traffic increase between Romania and Republic of Moldova, consequence of cheaper tariffs

Roaming traffic increased, in 2022, 20 times in the case of users from the Republic of Moldova roaming in Romania, respectively almost 3 times, in the case of Romanian users roaming in the Republic of Moldova,…

16:10, 06.07.2023

VIDEO. 4 morţi şi 34 de răniţi în atacul rusesc de la Lvov, cel mai grav de la începutul războiului în acest oraş aflat la 70 de km de graniţa cu Polonia

Rachetele ruse au ucis cel puţin patru persoane şi au rănit 34 de oameni, joi, la Lvov, în cel mai mare atac de la începutul războiului asupra infrastructurii civile a acestui oraş ucrainean aflat departe de liniile…

11:25, 14.06.2023

(VIDEO) Atac cu victime la Odesa

Rachete ruseşti au lovit clădiri civile în portul ucrainean Odesa de la Marea Neagră şi în regiunea Doneţk (est) în cursul nopţii de marţi spre miercuri, ucigând cel puţin şase persoane, a informat armata ucraineană…

16:41, 24.05.2023

Cyber attacks on critical infrastructures can impact economy, everyday life (ICI Bucharest head)

Cyber attacks on critical infrastructures can have devastating consequences, affecting not just the economy, but everyday life as well, general director of the National Institute for Research and Development in…

18:00, 21.04.2023

PM Ciuca: Romania has not decided to block imports from Ukraine

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Friday in Brasov that Romania has not decided to block imports of agricultural produce from Ukraine because the entire set of consequences any such measures produce in the current…

18:20, 22.03.2023

Minister Bolos says gov't and coalition should bear consequences of pension system reform

Minister of European Investments and Projects Marcel Bolos stated on Wednesday that the Government and the governing coalition must bear the consequences of the pension system reform, not the line ministries, pointing…

16:45, 03.02.2023

Shania Twain a lansat albumul Queen Of Me

Astăzi, 3 februarie, legenda de cinci ori câștigătoare a premiilor GRAMMY® și cea mai bine vândută artistă feminină din istoria muzicii country, Shania Twain își prezintă cu mândrie noul ei album mult așteptat,…

17:55, 26.01.2023

National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism: Holocaust - consequence of racial ideology

The Holocaust represents the direct consequence of a racial ideology, in the name of which an "industry of death" was created, the representatives of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (I.N.S.T.)…

11:11, 05.01.2023

Former NATO boss urges countries to show China consequences if it attacks Taiwan

Democratic countries should make it clear the “severe economic consequences” China would face should it move against self-governed Taiwan, the former NATO secretary-general said during a visit to the island on…

08:20, 02.01.2023

Putin nu-i slăbește: A atacat din nou

Rușii au atacat infrastructura critică a Ucrainei folosind drone în noaptea de duminică spre luni, în Kiev şi în zona din jurul oraşului, au anunţat oficiali ucraineni. “Este foarte mare zgomot în regiune şi în…

22:26, 08.12.2022

Austria's ambassador, summoned to MAE: The unjustified, unfriendly attitude to produce inevitable consequences on bilateral relations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, ordered the summoning of the ambassador of the Republic of Austria in Bucharest, on Thursday evening, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE),…

13:36, 06.12.2022

President Iohannis on EU ban on Russian seaborne crude oil: We will deal with consequences in our case

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday stated, regarding the coming into force of the EU ban on Russian seaborne crude oil, that this will also have consequences in Romania, but that the Government will find a solution…

08:30, 01.12.2022

Război în Ucraina, ziua 281: Lupte grele în estul Ucrainei, în zona orașului Bahmut. Harkovul, bombardat și el masiv. Anunțul președintelui Zelenski -…

UPDATE 8:00 - Rusia a bombardat Hersonul cu artilerie în noaptea de miercuri spre joi, relatează 5 Kanal.O clădire de locuințe și trei mașini din apropiere au luat foc. #Russia shelled #Kherson with artillery at…

17:31, 28.10.2022

Decisions on statutes of limitation for criminal liability: consequences in 557 cases, damage of 1.2 billion euros

The direct enforcement of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) on the statutes of limitation for criminal liability will have consequences…

12:36, 28.10.2022

Presidential Adviser Paun: Consequences in post-pandemic burnout area for medical staff were extremely severe

The consequences of the exhaustion of medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic were "extremely severe," Presidential Adviser Diana Paun stated on Friday at the Aspen Healthcare Summit, told Agerpres.…

12:06, 19.10.2022

DIICOT searches in 24 counties and municipality of Bucharest, in case of fraud with particularly serious consequences

Police officers and prosecutors with the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Neamt conducted on Wednesday 10 home searches and 9 searches at the headquarters of commercial…

19:06, 13.05.2022

Un bărbat a murit în timp ce încerca să-și îngroape iubita, după ce tocmai o ucisese, în SUA

Mai puțin de 200 de oameni trăiesc în Trenton, Carolina de Sud, unde o crimă zguduie comunitatea. Joseph McKinnon, 60 de ani, și-a ucis inițial partenera de viață, Patricia Dent (65 de ani). Americanul a făcut…

23:30, 28.04.2022

Main consequence of this war on Romanian economy: economic growth anticipation halves (CFA)

The majority of financial analysts of international financial institutions have rather halved their rate of national economy increase this year, as a main consequence of this war on the Romanian economy, said Adrian…

13:40, 26.04.2022

Anniversary of the Chornobyl accident: Joint statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

„Thirty-six years ago, the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant led to one of the most horrific nuclear incidents in history. This long-lasting tragedy has had widespread consequences in Ukraine, Belarus,…

08:35, 04.04.2022

Iohannis: Russian invasion of Ukraine has dire consequences, we must stop this illegal aggression

President Klaus Iohannis says images from Bucha and other Ukrainian cities must remind the world that "illegal aggression" in this country needs to be stopped, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

09:11, 03.03.2022

BOMBARDAMENTE puternice la KIEV! Cerul nopții s-a luminat

Explozii puternice au fost auzite în capitala Kiev și în alte orașe ucrainene în noaptea de miercuri spre joi dimineață. The first video of the explosion in #Kyiv appeared pic.twitter.com/i1UN74XkF4 — NEXTA (@nexta_tv)…

16:56, 24.02.2022

Romania ready to face any economic, humanitarian consequences of Russia-Ukraine conflict

Romania is ready to face any economic and humanitarian consequences that a lasting conflict between Russia and Ukraine could generate, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, according to See News. „We are in…

13:00, 24.02.2022

Pres. Iohannis: Romania is prepared for any economic and humanitarian consequences

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Thursday that Romania is prepared for any sort of economic and humanitarian consequences that could be generated by an eventual long-term conflict between Russia and Ukraine,…

12:30, 12.11.2021

Citu on Orban's exclusion: A member who violates the statutes have to bear the consequences

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Florin Citu said on Friday, regarding the possible exclusion from the party of Ludovic Orban, that it will be an internal decision, adding that any member of…