Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:51, 06.02.2020

PNL's pick for PM Orban presents decision to support early elections requirements being met

After consultations on Thursday with President Iohannis at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), freshly dismissed PM Ludovic Orban announced having presented to…

13:51, 05.02.2020

Iohannis: Being awarded Charlemagne Prize, an opportunity to present Romania as EU's solid and trustworthy partner

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday said that being awarded he International Charlemagne Prize of the City of Aachen represents an opportunity to present Romania as a solid and trustworthy partner within the…

17:39, 24.01.2020

President Iohannis, about being booed in Iasi: Glad we have democracy that is alive

President Klaus Iohannis said that the boos during his speech in Iasi, at the events organized on Unification Day, show that "in Romania we have a democracy that is alive".He stated, at the end of the manifestation…

20:05, 17.01.2020

PMP's Tomac says PSD not interested in gov't falling

National chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Eugen Tomac says two-round mayoral elections is a "a very good thing" for the society, specifying that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has no interest in…

09:34, 17.01.2020

PM Orban: ANAF not being computerized, reason for lowest tax collection rate in EU

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday night for the B1 TV private broadcaster that Romania has the lowest tax and duties collection rate in the European Union, one of the reasons being that the computerization…

17:52, 14.01.2020

PSD's Ciolacu says democracy being abused requires censure motion

Social Democratic Party (PSD) acting national leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday that a censure motion should be tabled by PSD accusing the National Liberal Party (PNL) of abusing democracy, and adding that…

13:03, 14.01.2020

Dragnea to Supreme Court: I have spent eight months in prison while being "completely innocent"

Former Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea told the judges of the Supreme Court on Tuesday that he has spent eight months in the Rahova Penitentiary while being "completely innocent" and asked them…

12:45, 06.01.2020

Constanta: Sea ports closed because of the strong wind

The sea ports Constanta North, Constanta South and Midia are closed on Monday because of the strong wind, the maneuvers of the ships being halted. The Infotrafic Center of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian…

13:14, 31.12.2019

Over 1.72 million tourist arrivals in Bucharest in first ten months of 2019

Over 1.72 million tourist arrivals were registered in Bucharest in the first ten months of this year, the highest number being recorded in September, respectively 196,410, according to the data centralized by the…

22:16, 29.12.2019

Editorial: Invata sa-ti stabilesti corect prioritatile pentru anul 2020!

In 1962, psihologul american Abraham Maslow si a exprimat conceptiile despre ierarhia prioritatilor umane, intr o carte intitulata Towards a Psychology of Being "Catre o psihologie a fiinteildquo; .In concordanta…

16:05, 24.12.2019

President Klaus Iohannis wishes Merry Christmas everybody, wherever they are

Klaus Iohannis, Romania's president at his second mandate sent a Christmas message on Tuesday to all Romanians, no matter the place they are. "The celebration of the Birth of our Lord Jesus brings us all closer.…

15:57, 18.11.2019

Pest control reportedly leaves three dead, multiple hospitalisations in block

Senior emergency official Raed Arafat told AGERPRES on Monday that the Emergency Committee has convened in the case of a block of flats in the western city of Timisoara where three people, including two children,…

17:45, 03.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dancila:Those who vote for Orban Government should justify being part of programme against Romanians

Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate in the presidential elections Viorica Dancila stated on Sunday in Marasesti that the MPs who vote on Monday for the investiture of the Orban Government should have to justify…

12:36, 01.11.2019

President Iohannis: Being a serviceman is not like any other job;Army - fundamental institution of Romanian state

President Klaus Iohannis participated on Friday in the activities occasioned by the centennial anniversary of the "Mihai Viteazul" National Military College, context in which he underscored that the Army is a fundamental…

10:46, 29.10.2019

ALDE's Tariceanu calls CVM biased, urges it being lifted

National leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says the European Union should stop monitoring Romania's progress with judiciary reform and the fight against high-level…

18:52, 25.10.2019

Dismissed PM Dancila praises Army for decisive contribution to defence of national being

The Romanian Army has decisively contributed to the defence of the national being at the worst times in our history and continues to be in the frontline nowadays, dismissed PM Viorica Dancila said on Friday at…

14:44, 24.10.2019

Speaker Ciolacu: PSD maintains its decision of not being present at the investiture vote of PNL Gov't

Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Marcel Ciolacu stated on Wednesday that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) further maintains its decision for the party MPs not to be present at the investiture vote of the new Government. …

11:24, 18.10.2019

Barna about being investigated after media article: I ask DLAF to immediately send documents to DNA

USR (Save Romania Union) head Dan Barna asked the Fight Against Fraud Department (DLAF) to send DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate) all documents involving him and accused the using of the information from…

15:38, 11.10.2019

ALDE's Tariceanu, after Cotroceni consultations: Not planning on being part of future gov't formula

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) is not planning on being part of a future government formula, party chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Friday, after the consultations with President Iohannis,…

12:23, 04.10.2019

CCIR's Comanescu: Romania can be perceived by Vietnamese entrepreneurs as a hub for the trade in EU area

Romania can and we hope that it will be perceived by the Vietnamese entrepreneurs as a hub for the trade in the European Union (EU) area, Counselor on Foreign Affairs of the President of the Chamber of Commerce…

11:12, 03.10.2019

President Iohannis: There is a danger of intolerant discourse being activated to undermine European solidarity

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Thursday to a meeting of the Ecumenical Prayer Group in Parliament of Romania in which he underlines the Romanians' attachment to the European Union, warning that there…

10:16, 27.09.2019

FinMin Teodorovici: Romania's BVB being reclassified as Secondary Emerging market, historic decision by FTSE Russell

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) has been promoted by FTSE Russell to the Secondary Emerging market status, from Frontier market status, which means an acknowledgement of the progress made by the market capital…

19:16, 26.09.2019

ForMin Manescu interested in European Parliament accepting Romania's next nomination for European Commissioner

Romania's Foreign Minister Ramona Manescu said on Thursday that she is interested in Romania's next nomination to the post of European Commissioner being accepted by the European Parliament. Initially, Manescu…

11:07, 25.09.2019

Actriţa franceză Juliette Binoche va fi recompensată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia Europeană de Film

Actriţa Juliette Binoche va fi recompensată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia Europeană de Film (EFA) cu distincţia European Achievement in World Cinema Honor, potrivit site-ului hollywoodreporter.com. Vedeta…

11:06, 25.09.2019

Actriţa Juliette Binoche va fi recompensată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia Europeană de Film

Actriţa Juliette Binoche va fi recompensată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia Europeană de Film (EFA) cu distincţia European Achievement in World Cinema Honor, potrivit site-ului hollywoodreporter.com, scrie…

15:46, 24.09.2019

Juliette Binoche, premiată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia Europeană de Film

Actriţa Juliette Binoche, cunoscută pentru rolurile din „The English Patient”, care i-a adus un trofeu Oscar, „Chocolat” şi „The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, va fi premiată pentru întreaga activitate de Academia…

18:06, 18.09.2019

USR requests abolishment of special pensions, overtaxation being just minimal reparatory measure

The Save Romania Union (USR) desires to abolish special pensions, considering that overtaxing them to be a minimal reparatory measure, the leader of the Union's senators, Adrian Wiener, stated on Wednesday.The…

12:43, 18.09.2019

Ship 'Mircea' returns to Galati Port after 80 years

Ship "Mircea," the training ship of the Romanian Naval Forces docked on Monday evening in the Galati Port, where it returned after 80 years, with the event being attended by thousands of participants.  The ship…

22:46, 16.09.2019

Tariceanu: Were it not just electoral proposal, pact for Romanians' welfare would be useful

The Chairman of the Alliance of liberals and Democrats (ALDE), Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, considers that a pact for the welfare of Romanians, such as the one proposed by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, would be useful…

21:36, 14.09.2019

President Klaus Iohannis: The idea of pact is good if it comes after a validation

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Saturday in Venus seaside resort that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila's intention to propose the parliamentary parties a national pact for Romanians' welfare is an electoral action,…