Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:05, 05.07.2023

PNL, PSD, USR, AUR scores suggest close competition for European Parliament election (analysis)

Remus Ioan Stefureac, president of the STRATEGIC Thinking Group think-tank and CEO of INSCOP Research, presents an analysis of voting intention based on INSCOP Research polls conducted over the last two years and…

07:05, 30.06.2023

Economia SUA a înregistrat în primul trimestru o creştere economică peste estimările iniţiale

Produsul intern brut a crescut într-un ritm anualizat de 2% în perioada ianuarie-martie, peste estimarea anterioară de 1,3% şi prognoza analiştilor Dow Jones, de 1,4%. Aceasta este a treia şi ultima estimare pentru…

15:15, 20.06.2023

Luxury market to account for almost 20 pct of Romania's total housing supply in 2023 (analysis)

Luxury market to account for almost 20 pct of Romania's total housing supply in 2023 (analysis). The luxury market accounts for almost 20% of Romania's total housing supply this year, 90% of which is in Bucharest,…

15:50, 16.06.2023

Partidul extremist AUR se ridică periculos în sondaje! Cui îi suflă în ceafă? - Criză majoră de încredere în politicienii români - SONDAJ

La intrebarea "Daca duminica viitoare ar avea loc alegeri parlamentare, dumneavoastra cu ce partid politic ati vota?", cei mai multi repondenti - 28%, mai exact -  au spus ca i-ar alege pe social-democrati. Pe…

13:15, 23.05.2023

Hotel occupancy rate in Bucharest up 33pct in Quarter 1 of 2023 (analysis)

Hotel occupancy rate in Bucharest up 33pct in Quarter 1 of 2023 (analysis). The occupancy rate of hotels in Bucharest was 62pct in Quarter 1, up 33pct compared to the same period last year, and only 5pct below…

12:30, 15.05.2023

Capital injections into Romanian insurance companies at 44 ml-plus euros in Q1

Capital injections by foreign shareholders into Romanian insurance companies in Q1 totaled 44.099 million euros, shows National Trade Register Office data.In the same period of 2022, there were no share capital…

12:00, 15.05.2023

18 citizens from Asia, detected when they wanted to cross the border illegally, into Serbia

The border police officers from western Timis county detected, in the last weekend, 18 citizens from Asia, with valid residence permits in Romania, who wanted to illegally cross the border, into Serbia, from within…

11:55, 15.05.2023

Analysis: Why are the Turkish Elections important for Romania and Romanians

Turkey is the largest NATO partner in the Black Sea region + the largest trading partner outside the EU + the largest business community (including Romanian-Turkish business people) + the main tourist destination…

14:20, 09.05.2023

Romanian investors purchased 1.1 billion EUR worth of real estate, in last five years (analysis)

Romanian investors purchased 1.1 billion EUR worth of real estate, in last five years.The Romanian investors have made, in the last five years, purchases of real estate properties worth 1.1 billion EUR, equivalent…

15:50, 25.04.2023

Romania can contribute to development of risk analyses in order to reduce PFAS substances in food products (AgriMin)

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea: Romania can contribute to development of risk analyses in order to reduce PFAS substances in food products.Romania is aware that PFAS are a serious threat and can commit to a contribution…

12:36, 19.04.2023

Food retail in Romania could exceed 108 billion RON in 2022 (analysis)

Food retail in Romania could exceed 108 billion RON in 2022 against the background of the advance of consumption, but especially of the increase of inflationary pressures, shows an analysis carried out by KeysFin…

10:25, 02.04.2023

Un nivel ridicat de activitate la un complex nuclear din Coreea de Nord a fost observat în imagini din satelit

Imaginile din satelit au fost surprinse în perioada 3 – 17 martie și indică o intensificare a activității la principalul complex nuclear al Coreei de Nord, atrage atenția organizaţia 38 North, cu sediul în SUA,…

14:45, 24.03.2023

Almost 1 bln euro worth of investments in Romania's main airports, critical air infrastructure (analysis)

Romania's main airports as well as the country's critical air infrastructure projects benefit from almost one billion euros in investments, amid rising passenger flows, but also as a result of the strategic decisions…

08:00, 19.03.2023

Rezerva Federală a SUA este pe cale să crească din nou dobânda cheie, cu 0,25 puncte procentuale, în pofida incertitudinilor bancare

În ultimele două săptămâni, aşteptările privind dobânzile au evoluat rapid, variind de la o creştere de jumătate de punct până la menţinerea la nivelul actual şi chiar la un moment dat unii vorbesc că Fed ar putea…

18:55, 10.03.2023

Business environment still dealing with gender inequality (analysis)

The business environment in Romania is still dominated by men and there is inequality in entrepreneurship based on gender, although a significant progress could be seen in recent years, with women being increasingly…

04:10, 08.03.2023

O metodă simplă prin care omenirea ar putea câștiga 7000 de miliarde de dolari

Reducerea diferenţei de salarizare între bărbaţi şi femei poate stimula economia mondială cu aproximativ 7%, sau 7.000 de miliarde de dolari, potrivit unui raport Moody's Analytics, citat de CNBC. Fii la curent…

08:45, 07.03.2023

Impactul pe care îl poate avea reducerea diferenţei de salarizare între bărbaţi şi femei

Reducerea diferenţei de salarizare între bărbaţi şi femei poate stimula economia mondială cu aproximativ 7%, sau 7.000 de miliarde de dolari, potrivit unui raport Moody’s Analytics, citat de CNBC. În ritmul actual,…

08:45, 07.03.2023

Reducerea diferenţei de salarizare între bărbaţi şi femei poate stimula economia mondială cu 7.000 de miliarde de dolari

Reducerea diferentei de salarizare între barbati si femei poate stimula economia mondiala cu aproximativ 7-, sau 7.000 de miliarde de dolari, potrivit unui raport Moody's Analytics, citat de CNBC. În ritmul actual,…

22:40, 02.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Issue of banning TikTok must be serious subject of analysis

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, in Targu Mures, that the issue of banning TikTok for institutions in Romania must be "a serious subject of analysis", especially since through this channel disinformation…

18:55, 22.02.2023

U Cluj și CFR Cluj să joace pe Cluj Arena: 37% dintre clujeni sunt de acord - Sonsaj

Un sondaj de opinie arată că 37% dintre clujeni vor ca U Cluj și CFR Cluj să joace pe Cluj Arena.Sindajul a fost realizat de echipa The Center for International Research and Analyses. Cu toate acestea, cele două…

19:51, 21.02.2023

PM Ciuca - meeting with American Congress delegation; security situation in Black Sea region, analyzed

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met, on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, with a delegation of the American Congress, consisting of senators Richard Durbin and Jeanne Shaheen, with whom he analyzed the security situation…

18:40, 09.02.2023

Gartner a identificat principalele trei priorități ale directorilor pentru Data & Analytics preocupați de eficiență

Gartner CDAO este un instrument de diagnosticare a eficientei ce poate evidentia punctele tari si domeniile in care acestia isi pot imbunatati activitatea. Potrivit unei analize efectuata de specialistii Gartner,…

07:00, 06.02.2023

Lucian Bode și-a publicat cartea la o editură clujeană folosită de pușcăriași la reducerea pedepselor

Editura la care ministrul de Interne Lucian Bode și-a publicat teza de doctorat declarată plagiată îi aparține unui director de departament din cadrul Universității Babeș Bolyai. Este vorba despre Marian Claudiu…

12:00, 02.02.2023

Over EUR 50bl of foreign investment go into Romanian economy in 2022 (analysis)

Total foreign investment in Romanian companies exceeded EUR 50 billion in 2022, with the Netherlands (9.3 billion euros), Germany (5.4 billion euros) and Austria (5.3 billion euros) topping the ranking, according…

16:30, 26.01.2023

Prices of Romania's flats up almost 50pct in eight years (analysis)

The average price of an apartment in Romania has increased by 47.2pct in the last eight years, at national level, newly built homes becoming more expensive by 38pct, and old ones, built before 1977, having a higher…

15:00, 20.01.2023

Veniturile pieței mondiale de semiconductori au crescut cu 1,1% în 2022

Veniturile mondiale din semiconductori au crescut cu 1,1% în 2022, ajungând la 601,7 miliarde dolari, în creștere de la 595 miliarde dolari în 2021, conform rezultatelor preliminare date publicității de Gartner.…

14:16, 17.01.2023

Stage of PNRR implementation after submission of first 2 requests for payment, analyzed in a meeting presided by PM

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday said that the extraordinary meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Coordination of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, during which the stage of the PNRR implementation…

14:55, 12.01.2023

Real estate investments reach 1.25 billion EUR threshold in 2022, up 40pct (analysis)

The volume of transactions with commercial real estate assets with a 5 million EUR minimum value totaled approximately 1.25 billion EUR in 2022, 40pct more than in 2021, of which almost 600 million EUR represents…

14:56, 05.01.2023

Shortage of specialists, economic uncertainties will accelerate employee keeping strategies in 2023 (analysis)

The shortage of specialists and economic uncertainties will accelerate employee keeping strategies in 2023, according to an analysis carried out by the BestJobs online recruitment platform, told Agerpres. Fii la…

10:36, 05.01.2023

Number of electric cars bought in Romania exceeds 10,000 units in 2022 (analysis)

The number of electric cars purchased in Romania passed the threshold of 10,000 units in 2022, and new car registrations increased by 7% year-on-year, according to a market analysis carried out by an online car…