Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:30, 08.04.2024

Reușită pentru Costică Buceschi în Turcia. Echipa feminină, prima dată la Campionatul European

Reușită pentru Costică Buceschi în Turcia. Echipa feminină, prima dată la Campionatul European

Costică Buceschi a reușit o performanță notabilă în Turcia, acolo unde a reușit să califice pentru prima dată în istorie naționala feminină a Turciei la Campionatul European. „Achieving the first time in Turkish…

20:50, 05.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land borders

ForMin Odobescu in Sofia: We are coordinating to achieve common goal of joining Schengen with land bordersRomania and Bulgaria are coordinating to achieve, "as soon as possible," the common goal of having their…

12:25, 02.02.2024

PM Ciolacu: Together we can achieve goal that from 2025 Romanians be able to travel visa-free to the US

PM Ciolacu: Together we can achieve goal that from 2025 Romanians be able to travel visa-free to the USPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Friday that he has joined the Romanians who have applied for a travel…

16:35, 16.01.2024

PSD supports extension of measure limiting commercial addition to basic foods

PSD supports extension of measure limiting commercial addition to basic foodsThe Social Democratic Party (PSD) supports the extension of the measure limiting the commercial addition to basic foods for at least…

16:51, 30.12.2023

FinMin Bolos: Data on budget execution, preliminary financial data for 2023 look quite good

The data on the state of budget execution and the preliminary financial data for 2023 look quite good, the Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, announced on Saturday, noting that it is "a good end of the year for…

14:00, 13.12.2023

Timisoara has achieved its visibility objectives

The president of the Association for the Promotion of Timisoara (APT) and former head of the Romanian Tourist Information and Promotion Office in Vienna, Simion Giurca, says that the year of the European Capital…

15:25, 01.12.2023

President Iohannis: 105 years after Great Union it is important to reflect on achievements and progress made

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday said that 105 years after the Great Union it is important to reflect on the achievements and progress made."Dear Romanians, 1 December is the celebration that brings us Romanians…

18:56, 07.11.2023

U.S. ambassador: Meaningful participation of women in decision-making processes - essential to achieving global peace and security

U.S. ambassador: Meaningful participation of women in decision-making processes - essential to achieving global peace and securityU.S. ambassador in Bucharest Kathleen Kavalec, attending on Tuesday the Women, Peace,…

18:45, 07.11.2023

Iohannis: Inclusion - a goal we must achieve across the entire society, in all aspects of our lives

Iohannis: Inclusion - a goal we must achieve across the entire society, in all aspects of our livesPresident Klaus Iohannis declared on Tuesday, at the decoration ceremony of the Special Olympics Foundation in…

17:56, 21.09.2023

Romania must use all low carbon emitting resources to achieve decarbonisation goals (senior offcial)

Romania must use all low carbon emitting resources to achieve decarbonisation goals (senior offcial)Renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and natural gas form the backbone of the energy transition in Romania,…

21:06, 06.09.2023

Iohannis: Romania has achieved objectives set for the Three Seas Initiative Summit

Iohannis: Romania has achieved objectives set for the Three Seas Initiative SummitRomania has achieved its objectives for the Three Seas Initiative Summit, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday at a press…

11:55, 12.08.2023

Profesori din România și Marea Britanie vor ține cursuri de terapie ocupațională la Bacău

Într-un efort de a îmbunătăți serviciile de terapie pentru copiii și tinerii cu dizabilități din România, Asociația ”Sfântul Voievod Ștefan cel Mare” în colaborare cu Universitatea “Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău,…

13:05, 19.07.2023

If urgent fiscal adjustment needs to be made, it cannot be achieved by overnight tax increases alone (Concordia's Sucu)

If urgent fiscal adjustment needs to be made, it cannot be achieved by overnight tax increases alone (Concordia's Sucu).Employers' organisations have asked the prime minister that decisions on tax measures should…

18:50, 18.07.2023

PM Ciolacu to students awarded at Mathematics and Physics Olympiads: Romania needs people like you

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu congratulated, on Tuesday, the students who recently achieved performances at the International Mathematics and Physics Olympiads and their coordinating teachers, during a meeting…

14:55, 12.05.2023

Oil Terminal achieves net profit of almost 23.4 million RON in Q1, 2023

Oil Terminal achieves net profit of almost 23.4 million RON in Q1, 2023.Oil Terminal ended the first quarter of this year with a net profit of 23.39 million RON and a turnover of 85.615 million RON, according to…

08:55, 08.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Government to continue to support women, through concrete measures, in everything they want to achieve

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca sent a message on March 8 (International Women's Day, ed.n.) assuring that the Government will continue to support women, through concrete measures, in everything they want to achieve.…

15:20, 24.01.2023

ForMin Aurescu:In these times, role,contribution of diplomacy and diplomats remain essential to achieve major goals

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu conveyed on Tuesday a message occasioned by the Romanian Principalities Union Day, stating that in these times, just as 164 years ago, the role and contribution of diplomacy…

05:00, 19.01.2023

Stagii de pregătire în SUA pentru profesorii de liceu şi gimnaziu

Profesorii de gimnaziu şi liceu se pot înscrie pentru a urma un stagiu de pregătire în SUA la începutul anului şcolar 2023-2024. Pregătirea este asigurată prin programul Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement…

13:20, 29.12.2022

Ciuca: Not perfect governmental activity, but with sufficient achievements to be opportunely used

National Liberal Party Chairman, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, on Thursday said that the governmental activity, this year, was not "perfect," there were not only achievements, there were also moments in which he…

15:16, 01.12.2022

National Romania Day/Bode: Only united will we achieve our country's goals

Only united will we achieve our country's goals and strengthen the European and Euro-Atlantic path of modern Romania, Interior Minister Lucian Bode said on Thursday, December 1, Romania's National Day. Fii la curent…

11:45, 28.10.2022

HealthMin Rafila: The change of mentality, from treatment to prevention, is sometimes difficult to achieve

Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila talked, on Friday, in his speech delivered at the Aspen Healthcare Summit, about the need for prevention in the context of the National Cancer Control Programme, told Agerpres.…

14:30, 27.10.2022

PM Ciuca in Brussels: All my interlocutors emphasized the support that Romania enjoys in achieving accession to Schengen

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Thursday stated that all the officials he met with in Brussels emphasized their support for Romania's accession to Schengen, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

20:21, 26.10.2022

Belgian PM says Romanian gov't has achieved progress for Schengen, hopes for a last step

Romania has made progress towards accessing the Schengen area, the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, said on Wednesday, who added that he hopes for Romania to take the last step in this direction. Fii…

10:55, 25.10.2022

Comedie horror cu Taika Waititi în distribuţie, în octombrie la Warner TV

Comedia horror „Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss” (SUA, 2018), regizată de cineastul canadian Vivieno Caldinelli, va fi difuzată de Warner TV pe 31 octombrie, la ora 20:35, informează News.ro. Fii la curent…

13:01, 18.10.2022

ProRuralis project - a chance for high-achieving students from rural Iasi County

Giulia, Catalina and Gabriela are three 7th graders who study at a prestigious high-school in Iasi, having transferred here from rural schools, and who are now trying to find their way in life and discover the…

16:20, 16.10.2022

Coronation Centennial/Patriarch Daniel: An occasion to express gratitude to the achievers of the Greater Union

In the address delivered at the end of the Te Deum service celebrated on Saturday in Alba Iulia to mark the Coronation Centennial, Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church said that this landmark moment…

15:20, 10.10.2022

PM Ciuca: Implementation of projects through Energy Infrastructure Modernisation Fund, objective for achieving energy independence

The implementation of the projects financed through the Modernisation Fund for the development and modernisation of the national energy infrastructure is an important objective of the Government in order to achieve…

09:50, 29.09.2022

Modernization of the public lighting network from the commune Giubega, County Dolj

Project funded by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021 through the application of „Improving Efficiency” projects Energy” Title project: „Modernization of the public lighting network from the commune Giubega,…

14:35, 07.09.2022

President of Hungary: We want to achieve energy sovereignty, and we count on Romania in this sense

The President of Hungary, Katalin Novak, declared on Wednesday that her country wants to obtain energy sovereignty in the coming years and independence from Russian resources, an aspect in which it also counts…

12:00, 06.09.2022

Iohannis, to Romanian diplomats: It's necessary to actively continue to achieve our major goals at European level

President Klaus Iohannis has sent a message on Tuesday on the occasion of the Annual Reunion of the Romanian Diplomacy in which he emphasizes the need to actively continue the steps to achieve Romania's major goals…