Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:10, 20.07.2020

Code Orange for heavy showers in 16 counties; Code Yellow for unstable weather in 18 counties

The National Weather Administration (ANM) has issued today a Code Orange warning for heavy showers covering 16 counties throughout today, as well as a Code Yellow for unstable weather warning covering 18 counties.…

10:45, 16.06.2020

Code Orange for storm in three quarters of the country, until 23:00 hrs

On Tuesday, the National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued a new Orange Code warning for unstable weather and rain, covering over three quarters of the country, until 23:00 hrs, as well as a Code Yellow…

15:57, 14.06.2020

MAI: IGSU orders subordinated units to supplement staff reserves, given inclement weather warnings

On Sunday, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations ordered the subordinated units to supplement the staff reserves, taking into account the hydrometeorological forecasts, according to which inclement…

15:13, 19.05.2020

Code Yellow warnings for rains, storms,gradually in force on Tuesday evening in three quarters of the country

The National Weather Administration (ANM) issued on Tuesday two Code yellow warnings of increased weather instability valid until Thursday Saturday evening, for seven counties, in a first stage, and subsequently,…

22:18, 18.04.2020

FinMin Citu calls Fitch's downgrading Romania's credit outlook warning to populist MPs

The decision by Fitch Ratings, which has revised Romania's outlook to negative from stable, is a clear warning given to populist MPs, Finance Minister Florin Citu wrote on Saturday on his Facebook page. "In a statement…

19:26, 14.02.2020

Acting FinMin Citu says PSD gov'ts ignored deficit warnings from European Commission

The warnings regarding the structural deficit and the government deficit coming from the European Commission (EC) for three years were ignored by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) governments, acting Finance Minister…

14:18, 21.12.2019

Scene incredibile din culisele filmului „Top Gun: Maverick”. Tom Cruise le-a făcut publice

Actorul american Tom Cruise a făcut publice, pe contul său de Twitter, imagini spectaculoase din culisele noului film "Top Gun".Înregistrarea video pe care Tom Cruise a făcut-o publică pe contul său de Twitter…

13:03, 11.11.2019

Un înalt funcţionar de la Casa Albă despre Donald Trump: "El acţionează ca un copil de 12 ani"

Un funcţionar de rang înalt - anonim -de la Casa Albă prezintă un Donald Trump crud, inapt şi care reprezintă un pericol pentru naţiune într-o carte care urmează să apară la 19 noiembrie în Statele Unite, ”A Warning”…

12:12, 11.11.2019

Un funcționar de la Casa Albă îi face un portret înspăimântător lui Trump: ’El acţionează ca un copil de 12 ani’

Un funcţionar de rang înalt - anonim -de la Casa Albă prezintă un Donald Trump crud, inapt şi care reprezintă un pericol pentru naţiune într-o carte care urmează să apară la 19 noiembrie în Statele Unite, ”A Warning”…

07:05, 24.06.2019

The story unwrapped “without fear or favor” about the Romanian family The New York Times has used to attack Trump. «Baby Constantin»’s father has been…

Warning: This is not an article for those who have prejudiced opinions about the Roma. Please do not read it! Because it is not about ethnicity. It is about how, by presenting several implausible elements which…

17:16, 17.06.2019

Code Orange advisories of storms, hail; localities of six counties under warning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) has issued Code Orange nowcasting advisories of torrential rain showers, storms and hail, for the following counties: Neamt, Suceava, Arges, Giurgiu, Dambovita and…

08:02, 10.06.2019

SUA: O persoană decedată și alte șase rănite, după ce o macara s-a izbit de o clădire în Dallas, în timpul unei furtuni (VIDEO)

O femeie a murit și cel puțin 6 persoane au fost rănite după ce o macara s-a prăbușit peste o clădire de apartamente din Dallas, în timpul unei furtuni, scrie The Guardian. Purtătorul de cuvânt al autorităților…

17:27, 01.06.2019

Over 10,800 firefighters, policemen and gendarmes in action in counties covered by weather and hydrological warnings

More than 10,800 firefighters, policemen and gendarmes have been deployed to and are taking action this Saturday at the sites under weather and hydrological warnings, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) said…

09:56, 26.05.2019

#EuropeanElections2019/ Former PM Ciolos votes, says poll to be warning to country's leadership

National leader of PLUS, former PM Dacian Ciolos said in Zalau on Sunday that the vote in the ongoing European elections will be a warning to those who are in charge of Romania today and will have much greater…

23:23, 18.05.2019

Tariceanu urges voters not to take ballot papers for referendum

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE, junior coalition partner) Calin Popescu Tariceanu on Saturday communicated to the organizations of the party he leads to urge citizens not to take the ballots…

18:23, 16.05.2019

PSD's Dragnea on European Commission warning letter: Corina Cretu has voted against Romania

Chairman of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Thursday that if the College of Commissioners has unanimously voted on the letter whereby the European Commission warns Romania about the…

11:02, 02.05.2019

Concert de încălzire pentru festivalul Rock la Mureș: seară de punk cu arome grecești și finlandeze

Vineri, 3 mai, de la ora 21.00, la clubul Capcana din Timișoara va avea loc un concert de încălzire pentru ediția din acest an a festivalului Rock la Mureș, în cadrul căruia vor susține concerte formațiile Bat…

13:24, 01.05.2019

European Commission issues new warning to Romania after relaxation of anti-graft laws

The European Commission is planning new countermeasures against Romania following the country's relaxation of  anti-corruption laws, a commission spokesperson is quoted by dpa news agency as having said on April…

14:39, 28.03.2019

Ultima oră: Incendiu teribil la o clădire de birouri - Oamenii sar pe ferestre (Video)

CHIȘINĂU, 28 mart – Sputnik. O clădire de birouri de 19 etaje din orașul Dhaka, capitala Bangladeshului, a fost cuprinsă de flăcări în timp ce mai multe persoane se aflau în înăuntru, scrie…

18:10, 17.12.2018

FOTO | Atac cu bombă la sediul unei mari televiziuni din Grecia. Mai multe etaje ale clădirii au fost afectate

Un dispozitiv a explodat, luni dimineață, lângă sediul SKAI TV de la Atena, în Grecia. În urma deflagrației, ferestrele instituției media au fost sparte și au fost afectate șase etaje, potrivit autorităților. Din…

13:26, 22.10.2018

Romanian Police is warning Internet users: 'Not everyone we meet online is safe'

Romanian Police is warning citizens about blackmailing on the Internet, especially among those who look for a date in the online enviornment. Love me, love me not.... Love, care, affection and passion can make…

09:07, 10.10.2018

Finalizarea proiectului Erasmus + „EARLY WARNING, EARLY SOLUTION”

Pe o perioadă de doi ani, 1 septembrie 2016 – 31 august 2018, la Colegiul Tehnic „Anghel Saligny” din Roșiorii de Vede, Teleorman s-a implementat proiectul ”EARLY WARNING, EARLY SOLUTION”, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană…

22:02, 08.06.2018

VIDEO Om fără adăpost, bătut n San Francisco de un trecător

Tenderloin Station is seeking your help to identify this aggravated assault suspect. Anyone who knows who this man is should call (415)575-4444 and reference SFPD case 180387174. Warning: Graphic Video pic.twitter.com/R30PSEXvCk—…

12:39, 01.05.2018

Cea mai oribilă accidentare din sport. Așa arăta Jack Mason, după un meci de MMA! | FOTO&VIDEO

Cea mai oribilă accidentare din sport. Așa arăta Jack Mason, după un meci de MMA! La Cage Warriors, de la Goteborg, Suedia, britanicul Mason a fost făcut KO de norvegianul Hakon Foss. Foss i-a aplicat o lovitură…

21:33, 11.04.2018

General Prosecutor's Office: GRECO Report confirms warnings of Public Ministry related to modifications on justice laws

The Public Ministry claims the GRECO Report conforms its repeated warnings related to the vulnerabilities that the adoption by Parliament of the modifications on justice laws would mean to the judiciary. "After…

16:05, 12.03.2018

Warning of storms for the next few days

  The National Administration of Meteorology (ANM) has issued on Monday a warning for storm and strong wind throughout the country, starting today, until Wednesday morning. According to meteorologists,...

18:47, 08.02.2018

National Meteorological Administration: Code Yellow warning for heavy snowfalls in eight northern counties

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued on Thursday a Code Yellow warning for heavy snowfalls in eight counties in the north of the country, starting tonight until Friday afternoon.  The counties…

17:05, 22.10.2017

Code Orange warning for heavy rains in five counties as of Monday morning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Sunday issued a Code Orange warning for rain and wind for five counties in the central and north-west of the country, respectively a Code Yellow warning for bad…

15:56, 15.05.2017

Miliardarul vizionar Elon Musk a coborat sub pamant. Cum vrea sa degajeze traficul din marile orase, prin tuneluri subterane. VIDEO

Elon Musk, fondatorul Tesla si SpaceX, a inceput lucrul la cel mai nou proiect al sau. Dupa ce a anuntat productia in serie de masini electrice si dupa ce a trimis navete in spatiu, excentricul miliardar a coborat…

16:52, 09.08.2016

Vindeau droguri și deținereu ilegal arme și muniții. PERCHEZIŢII în nordul ţării (VIDEO)

Un locuitor al satului Catranic, raionul Fălești, a fost reţinut în timp ce vindea substanțelor narcotice. Potrivit poliţiştilor, bărbatul face parte dintr-un grup infracțional care pun în liberă circulație substanțe…