Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:28, 25.10.2018

Alertă cu bombă în Statele Unite. Pachet suspect, trimis fostului vicepreședinte Joe Biden / FOTO&VIDEO

Poliţia din statul american Delaware a anunţat joi că face investigații referitoare la un „pachet suspect”, descoperit în localitatea Wilmington. Presa din Statele Unite a anunțat că pachetul ar fi fost adresat…

09:07, 25.05.2016

Biden: Continued progress on reforms will strengthen Romania-US economic partnership

Continued progress on reforms will further strengthen Romania's democratic and economic development and the economic partnership between Romania and the United States, US Vice President Joe Biden is quoted as saying…

09:07, 25.05.2016

PM Ciolos: The US will support Romania's developing quality management for state-run companies

Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said Tuesday after a meeting at the White House with US Vice President Joe Biden that the US will help Romania develop financial instruments for small and medium-sized enterprises,…

09:07, 25.05.2016

PM Ciolos: I asked and got US support at NATO Summit to strengthen Black Sea military cooperation

"In the lead-up to the incoming NATO summit in Warsaw, I have requested and obtained the US support as well as a promise for support to strengthen Black Sea navy cooperation," Romania's Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos…

20:24, 21.10.2015

VIDEO: Joe Biden NU candidează la alegerile prezidenţiale din 2016

Vicepreședintele Statelor Unite, Joseph Biden, a pus capăt speculațiilor care durau de câteva luni cu privire la candidatura sa pentru Casa Albă și a anunțat, miercuri, că…