Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:25, 14.05.2024

Un consilier PSD și cei doi fii ai săi, arestați preventiv pentru camătă și șantaj

Un consilier PSD și cei doi fii ai săi, arestați preventiv pentru camătă și șantaj

Consilierul PSD în CJ Vaslui Costică Lupu și băieții săi, Elvis și Narcis, sunt acuzați că, în ultimii trei ani, au acordat bani cu împrumut, fără a fi autorizați, percepând dobânzi ilegale de până la 100% din…

10:20, 25.09.2023

Second person detained in Dumitru Buzatu case: expert who received 714,000 RON in bribes

Second person detained in Dumitru Buzatu case: expert who received 714,000 RON in bribesAn expert who allegedly received 714,000 RON from the businessman who also bribed the president of Vaslui County Council (CJ),…

22:30, 23.09.2023

Dumitru Buzatu - brought to Vaslui Court, DNA request for preventive arrest is being judged

The president of Vaslui County Council, Dumitru Buzatu, was brought to the Vaslui Court on Saturday, where the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) proposal of his preventive arrest for 30 days is being judged.…

19:10, 23.09.2023

Prefect of Vaslui to issue order suspending Dumitru Buzatu as County Council president

The Prefect of Vaslui County, Daniel Onofrei, will issue an order early next week suspending Dumitru Buzatu as president of Vaslui County Council, if the conditions are met. "According to the legal provisions and…

14:30, 23.09.2023

PSD leader Ciolacu: Vaslui County Council president Dumitru Buzatu expelled from PSD

PSD leader Ciolacu: Vaslui County Council president Dumitru Buzatu expelled from PSDThe president of Vaslui County Council, Dumitru Buzatu, has been expelled from the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the leader of…

14:25, 23.09.2023

President of Vaslui County Council indicted for bribery, prosecutors request preventive arrest (anti-graft authority)

President of Vaslui County Council indicted for bribery, prosecutors request preventive arrest (anti-graft authority)Prosecutors from the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) - Iasi Territorial Service have…

10:40, 23.09.2023

Cad capete în scandalul Buzatu. Ciolacu: A fost exclus din partid. Fiul a demisionat din minister. Corina Crețu, senator de Vaslui, suspendată din PSD

Dragoș Benea, vicepreședintele organizației PSD de Vaslui, a preluat interimar conducerea acesteia, după excluderea lui Buzatu. De asemenea, fiul baronului de Vaslui, Tudor Buzatu, a demisionat din funcția de secretar…

18:11, 23.05.2023

New gov't to be installed by June 1 at the latest (IntMin)

A new government will be installed at the Victoria Palace by June 1, Minister of the Interior Lucian Bode declared on Tuesday in Vaslui County at the inauguration of the Bumbata - Leova Border Crossing Point."Our…

07:05, 03.04.2023

Comisarii europeni Nicolas Schmit şi Elisa Ferreira, în vizită de lucru în România pentru lansarea Politicii de Coeziune 2021-2027

”În zilele 3-4 aprilie, comisarul european pentru coeziune şi reforme, Elisa Ferreira, alături de comisarul european pentru locuri de muncă şi drepturi sociale, Nicolas Schmit, vor efectua o vizită oficială în…

13:05, 21.10.2022

Monument church of Parvesti Monastery, Vaslui, to be restored through PNRR funding

The monument church of the Pârvesti Monastery from eastern Vaslui County will be restored through the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR), the representatives of the Husi Diocese announcing that the…

12:20, 24.08.2022

Tinerii vasluieni vor să obțină titlul ”Vaslui – Capitala Tineretului din România 2024”

O echipă independentă de tineri stă în spatele demersului de a obține titlul ”Vaslui – Capitala Tineretului din România 2024” și își propune trei obiective majore: 1. „Vaslui Capitala Tineretului din România” 2.…

10:35, 04.06.2022

HOUSES WITH MEMORIES/ In Emil Racovita's world, at mansion in Danesti, Vaslui County

The house where great Romanian scientist Emil Racovita, founder of biospeleology, grew up is only 45 kilometers from north-eastern Vaslui, in the former village of Suranesti, today Emil Racovita, in Danesti commune.…

19:40, 07.02.2022

Family Minister asks Danish authorities for joint solution to bring back to Romania Rotundu child

The maternal grandparents of the child Mathias Rotundu, who live in Vaslui County, were the first to express their readiness to take care of him, and the National Authority for the Rights of the Child and Adoption…

12:31, 05.12.2021

First two cases of Omicron COVID-19 variant confirmed in Romania

The first two cases of the Omicron COVID-19 variant have been confirmed in Romania, the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday evening. "This afternoon, the National Public Health Institute received the results…

11:26, 24.10.2021

Huși Bishop urges priests to intensify prayers as cases rise in Romania

His Grace Bishop Ignatie of Huși expressed concern over the exponential growth in coronavirus cases in Vaslui County and Romania. The Bishop of Husi has sent a message urging people to be aware of the real dangers…

17:25, 07.05.2021

Romania registers 350 active outbreaks of African swine fever

A number of 350 outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) were active in Romania on Friday, affecting 153,397 animals, informs the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA). Of the 350 active…

14:05, 18.01.2021

CHA CHA LITIX! Episodul 139. Baza de date secretă despre OZN-uri. Dosarele X, varianta de Vaslui

CHA CHA LITIX! Episodul 139 The post CHA CHA LITIX! Episodul 139. Baza de date secretă despre OZN-uri. Dosarele X, varianta de Vaslui appeared first on Realitatea de Mureș. Sursa articolului: CHA CHA LITIX! Episodul…

11:45, 06.12.2020

HealthMinTataru: I will definitely get vaccinated; vaccination campaign expected to begin in January

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said on Sunday in Husi, Vaslui County, that the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Romania will most likely start in January 2021. He added that the first to be vaccinated would be the…

16:56, 01.09.2020

Măsuri de protejare a populaţiei împotriva răspândirii infecţiei cu COVID-19 pe teritoriul judeţului Vaslui

COMUNICAT DE PRESÄ‚ privind adoptarea măsurilor de protejare a populaţiei împotriva răspândirii infecţiei cu COVID-19 pe teritoriul judeţului Vaslui Ca urmare a adresei Direcţiei de Sănătate Publică Vaslui nr.…

14:05, 12.08.2020

SARS-CoV-2 new case count: Bucharest (174), Vaslui County (123), Arges County (77)

Bucharest City (174) and the counties of Vaslui (123) and Arges (77) are the areas with the most newly confirmed cases of coronavirus from the previous reporting, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official…

12:27, 16.05.2020

Albita border crossing point: PM present to welcome medical team from mission in R. Moldova

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was present, on Saturday, in the Albita Border Crossing Point of Vaslui County, to welcome the medical team of Romanian doctors and nurses who participated in a mission in the Republic…

16:52, 02.05.2020

Investigation by Health Ministry over 20-year-old woman deceased from COVID19

Health minister Nelu Tataru on Saturday in northeastern Iasi confirmed that a 20-year-old woman from the town of Murgeni, Vaslui County is the youngest person in Romania to die from the new coronavirus and announced…

15:19, 29.01.2020

INSP: Flu death toll reaches 9

The number of persons who died because of flu reached nine, the National Centre for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases with the National Institute of Public Health announced on Wednesday. The last…

10:14, 04.11.2019

ALDE lawmakers muster all-out presence for Orban Cabinet investiture vote

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced on Sunday evening that with just one exception, all the formation's lawmakers will be present on Monday at the vote for…

09:53, 22.05.2019

Premier Dancila: 2019 is investment year in Romania

Premier Viorica Dancila said at a meeting with Vaslui County mayors on Tuesday that 2019 is the year of investments in Romania. The Premier said that she has lately visited several counties to see the stage of…

17:14, 21.05.2019

PM Dancila on postponement of sentence in Dragnea's trial: I hope this won't be a political judgement

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Tuesday stated, on the occasion of her visit to Vaslui County, that she hoped in a fair decision of the magistrates in Liviu Dragnea's case, without any political interference.She…

16:38, 12.01.2016

"Norwegian" syndrome affects romanian authorities

Two parents from a village in Vaslui County have accused the local Department of Social Services of having abusively taken away their nine children! The little one was allegedly snatched away from his mother's…

11:02, 12.08.2015

Vaslui villagers say prayers to invoke rain

Hundreds of families from Vaslui County are rife with despair! After more than two months without a drop of rain, their crops are compromised. People don't even have water to quench the thirst of their cattle.…

01:20, 30.10.2014

Din nou celebri, datoritã betivei cu copii

Tabloidul “The Mirror”, unul dintre cele mai citite cotidiene din Marea Britanie, relateazã cazul femeii bete care se prãbuseste peste proprii copii, prezentat în ziarul nostru. Dupã cazul Tanacu, care a dus numele…