Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:15, 05.01.2024

Almost 13 million people accomodated in tourist units 11 months into 2023

More than 12.74 million people stayed in tourist accommodation facilities in Romania (including apartments and rooms for rent) in the first 11 months of 2023, up 11.1% compared to the same period in 2022, while…

06:05, 28.12.2023

Revelion în stradă la Sibiu, cu artiști din Republica Moldova

Sibiul se pregătește pentru o adevărată Poveste de Iarnă, în noaptea trecerii dintre ani. Asociația Events for Tourism organizează o nouă petrecere de Revelion, în Piața Mare, invitați fiind Lupii lui Calancea…

19:25, 15.12.2023

Economy Ministry launches IMM Mentor platform

Economy Ministry launches IMM Mentor platformThe Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) announces the launch of IMM Mentor (SME Menthor), a platform dedicated to informing & networking entrepreneurs…

22:56, 27.11.2023

Romania's delegation, at meeting of Foreign Affairs Council (Trade)

Romania's delegation, at meeting of Foreign Affairs Council (Trade)The minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Stefan-Radu Oprea, led the Romanian delegation to the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council…

16:05, 18.11.2023

President Iohannis welcomed by Zanzibar counterpart to discuss strengthening education, tourism ties

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Saturday was welcomed by his counterpart from Zanzibar to discuss strengthening bilateral relationships, including in the areas of education and tourism."In my conversation…

01:40, 16.11.2023

Nomazii digitali iau cu asalt Bucureștiul. De ce a ajuns România un magnet pentru această categorie

România înregistrează cele mai bune performanţe din UE pe baza comparării costurilor Atena este al treilea cel mai ieftin oraș din Europa pentru găzduirea nomazilor digitali, potrivit unui studiu recent al Neobank…

20:45, 15.11.2023

Pe ce dată se deschide Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu. Spaţiul expoziţional, extins în curtea Palatului Brukenthal

Târgul de Crăciun din Sibiu se va deschide, vineri, 17 noiembrie, peste o sută de expozanţi urmând a participa la eveniment. Mai mult de o treime dintre ei sunt la prima prezenţă la Sibiu. Pentru prima dată în…

10:50, 07.11.2023

Romania tourist destination, promoted at World Travel Market in London

The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) is attending the World Travel Market (WTM) International Tourism Fair in London, held in Business-to-Business (B2B) format, from November 6 to 8, according…

19:05, 19.09.2023

Budget of campaign promoting Romania as tourist destination in France amounts to 111,000 euros (ministry)

Budget of campaign promoting Romania as tourist destination in France amounts to 111,000 euros (ministry)The budget of the campaign to promote Romania as a tourist destination in France is worth 563,569.20 RON…

09:20, 19.09.2023

'Let yourself be surprised by Romania!', outdoor tourism promotion campaign in Paris

The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) started an outdoor campaign to promote Romania as a tourist destination in France, until September 26, on the streets of Paris, the main objective being…

16:30, 16.09.2023

Ministry Economy underscored the importance of bilateral cooperation at the end of the Romania-Bavaria Joint Session

The Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Stefan-Radu Oprea, at the end of the 10th session of the Romania-Bavaria Joint Governmental Commission stated the importance of strengthening bilateral relations,…

11:30, 15.09.2023

Over 871,000 non-resident tourists in tourist accommodation structures in Romania in H1

Over 871,000 non-resident tourists in tourist accommodation structures in Romania in H1The total number of non-resident tourists staying in tourist accommodation structures, such as hotels and hostels, was 871,600…

19:26, 24.08.2023

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economy

More funds for de minimis aid schemes for transition to circular economyThe Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) amends the ordinance on the regulation of financial measures by establishing…

13:15, 23.08.2023

Romanian Language Day, celebrated within largest urban collective exercise

Romanian Language Day will be celebrated on September 2 in the city of Bucharest, in an unconventional event which will bring the beauty of the Romanian language to the fore in what is considered to be the largest…

16:40, 21.08.2023

New eco-tourist route Terra Galdica opens in Alba County

New eco-tourist route Terra Galdica opens in Alba CountyMinister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Stefan-Radu Oprea signed on Monday in Alba Iulia a document regarding the opening of the Terra Galdica culture…

23:40, 16.08.2023

Germany is Romania's most important trading partner (Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism)

Germany is Romania's most important trading partner, with bilateral trade worth 40.68 billion euros in 2022, up 17 percent, informs a press release of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT).The…

11:05, 06.08.2023

VIDEO What the tourists in Constanța say when you ask them if they like the Old City Centre

We went to the Old Town of Constanta to see what tourists say when we ask them if they like or dislike the city centre, a place that is an attraction point in all major urban areas in the country or Europe. Opinions…

11:20, 03.08.2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments including apartments and rooms for rent in H1 2023 totalled 5.616 million…

21:40, 24.07.2023

Economy Minister talks with European consumer protection commissioner about Wizz Air's problems

Economy Minister talks with European consumer protection commissioner about Wizz Air's problemsThe Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism discussed on Monday, on the sidelines of the informal meeting…

11:55, 21.07.2023

Amsterdam to ban cruise ships in bid to cut tourism, pollution

Amsterdam voted to ban cruise ships in an effort to cut back on the inflow of tourists and reduce pollution from the giant vessels, according to Bloomberg. The Dutch capital’s council voted on Thursday to restrict…

12:15, 20.07.2023

FOTO: turism de caniculă. În „Valea Morții”, vizitatorii vin chiar pentru a simți temperaturi la limita supraviețuirii, peste 50 de grade Celsius

În California, SUA, unul dintre cele mai fierbinți locuri de pe Pământ atrage tot mai mulți vizitatori în această perioadă, și nu în ciuda temperaturilor ridicate aproape record, ci tocmai datorită lor, scriu CBSNews…

16:20, 19.07.2023

Restrictive fiscal measures contemplated by Gov't would blow up Romanian tourism potential (employers' organisation)

The elimination of holiday vouchers for the public sector would encourage the re-emergence of "black" tourism, and the increase of the hospitality VAT to 19 percent would result in an increase by a minimum 10 percent…

16:35, 18.07.2023

Over 1.2 million RON in fines by sanitary-veterinary watchdog in recreational areas, tourist interest localities

Sanitary veterinary inspectors issued from 2 to 14 July fines of over 1.2 million RON in recreational areas and localities of tourist interest in the first half of July, the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food…

14:45, 09.07.2023

I pretended to be a foreign tourist who came to Neversea to see how friendly Constanța is with tourists from other countries

I pretended to be a foreign tourist coming to the Neversea festival to see how friendly Constanța is with tourists from other countries. I “got off” at the Constanta train station and followed the route a tourist…

21:00, 12.06.2023

Contracts worth over 1.4 billion lei, signed under Women Entrepreneur, Start-Up Nation programmes

Contracts worth over 1.4 billion lei, signed under Women Entrepreneur, Start-Up Nation programmes. The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT) has concluded, up to this date, 7,096 contracts with the eligible…

09:00, 09.06.2023

Un rus, ucis în Egipt, de un rechin, la Marea Roşie, în largul oraşului Hurghada. Rusul avea 20 de ani şi nu era un turist, ci un rezident permanent

”Atacul unui rechin asupra bărbatului (…) a condus la moartea acestuia”, a anunţat joi într-o postare pe Facebook Ministerul egiptean al Mediului, fără să ofere detalii. Presa rusă scrie că este vorba despre un…

15:15, 22.05.2023

Romania, promoted at IMEX Frankfurt International Tourism Fair

Romania, promoted at IMEX Frankfurt International Tourism Fair. The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT) will be present with a national stand at the IMEX Frankfurt International Tourism Fair, Germany,…

14:50, 19.05.2023

May 22 - June 18 'Seaside for All' program features up to 70 pct rate cuts vs. peak season

Tourists who choose to spend their vacation at the Romanian Black Sea resorts between May 22 and June 18, when a new edition of the "Seaside for All" program is unfolding, will benefit from rates up to 70 percent…

12:05, 18.05.2023

Romania is present with a national stand at the Marche du Film Cannes (ministry)

Seven Romanian companies participate under the national flag in the Marche du Film Cannes international movie industry fair running May 16 - 24, 2023, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT) announced…

08:55, 18.05.2023

First regional Destination Management Organisation Okayed by Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

The Bucovina Destination Management Organization received on Wednesday the operating permit from the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, thus being the first entity established at regional level, the ministry…